MBA Curriculum Summary - Providence College School of Business

MBA Curriculum | Providence College School of Business
Masters of Business Administration
Providence College – 115 Koffler Hall
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918-0001
Telephone: (401) 865.2294
Fax: (401) 865.2978
All students must complete and /or receive a waiver for prerequisites
ACC 203/204 or (MBA 548)
FIN 207/FIN 308 or (MBA 532)
ECN 101/102 or (MBA 533)
MTH 108
MGT 201 (FIN 217) or MTH 217
MKT 205
Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting
Managerial Finance
Micro and Macro Economics
Mathematics for Business Analysis
Statistical Analyses
Principles of Marketing
Core courses should be completed early in your program
Prerequisites for Core
Core Courses *
MBA 603- Acct. and Decision Making in Organizations
MBA 548 or ACC 203/ 204
MBA 689- Managing Information Resources
MBA 651- Marketing Management in Competitive Env.
MKT 205
MBA 626- Financial Management for Corporations
MBA 548 or ACC 203/204; MBA 533 or ECN
101/102; MBA 532 or FIN 207 & FIN 308
MBA 690- Operations and Service Management
MTH 108; MGT 201 (FIN 217) or MTH 217
MBA 676- Organizational Effectiveness Through
People and Teams
MBA 677- Professional Ethics and Responsibility or
MBA 611- Accounting Ethics
MBA 699- Real-World Experience: Business Internships
MBA 700- Strategic Management in a Global Business
MBA 603,651,626,690
* Students who have taken 6 courses in Accounting, Finance, Management or Marketing and have a “B” in each course
may choose to waive the equivalent core requirement and replace the credits with a MBA elective.
Sample MBA Electives & Concentrations
The MBA Program offers concentrations in: Accountancy, Management, Marketing, and Finance. To fulfill an MBA
concentration, students must complete at least three electives in on area listed below. A concentration is not required.
MBA 611 Accounting Ethics (MBA 548 or ACC 203/204)
MBA 613 Accounting Frauds, Scandals and Scams (MBA 548 or ACC 203/204)
MBA 615 Advanced Taxation (Permission of instructor)
MBA 620 Advanced and IT Auditing (Permission of instructor)
MBA 624 Accounting for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (MBA 548 or ACC 203/204)
MBA 625 Special Topics in Accounting (Prerequisites will vary by course)
MBA 679 Managing Nonprofit Organizations
MBA 680 Leaders on Leadership
MBA 681 Self Leadership
MBA 682 Social Entrepreneurship
MBA 698 Special Topics in Management (Prerequisites will vary by course)
MBA 701-702 Thesis (Permission of MBA Director)
MBA 661
MBA 662
MBA 668
MBA 669
MBA 671
MBA 675
Brand Marketing (MBA 651)
Marketing Global Luxury Brands (MBA 651)
Nonprofit Marketing (MBA 651)
International Marketing (MBA 651)
Promotion Strategy (MBA 651)
Special Topics in Marketing (Prerequisites will vary by course)
MBA 632
MBA 635
MBA 640
MBA 642
MBA 645
MBA 648
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (MBA 626)
International Finance (MBA 533 or ECN 101/102)
Investment Analysis (FIN 207/308 or MBA 532) (Formerly Seminar in Investments)
Management of Financial Institutions (MBA 533 or Permission of instructor)
Portfolio Management (MBA 645)
Special Topics in Finance (Prerequisites will vary by course)
Elective and prerequisite offerings may vary by term/year and cannot be guaranteed. Questions about current or future
offerings should be directed to the MBA Program Office.