Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B MEN’S ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS GYMSPORT TECHNICAL COMMISSION PART B – TECHNICAL REGULATIONS 2015 November 2014 November 2014 1/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B CONTENTS ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION.............................................................. 4 ARTICLE 2. POLICIES AND RULES ....................................................................................... 4 ARTICLE 3. COMMISSION COMMITTEES ............................................................................. 5 3.1 STATUTORY COMMITTEES ............................................................................................. 5 3.1.1 NATIONAL GYMSPORT COMMISSION ..................................................................... 5 3.1.2 NATIONAL NOMINATION PANEL .............................................................................. 6 3.1.3 NATIONAL LEVELS COMMITTEE .............................................................................. 6 3.1.4 JUDGES EXECUTIVE ................................................................................................. 6 ARTICLE 4. AUSTRALIAN LEVELS PROGRAM .................................................................... 6 4.1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.1 PROGRESSION .......................................................................................................... 7 4.1.2 ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................. 7 4.2 NATIONAL PROGRAM PATHWAY .................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 5. COMPETITION RULES AND PROCEDURES .................................................... 8 5.1 CONTEXT & PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 8 5.2 AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS ...................................................................................... 8 5.2.1 COMPETITION STARTING APPARATUS & WORK ORDERS .................................. 9 5.2.2 NATIONAL JUDGES SUBSIDY FUNDING CRITERIA ................................................ 9 5.2.3 QUALIFICATION SCORES FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS ................ 10 5.2.4 TEAM SIZES .............................................................................................................. 10 5.2.5 COMPETING RESERVE GYMNASTS ...................................................................... 10 5.2.6 AWARDS ................................................................................................................... 10 5.2.7 TIE BREAKING RULE ............................................................................................... 12 5.2.8 COMPULSORY UPGRADE SCORES FROM 2014 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 12 5.2.9 AGE ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................................................... 12 5.2.10 PROTESTS ................................................................................................................ 12 5.2.11 COMPETITION JURY ................................................................................................ 13 5.2.12 APPARATUS HEIGHTS AND SETTINGS ................................................................. 13 5.2.13 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITORS ........................................................................... 14 5.3 TRANS-TASMAN CHALLENGE – MAG AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS .................... 14 5.3.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 14 5.3.2 LEVEL CATEGORIES ............................................................................................... 14 5.3.3 TEAM SELECTION .................................................................................................... 15 5.3.4 COMPETITION FORMAT .......................................................................................... 15 5.3.5 TEAM AWARDS ........................................................................................................ 15 5.3.6 TEAM SIZES .............................................................................................................. 15 5.3.7 PERPETUAL TROPHY .............................................................................................. 15 5.3.8 ALL AROUND AND APPARATUS ............................................................................. 15 5.3.9 TIE BREAKING RULES ............................................................................................. 15 5.4 MAG NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS ..................................................................... 16 5.4.1 COMPETITION FORMAT .......................................................................................... 16 5.4.2 ELIGIBILITY FOR NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS .......................................... 16 5.4.3 UNIFORMS AT NATIONAL CLUBS .......................................................................... 16 5.4.4 PROTEST PROCEDURE .......................................................................................... 16 5.4.5 RULES FOR THE NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS .......................................... 17 5.4.6 TIE BREAKING RULES FOR MAG NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS .............. 17 5.4.7 AWARDS ................................................................................................................... 17 5.4.8 PROVISION OF JUDGES.......................................................................................... 17 5.4.9 COMPETITION RULES FOR APPARATUS .............................................................. 17 ARTICLE 6 AWARD GUIDELINES ........................................................................................... 17 6.1 AWARDS .......................................................................................................................... 17 6.2 PROCESS......................................................................................................................... 18 6.3 SELECTION GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 18 6.4 SELECTION CRITERIA .................................................................................................... 