Ch 13 Jeopardy Game

Ability to acquire new
ideas and new
behavior and to adapt
to new situations
Created a
intelligence test to
place all students in
appropriate classes
Chap 13 – Intelligence Testing
What does the ACT Two types of
and SAT actually
personality tests are
Personality tests that are
limited or force choice in
answers are _____
IQ stands for what?
When a test is
consistent in its
scoring it is ____
Triarchic Theory of
Intelligence was
created by
What is the average
IQ score
Personality test
consists of cards
consisting of
These tests measure
how much a person
has learned in a
given subject area
What is the original
formula to figure out
The average score
based on a large # of
people’s score
Came up with the idea that
there were eight types of
intelligence including
things like musical and
spatial abilities
Test that was created
to determine the
intelligence of
school children
Personality tests that
are unstructured and
a person is asked to
respond freely
These tests must be
scored in the same
way and they must
have a norm
It measures a person’s
preference and attitudes in
a wide variety of activities
to identify areas of likely
The ability of a test
to measure what it is
intended to measure
He developed the
WIAS and the
WISC intelligence
Dove Counterbalance
intelligence test was
created to show what?
Personality test that is
best at diagnosing
extreme cases of
psychological disorders
Tests estimate the
probability that a person
will be successful in
learning a new skill
Main difference
between the CPI and
MMPI is what?
Degree in which a
characteristic is
related to inherited
Psychologist who
studied over 100 sets of
identical twins that had
been separated at birth
Theory of Intelligence
that proposes people
have a general and
specific intelligence
This personality test
created in the 1990s
can be remembered by
the acronym OCEAN
Type of standardized test
that is more accurate
especially for high
If a person has an IQ
below 25, they are
considered severely or
profoundly handicapped