19 6.4.1 SENIOR INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST OF THE YEAR (Aged over 18 years) ......... 19 November 2014 2/27 Gymnastics Australia 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 6.4.9 6.4.10 6.4.12 MAG Technical Regulations Part B JUNIOR INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST OF THE YEAR (Aged 18 years and under) 19 OPEN LEVELS GYMNAST OF THE YEAR ............................................................... 20 INTERNATIONAL COACH (OR COACES) AWARD ................................................. 20 DEVELOPMENT COACH (OR COACHES) AWARD ................................................ 20 OPEN LEVELS COACH OF THE YEAR ................................................................... 21 JUDGE OF THE YEAR AWARD................................................................................ 21 JUDGES HALL OF FAME .......................................................................................... 22 ATHLETE RECOGNITION AWARD .......................................................................... 22 POINTS SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING AWARDS - GYMNASTS ........................... 22 POINTS SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING AWARDS - OPEN LEVELS COACHES .... 23 Appendix 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Appendix 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 27 November 2014 3/27 Gymnastics Australia ARTICLE 1. MAG Technical Regulations Part B DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION The following short terms shall be used and interpreted in the spirit of the following meanings unless specifically defined elsewhere. Association An Association Member claiming jurisdiction of the sport over a State or Territory within Australia Board Board of Management of Gymnastics Australia Ltd Commission The Gymsport National Technical Commission Company Gymnastics Australia Ltd Regulations All by-laws and rules that are made within the authority of the Constitution Simple Majority More than 50 per cent of those people eligible, voting of the one accord. Sport Program A gymnastic Sport Program defined by the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) and accepted by the Company as a program under its jurisdiction. Gymsports Terminology used to describe the disciplines of gymnastics. GLOSSARY AIS ALP FIG GA HPC MAG MAGNC NAC NC NCE NCM NGTC NJC NLC NOP NNP NTD SMC Australian Institute of Sport Australian Levels Program Federation Internationale de Gymnastique Gymnastics Australia High Performance Centre Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Men’s Artistic Gymnastics National Commission National Advisory Committee National Coach National Centre of Excellence National Commission Member National Gymsport Technical Commission National Judging Coordinator National Levels Committee National Officiating Program National Nomination Panel National Technical Director Sport Management Committee ARTICLE 2. POLICIES AND RULES The rules set out in the following manuals will be part of the Commission’s Technical Regulations: - FIG Code of Points - MAG Australian Levels Program Any modification to the Australian Levels Program will be circulated in writing on the authority of the Gymsport Technical Commission. November 2014 4/27 Gymnastics Australia 2.1 MAG Technical Regulations Part B MAG SELECTION CRITERIA AND NATIONAL SQUAD SELECTION POLICY The Men’s Artistic Gymnastics National Selection Policy including the Men’s National Squad Selection Policy and the Open Tour Selection Policy can be found on the GA Men’s Program website. ARTICLE 3. COMMISSION COMMITTEES 3.1 STATUTORY COMMITTEES 3.1.1 NATIONAL GYMSPORT COMMISSION • Technical Director • Judging Coordinator • General Member – Coaching Development • General Member – Judging Development • GA Staff Member (ex-officio) Please refer to the Gymsport Technical Commissions Part A – Commission Governance for the job descriptions and desired criteria for the National Technical Director and National Judging Coordinator. General Member – Coaching Development Job Description (i) Coordinate coaching projects and working groups as required (ii) Oversee coaching course content development in consultation with the GA Industry and Training Development team (iii) Assist with the development & update of additional coaching resources in conjunction with the MAG National Levels Committee (iv) Assist with the development & update of the Australian Levels Program (v) Liaising with the National Coach on coach development pathways, national coaching clinics, etc (vi) Key communication link between State Sports Management Committees and the MAG National Commission (vii) Assist with conduct of National Events when required (viii) Attend all scheduled National Commission meetings Desired Criteria (i) Relevant educational background / Course Presenter qualification(s) (ii) Current coaching accreditation (minimum advanced coach) (iii) Strong understanding of the MAG Australian Levels Program (iv) Administrative and organisational skills, including IT (v) Ability to liaise with and coordinate people (vi) Interpersonal skills (vii) Able to link into current team of coaching course presenters (viii) Team player (ix) Respected within the Gymsport community General Member – Judging Development Job Description (i) Coordinate judging projects and working groups as required (ii) Oversee judging course content development in consultation with the GA Industry and Training Development team November 2014 5/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B (iii) Assist with the development & update of additional judging resources in conjunction with the MAG NJC (iv) Assist with the development & update of the Australian Levels Program (v) Key communication link between State Sports Management Committees and the MAG National Commission (vi) Assist with conduct of National Events when required (vii) Attend all scheduled National Commission meetings Desired Criteria (i) Relevant educational background / Course Presenter qualification(s) (ii) Current judging accreditation (minimum FIG judge) (iii) Strong understanding of the MAG Australian Levels Program (iv) Administrative and organisational skills, including IT (v) Ability to liaise with and coordinate people (vi) Interpersonal skills (vii) Able to link into current team of judging course presenters (viii) Team player (ix) Respected within the Gymsport community 3.1.2 NATIONAL NOMINATION PANEL (formerly National Selection Committee) Please refer to the Gymsport event Selection Policies for the composition of the Nomination Panel. 3.1.3 • • • • • NATIONAL LEVELS COMMITTEE National Technical Director National Judging Coordinator National Commission Member / Project Coordinator GA Staff Member Representative from each state 3.1.4 JUDGES EXECUTIVE The Judges Executive will comprise the National Judging Coordinator plus the State Judging Coordinator from each state or territory. The Judges Executive will be responsible for making a recommendation to the MAGNC on the National Official of the Year Award, and for inductees into the MAG Judges Hall of Fame. The Judges Executive should also maintain regular communication to keep updated on clarifications and interpretations, particularly in the lead up to Australian Championships. ARTICLE 4. 4.1 AUSTRALIAN LEVELS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Australian Levels Program (ALP) is designed to: • Provide a systematic development pathway for young gymnasts; • Develop and promote participation at the basic level; • Provide enjoyable opportunities for as many boys, youths and adults as possible to participate in gymnastics and to become competitive at a national level or with a higher level of commitment to become international class athletes. The system contains two separate competition streams with an age group and an open division. This provides a pathway for development based on an individual's physical ability. The objective is for all gymnasts to attempt to compete within their appropriate age group for as long as possible or to develop into an age group if they start gymnastics at a later age. November 2014 6/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B The introductory competition program is Level 0. It provides an entry level to allow a no pressure introduction to gymnastics at the lowest level. The aim at this level is to develop abilities based on the dominant movement patterns introduced at the Introductory Gymnastics level to enable progression to the learning of the basic skills and ultimately routines. Level 0 is designed particularly for the more recreational club program. 4.1.1 PROGRESSION The skills set down in the program are the minimum requirements. Whilst the routines are the standard for both the Coach and the Gymnast in progression and the levels of competition, in no way should it restrain the Coach from using his own initiative in the use of supplementary work for the gymnast. Coaches should ensure that the eligibility of a gymnast for progression from one level to the next is strictly controlled to the extent that a gymnast's ability is commensurate with the level to which he is credited. A gymnast should never be advantaged in competitive gymnastics by the failure of a club to observe the eligibility of such a gymnast for progression in the level of accreditation. In general, a gymnast will not be permitted to compete at a level below the last level passed, unless the rules specific to an event permit this, or unless approval is gained from the relevant State SMC or MAGNC. Similarly a gymnast should never be disadvantaged in competitive gymnastics by premature advancement in level accreditation. 4.1.2 ASSESSMENT Attainment of Level 0 is to be handled within the club where a qualified MAG Intermediate Coach or a Beginner Judge may grade the gymnasts. No minimum score is required at Level 0. Testing of gymnasts in Levels 1 - 10 should be conducted in the form of a Levels Test. A gymnast can achieve success in the test by obtaining a specified minimum All Around (AA) score, whilst simultaneously demonstrating at least a minimum standard of proficiency on each individual apparatus. Refer to the table below for minimum scores applicable for each level. It should be noted that gymnasts may jump levels, but this will be up to the State SMC’s discretion. Evidence that the requirements of testing of all levels have been completed satisfactorily must be forwarded to the State Association. Upon approval by the SMC of the assessment of a gymnast, the name of the gymnast will be entered in the register of the State Association and he will be eligible to wear the national level badge of that level. The national level badge can be obtained from the State Association for a small charge. • • In Level 0, a pass can be awarded when the Coach or Judge is satisfied that the gymnast has shown reasonable proficiency in completing the required skills or exercises on each apparatus. Testing of gymnasts in Levels 1 - 10 should be conducted in the form of a sanctioned Levels Test. A gymnast can achieve success in the test by obtaining a minimum All Around score, whilst not scoring less than the prescribed minimum on any one apparatus. Pass Mark Level AA Score Apparatus Score Level 1 – 6 compulsories 42.0 not < 5.5 1 round compulsories Level 7 U12 compulsories 45.0 not < 6.5 1 round compulsories Level 8 U14 compulsories 45.0 not < 6.5 1 round compulsories Level 7 Open 60.0 not < 8.5 1 round optionals Level 8 Open 63.0 not < 9.0 1 round optionals Level 9 U15 63.0 not < 9.0 1 round optionals Level 9 U17 & Open 66.0 not < 9.5 1 round optionals Level 10 68.0 not < 10.0 1 round optionals November 2014 Competitions 7/27 Gymnastics Australia 4.2 • • • • • 4.2 AUSTRALIAN MEN’S NATIONAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE The 2013 Code of Points will apply for all Age and Open optional competitions (Level 7 Open; Level 8 Open, Level 9 U15, U17 & Open, Level 10 & Senior International).The list of additional skills will apply for Level 7 Open gymnasts only. Specific Bonus will apply at Level 7 Open, Level 8 Open. The current version of Optional Requirements is included in the ALP and posted on the GA Men’s Program Website. Level 9, Level 10 and Senior International rules will be as per the 2013 MAG FIG Code of Points. Level 9 will follow FIG Junior rules. The Age program Levels 1 – 8 and Open Levels 1 – 6 will perform the compulsory routines contained within the 2014 – 2017 version of the MAG Australian Levels Program. Any amendments to these routines and requirements are posted on the GA Men’s Program website. NATIONAL PROGRAM PATHWAY ARTICLE 5. 5.1 MAG Technical Regulations Part B COMPETITION RULES AND PROCEDURES CONTEXT & PURPOSE The Federation Internationale Gymnastique (FIG) Code of Points and the Technical Regulations provide governance, rules, and regulations for Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG). The Australian competition rules and regulations should be read in conjunction with the FIG MAG Code of Points and Men’s Australian Levels Program. These documents are regularly reviewed with the resultant clarifications and updates published on the GA website. November 2014 8/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B 5.2 AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Entries are the responsibility of each State / Territory Association who must nominate their gymnasts, coaches, and judges through the GA database. Dates for submission of provisional entries, definitive entries, and qualification scores are as per the National Event Entry Policy published on the GA website. Australian Championships Competition Divisions • • • • • • • • • Level 7 Under 12: Level 8 Under 14: Level 7 Open: Level 8 Open: Level 9 Under 15*: Level 9 Under 17: Level 9 Open: Level 10 : Senior International: 2 x Compulsory 2 x Compulsory 2 x Optionals 2 x Optionals 2 x Optionals 2 x Optionals 2 x Optionals 2 x Optionals 3 x Optionals 2014 Compulsory routines 2014 Compulsory routines Level 7: 2014 Optional Requirements Level 8: 2014 Optional Requirements Level 9: 2014 Optional Requirements Level 9: 2014 Optional Requirements Level 9: 2014 Optional Requirements 2013 Code of Points 2013 Code of Points * Special conditions exist regarding Level 9 U15. 5.2.1 COMPETITION STARTING APPARATUS & WORK ORDERS Competition Starting Apparatus The starting apparatus for each state in each division will be determined based on the specific requirements of the championships event schedule. Where possible a random draw will be conducted however in the case where MAG are scheduled to share a session with other gymsports, the starting apparatus for each state will be decided based on ensuring the event runs to schedule. Work Orders Competition work orders for each division are required to be submitted 1 week prior to the commencement of Australian Championships. States will have up to 24 hours prior to competition to make changes if necessary. Senior International Individual Apparatus Finals Work Order The work order for athletes who qualify for the senior international individual apparatus finals will be randomly drawn from the following options. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.2.2 Draw 1 3 8 4 2 5 7 1 6 Draw 2 7 2 6 4 3 5 8 1 Draw 3 6 5 3 8 4 2 1 7 Draw 4 7 3 5 6 2 1 4 8 Draw 5 8 6 5 1 4 7 2 3 Draw 6 7 5 8 2 1 4 3 6 NATIONAL JUDGES SUBSIDY FUNDING CRITERIA Selection of Subsidised Judges The National Technical Director and Judging Coordinator will consider all or some of the following factors (not listed in any order of priority) when judging numbers exceed the allocated subsidy numbers and they may give such weight to any or all of these factors as they see fit. November 2014 9/27 Gymnastics Australia (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) MAG Technical Regulations Part B Judging Qualification Number of judges per state Experience – International, National and State Years of service Contribution to the sport The decision of the selectors will be final and judges will not be permitted to appeal the decision. 5.2.3 QUALIFICATION SCORES FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Refer to Appendix 1 • If a gymnast from who has previously competed in the age division is unable to compete in the age competition, approval can be sought from the State SMC then submitted to the Men’s National Technical Commission to compete in the Open division in that year (intent to be advised as early in the competition season as possible). • If a gymnast achieves the minimum All Around score but fails to achieve the minimum Apparatus Score on one or more apparatus they may only compete at the Australian Championships on the apparatus on which they have met the minimum Apparatus Score. • If a gymnast fails to achieve the minimum All Around Score they may only qualify for the Australian Championships as an Apparatus Specialist. The Men’s Gymnastics National Commission will consider these nominations on a case by case basis. Apparatus specialists must still compete on both days of competition. Minimum qualifying score for gymnasts to compete at the Australian Championships on less than 6 apparatus: • Where the qualifying score has not been achieved due to exceptional circumstances, the gymnast’s nomination for Australian Championships will be reviewed by the Men’s Gymnastics National Commission. * Special Conditions Regarding Qualification for Level 9 U15 - 5.2.4 Athletes must be aged 14 or 15 years Athletes must have previously competed in the level 8 U14 division at a State or National sanctioned event to be eligible for Level 9 U15 TEAM SIZES Refer to Appendix 1 5.2.5 COMPETING RESERVE GYMNASTS Refer to Appendix 1 • • If accepted, reserve athletes will compete as individuals and be eligible for all around and apparatus awards States are not limited to the number of level 9 U15, 9 U17, 10 Open and Senior International athletes they can nominate. So long as athletes in these divisions have met the minimum qualification requirements they will be eligible for all around and apparatus awards. 5.2.6 AWARDS Refer to Appendix 2 Minimum standard for awards • • For All Around and Apparatus awards, a gymnast must achieve the minimum qualification score for that level to receive an award. Where there is only one team entered in a team competition there must be at least the minimum number of gymnasts to comprise a team (i.e. relevant number of counting scores for November 2014 10/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B that level) competing on all apparatus, except where an injury occurs during the team competition. Awards for International Competitors at Australian Championships • Visiting international teams and individual athletes will be eligible for All Around and Apparatus awards. • Residential awards will be presented to any Australian athlete whose national ranking (1st – 6th place) has been altered due to another country’s participation in the event. • Where athletes are required to qualify to compete in Apparatus Finals at Australian Championships, and where international athletes are eligible to compete in the apparatus final, the international athletes who qualify to compete will be considered as additional to the number of Australian athletes who have qualified. • The Trans-Tasman Challenge will be held at each level of the Australian Championships where New Zealand has entered a Team and where Australia has appropriate entries to form a Team. Trans-Tasman competitions held in conjunction with Australian Championships will be team only events, no individual awards will be presented. If the number of athletes entered by Gymsports NZL does not constitute a team, then no Trans-Tasman competition will be held for that division. Cheales/Williamson Trophy • The Cheales-Williamson Shield was introduced in 2001 to recognise the most successful state/territory in men’s gymnastics at the Australian Championships. The Champion State Award trophy was named after Jeff Cheales and Ken Williamson in order to honour their contribution to Men’s Gymnastics in Australia. The Cheales-Williamson Shield is a perpetual trophy that is presented annually to the state / territory that is most successful across all levels / divisions competed at the Australian Championships. • Points Allocation • Points will only be awarded when the minimum qualification scores are achieved (See Qualifying Scores for Australian Championships) • Points are allocated equally for results in Team, All Around, and Apparatus events. 1st place = 5 points 2nd place = 4 points 3rd place = 3 points 4th place = 2 points 5th place = 1 point • If a tie occurs, then the points for that placing are allocated equally to all gymnasts or teams that are tied for that placing. • Award Format • Points are aggregated across all levels / divisions competed at the Australian Championships. • The Champion State Award is presented at the conclusion of the Australian Championships where gymnasts from all states are present for the announcement of the Award. The Award is to be accepted by a team ‘Captain’ who will be named by each state prior to the awards ceremony. • The winning State/Territory is responsible for engraving costs and for safe-keeping of the trophy until the commencement of the following Australian Championships, when it must be returned to Gymnastics Australia for re-presentation. Cheales-Williamson Shield Results Year 2001 2002 November 2014 Winner NSW QLD Points 394 417 Year 2006 2007 Winner QLD NSW Points 322 341 Year 2011 2012 Winner QLD QLD Points 379 369 11/27 Gymnastics Australia 2003 2004 2005 5.2.7 NSW NSW QLD MAG Technical Regulations Part B 444 418 316 2008 2009 2010 QLD VIC QLD 461 307 346 2013 2014 2015 QLD QLD 317 305 TIE BREAKING RULE Refer to Appendix 2 5.2.8 COMPULSORY UPGRADE SCORES FROM 2014 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ONLY Open level gymnasts will be subject to a compulsory upgrade to the next level. The following table provides the values for each level and consider the relevant requirements of that competition. 2014 National 2015 Australian Combined AA No of gymnasts Championships Championships Score upgraded Level 7 Open Level 8 148.0 2 Level 8 Open Level 9 150.0 0 Level 9 Open Level 10 160.0 0 5.2.9 AGE ELIGIBILITY The age of a gymnast is determined by their age as of 1st January in the year of the specific competition in question. For example: to be eligible to compete Level 8 Under 14 in 2014 would mean that the gymnast must be born in 2000 or later, making him under 14 years of age on the 1st January 2014. The following table provides a guide to age eligibility based on the gymnast’s year of birth: Level Under Age 2015 2016 2017 7 12 2003 2004 2005 8 14 2001 2002 2003 9 15 2000 2001 2002 9 17 1998 1999 2000 If a gymnast has competed previously in an age division at an Australian Championships but is no longer age eligible for the level they are competing, they are allowed to compete in the Open division of the same level or higher. NB. All gymnasts (irrespective of club or HPC) that have previously competed in an age division at an Australian Championships and is unable to compete in the age competition, must seek approval from the State SMC then submitted to the Men’s Gymnastics National Commission to compete in the Open division in that year. 5.2.10 PROTESTS • • • • • • The Head Coach or Team Manager may protest against the apparatus content value (D Jury) of their own individual gymnasts. Comparison with the performance of other gymnasts will not be entertained, and shall result in the immediate dismissal of the protest and forfeiture of the protest lodgement fee. International events will come under the FIG Code of Points and therefore FIG rules will apply. A fee of $30 shall be lodged with the jury before the protest is heard. If the protest is successful, 100% of the lodgement fee will be refunded. If a second protest is made after the resolution of an unsuccessful first protest, then the lodgement fee will be $50. Protests must state clearly and concisely the case for the gymnast in question and must be submitted within 15 minutes of the completion of that rotation. The decision of the jury is final and no discussion will be entered into. Videotape evidence regarding D Score may be considered (not E jury). November 2014 12/27 Gymnastics Australia • MAG Technical Regulations Part B The normal penalty for Behaviour Related Violations and/or other undisciplined or abusive behaviour by the coach according to the relevant FIG Code of Points will be applied by the Apparatus Coordinator. 5.2.11 COMPETITION JURY • • The Competition Jury will consist of the National Judging Co-ordinator or the National Technical Director or an appointed FIG judge. When considering a protest, the Competition Jury will also include the Chair of the respective apparatus (D1 judge). 5.2.12 APPARATUS HEIGHTS AND SETTINGS Apparatus heights: National Competitions – nearest height will be accepted. Minimum apparatus heights are listed, higher heights are allowed up to a max FIG. Level 7 U12 7 Open 8 U14 8 Open 9 U15 9 Open / U17 10 / Senior Mats • • Pommel 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm 105 cm 105 cm 105 cm 105 cm 100 mm Rings 225 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 200 mm Vault 110 cm 120 cm 120 cm 125 cm 125 cm 135 cm 135 cm 200 mm P Bars 160 cm 180 cm 180 cm 180 cm 180 cm 180 cm 180 cm 200 mm H Bar 220-250 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm 200 mm Pommels, Rings, Parallel Bars and High Bar heights listed are from the top of the mats. Parallel Bars height is measured from the top of the mats to the top of the rails. Exceptional Circumstances For exceptionally tall gymnasts, a coach may request the height of equipment to be modified, by writing to the National Technical Director at least 1 month prior to a National event. For State and Invitational events, the request should be forwarded to the State Technical Director or Competition Director. Gymnasts and Coaches must take care to ensure that they prepare on equipment that is set at the correct heights (i.e. as above) so as to avoid potential problems at competitions. Rings and Horizontal Bar • • Parallel Bars • • • Pommel Horse • • November 2014 Where a gymnast is tall, he may request that blocks be used to raise the height of the Rings and/or Horizontal Bar as per the FIG Code of Points. Must not be raised higher than the FIG specified Height unless exceptional circumstances apply. For competitions up to and including Level 8 U14, extended goosenecks should be used if available. If they are not available then a gymnast who is supported by a coach in the performance of an inverted upper arm skill will not be penalised. For all National Championship events: – extended goosenecks must be attached to a set of rails so that time is not lost in podium training during changeover. At level 7 U12, 8 U14, and 7 Open, a gymnast may use additional mats (up to 20cm high) to assist his mount to pommel horse. Pommel horse legs should be padded For National Championships: – a pommel horse with variable height legs 13/27 Gymnastics Australia Mushroom Buck MAG Technical Regulations Part B • • • • Vault • Additional Mats • • • • • Beatboards / Springboards • should be provided, and have additional holes drilled in the saddle for narrower handles for U12 and U14. Top diameter - 60 cm and Height - 70 cm Height 70 cm, Length 65 cm and normal horse width Vault table heights as specified, are minimum heights. Any variation upwards for the team will be accepted (without disadvantaging any gymnast, coaches should try to limit vault changes to a max. of 2 per team). Floor: 3m x 2m x 5cm mat; max. 2; may not be moved during the routine Rings: Level 7 U12: Up to a 30cm mat Level 7 Open-10: Up to a 10cm mat Vault: Level 10/Senior: Wood insert in vault runway to be used if available Level 7 U12-9: Wood insert in runway will be removed P/Bars: Level 7-9: 10cm additional landing mat Level 10/Senior: 5cm additional landing mat High Bar: Level 7-9: Standard 10cm landing mat; or up to a 30cm crash mat can be placed at each end Level 10/Senior: Standard 10cm landing mat; extra crash mat allowed for releases only FIG approved: only springboards provided by the GA competition organiser to be used; no other boards may be used without approval of the Commission. Only pre-configured soft or hard springboards provided by the competition organiser may be used. Coaches must not change spring configurations. 5.2.13 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITORS International athletes are welcome to request entry to compete at the Australian Championships. Gymnastics Australia reserves the right not to accept entries from international athletes or federations if the division they seek to compete in is at capacity. • • • • International athletes must have approval from the National Gymnastics Federation of their country of citizenship International athletes are eligible for Individual All Around awards (as non-residential) in all divisions International athletes are eligible for Individual Apparatus awards (as non-residential) in all divisions. For Senior International a maximum of 2 international athletes may qualify for individual apparatus finals and awards (as non-residential) if their respective apparatus score places them in the top 8 on that apparatus in the 1st round of competition. 5.3 TRANS-TASMAN CHALLENGE – MAG AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 5.3.1 INTRODUCTION This document contains the rules set by GA to formalise the Trans-Tasman Challenge to be conducted during the MAG Australian Championships and will allow for any variation of entry numbers from year to year. 5.3.2 LEVEL CATEGORIES The Trans-Tasman Challenge will be held at each level / division where New Zealand has entered a team and where Australia has appropriate entries to form a team. November 2014 14/27 Gymnastics Australia 5.3.3 MAG Technical Regulations Part B TEAM SELECTION Australian Team to be selected considering the following: 1. Top AA scores from the first round of competition with a maximum of 1 per State where this provides for the maximum team size of six. Where there are less than 6 States with gymnasts in the level of competition a second gymnast is to be drawn per State according to AA scores achieved until the maximum team size is met. 2. Team size to be determined with reference to 5.7.3 above. 3. Mutual agreement with New Zealand Technical Committee / Australian Men’s Technical Commission. New Zealand Team to consist of the number of NZL gymnasts, eligible for each level / division (selected by the NZL MTC) up to a maximum team size of six gymnasts per level / division (subject to acceptance of entries by competition organisers). 5.3.4 COMPETITION FORMAT Australian gymnasts will remain with their state teams for the rotations but the members of the Australian and New Zealand teams at each level to be announced at the start of their competition and to be acknowledged at the presentation of medals and the Trans-Tasman perpetual trophy. 5.7.5 TEAM AWARDS For each level / division at the MAG Australian Championships where NZL have entered a team, the AA scores over both rounds of competition for all counting members of each team will be aggregated. In each level / division contested, the team with the highest aggregated score will be presented with gold medals, and the team with the second highest aggregated score will be presented with silver medals. 5.3.6 TEAM SIZES Team sizes will be based on the principle of matching the number of gymnasts in each division entered by New Zealand. A team in a division may include anywhere from 3 to 6 gymnasts, by applying this matching principle. Where there are less than 3 gymnasts from either country entered in a level / division, no Trans-Tasman Challenge will be held in that level. 5.3.7 PERPETUAL TROPHY The total team score in each level of competition is aggregated to calculate a country total. The country with the highest score shall be awarded the Trans-Tasman trophy. 5.3.8 ALL AROUND AND APPARATUS There will be no individual awards presented for AA or Apparatus as part of the Trans-Tasman Challenge. 5.3.9 TIE BREAKING RULES In the event of a tie in the team competition for a level / division, the following principles will be applied in order to break the tie: • the team with the highest individual AA score (over two rounds), • the team with the highest individual single round All Around score, • The team with the highest individual Apparatus score from the second round of competition. In the event of a tie in the overall competition for Trans-Tasman Perpetual Trophy, the following principles will be applied in order to break the tie: November 2014 15/27 Gymnastics Australia • • • MAG Technical Regulations Part B the country with the highest aggregate team score in a level or division, the country with the highest individual AA score (over two rounds), the country with the highest individual single round AA score. 5.4 MAG NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS Draft schedule and entry forms for the National Club Championships will be available on the Gymnastics Australia website. 5.4.1 COMPETITION FORMAT Refer to Appendix 3 for a summary table for article 5.8.1 The Men’s Gymnastics National Club Championships comprises two rounds of competition: • Gymnasts in all divisions will be judged on the requirements for their respective level • Gymnasts may compete at or above the level they are currently qualified for this event only (ie. they will not be restricted to the new level if competing in a higher level at this event). Division D C Competition Requirements Gymnasts must compete at their respective level and be judged using level 3 or 4 compulsory routines. Gymnasts cannot change levels from one apparatus to the next. *Gymnasts will perform the Pommel Horse routine only Gymnasts must compete at their respective level and be judged using level 5, 6 or 7 U12 compulsory routines. Gymnasts cannot change levels from one apparatus to the next. *Gymnasts will perform the Pommel Horse routine only *Level 6 & 7 U12 Handspring will have a modified SV of 11.0 for this competition only B All gymnasts in this division will be judged on Level 7 Open optional requirements *Special bonus applies A Gymnasts must compete at their respective level and be judged using level 8, 9 or 10 optional requirements. Gymnasts cannot change levels from one apparatus to the next. * Special bonus applies at levels 8 • Competition format will include apparatus warm-up immediately before gymnasts compete on that apparatus for all divisions. Minimum apparatus warm-up periods should be scheduled as follows: o Division D & C: Average of 45 seconds per competitor on each apparatus, with a maximum of 3 vaults per competitor o Division B & A: Average of 60 seconds per competitor on each apparatus, with a maximum of 4 vaults per competitor Minimum times noted above can be increased for any/all divisions if competition program permits. 5.4.2 ELIGIBILITY FOR NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS • Each gymnast must be registered with GA. • All gymnasts within a team must be registered with the same club, even if training at a HPC program. • All coaches and judges must be registered with GA. 5.4.3 • • UNIFORMS AT NATIONAL CLUBS Club uniforms to be worn by all gymnasts for this event Coaches are required to wear their club tracksuit for this event 5.4.4 PROTEST PROCEDURE Protests will be allowed at this event, as per the current Technical Regulations (refer article 5.6.10). November 2014 16/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B 5.4.5 RULES FOR THE NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS • Gymnasts do not have to have passed the level they are competing at, but must compete at the requirements of the level or division they have entered • Gymnasts can only compete in one level or division. • In each division, all teams are eligible for awards, but only the highest ranked team from a club can earn points to count towards the Overall National Club Champion award. • Scores do not carry forward from Round 1 to Round 2. • Final team lists must be confirmed in writing 24 hours prior to the event. • Changes will only be accepted in the case of an injury or withdrawal due to sickness (medical certificate supplied). Clubs can replace withdrawn athletes up until the commencement of the division. The competition Director must be notified of any changes. 5.4.6 TIE BREAKING RULES FOR MAG NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS Refer to Appendix 4 for a summary table for article 5.8.6 5.4.7 AWARDS Refer to Appendix 4 for a summary table for article 5.8.7 Minimum Standard for Awards / Points • In a division where clubs have entered multiple teams, but there are less than 6 teams in total, only the highest ranked team can receive points. 5.4.8 PROVISION OF JUDGES Each club is required to nominate at least one judge (at an appropriate accreditation level for every session where a team has been nominated) for the competition with their team nominations for this event. If a club does not supply a judge or arrange a proxy judge, a fine of $350 will be incurred. If a Club nominates a judge and that nominated judge fails to attend the competition (and no suitable replacement can be found) then the Club will be fined $350. Failure of the club to pay the fine within 90 minutes after the commencement of the division will result in disqualification of all gymnasts from that club in that division. Exemption from the proxy judging fee may be possible in extenuating circumstances. Written requests for exemption must be included with competition nominations. Final decision on exemptions will be made by the National Judging Coordinator. 5.4.9 COMPETITION RULES FOR APPARATUS • Pommel Horse: The routine on the handles will be the routine performed in all divisions for all rounds of competition, i.e. no mushroom or buck will be competed at National Club Championships. ARTICLE 6 AWARD GUIDELINES 6.1 AWARDS The following MAG Awards may be awarded each year: Title Senior International Junior International Open Levels November 2014 Award Type Selection Gymnast of the Year ATHLETE Gymnast of the Year ATHLETE Gymnast of the Year ATHLETE • • • • • See table below National Championship results National Club Championship results Selection for international competitions International competition results 17/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B 5th Australian Championships Gymnast ATHLETE 10th Australian Championships Gymnast ATHLETE International Coach (Coaches) Award COACH Open Levels Coach of the Year COACH Development Coach (Coaches) Award COACH Judging Official of the Year JUDGING • The current year's Australian Championships can be included in the 5 and 10 year awards. If the eligible athlete requires the current Nationals to meet a 5 or 10 requirement please mark them “ *pending selection" • Attendance at Australian Championships is not required to be in consecutive years (i.e. 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 is acceptable). • Attendance can be in either or both the Australian Levels Program or International streams of competition at the National Australian Championship • Nominees should be verified by States using membership database records. • Athletes should be current, or retired in the previous year of competition • Nominees for these awards can be held off until definitive entries for State team are known • National Championships – gymnasts’ results • Gymnast(s) selected for international team /events • Active involvement in state and national coaching activities • Attitude and behaviour as a Men’s Gymnastics representative at national and international events • The National Coach is ineligible to receive the International Coach of the Year Award • Active involvement in State/National judging activities. • Involvement in judging education • Judging commitment at state/national/ international competitions. • Attitude and behaviour as a representative at events Judging Hall of Fame 6.2 PROCESS GA will request nominations from State Associations States put forward one nomination only per award category; the only exception is the five or ten year participation Nominations should include the completed nomination form plus supporting information Information supplied may be utilised by Gymnastics Australia for promotional purposes The Commission will be the Selection Committee and reserve the right to non-award if nominations don’t meet criteria The selection panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into November 2014 18/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B All nominations must be endorsed by the relevant State association; nominations from the Commission must be advised to the State Executive Director Gymnastics Australia must receive nominations by the closing date Presentations occur at the Australian Championships 6.3 SELECTION GUIDELINES Gymnast: • National Championship results • National Club Championship results • Selection for international competitions • International competition results • History of achievement over a number of years Coach: • National Championships – gymnasts’ results • Gymnast(s) selected for international team / events • Active involvement in state and national coaching activities • Attitude and behaviour as a Men’s Gymnastics representative at national and international events • The National Coach is ineligible to receive the International Coach of the Year Award Judge: • Active involvement in State/National judging activities. • Involvement in judging education • Judging commitment at state/national/international competitions • Attitude and behaviour as a Men’s Gymnastics representative at state, national and international events 6.4 SELECTION CRITERIA 6.4.1 SENIOR INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST OF THE YEAR (Aged over 18 years) Item National Championships Participation Results at National Championships – AA and Apparatus Points Rating National Clubs Championships Participation Individual results at National Clubs Points Rating Points Rating according to Selection for International competitions category of competition Results at International competitions - AA and apparatus Points Rating MAGNC Rating - points History or achievement over a number of years awarded from 1 - 10 State rating endorsement Points awarded from 1 - 10 MAGNC endorsement Yes / No 6.4.2 JUNIOR INTERNATIONAL GYMNAST OF THE YEAR (Aged 18 years and under) Item National Championships Participation Results at National Championships - AA and Apparatus Points Rating National Clubs Championships Participation Individual results at National Clubs Points Rating Points Rating according to Selection for International competitions category of competition November 2014 19/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B Results at International competitions - AA and apparatus History or achievement over a number of years State rating endorsement MAGNC endorsement 6.4.3 OPEN LEVELS GYMNAST OF THE YEAR Item National Championships Results at National Championships - AA and Apparatus National Clubs Championships Individual results at National Clubs Selection for International competitions Results at International competitions - AA and apparatus History or achievement over a number of years State rating endorsement MAGNC endorsement Points Rating MAGNC Rating - Points awarded from 1 - 10 Points awarded from 1 - 10 Yes / No Participation Points Rating Participation Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating MAGNC Rating Points awarded from 1 - 10 Points awarded from 1 - 10 Yes / No 6.4.4 INTERNATIONAL COACH (OR COACHES) AWARD The International Coach (or coaches) Award may be awarded to one or more coaches annually if the minimum benchmark score has been achieved at a recognised international event. For this category of award, the benchmark score must be achieved by a Senior International athlete at an international event where the athlete is representing Australia on a GA approved tour. Note: Results at Australian Championships are not considered for this award Individual All Around Floor Pommel Rings Vault Parallel Bars Horizontal Bar 86.00pts 15.50pts 15.50pts 15.50pts 15.00pts 15.50pts 15.50pts Where an athlete relocates to the NCE and achieves a benchmark score within the following 24 month period, the coach (or coaching team) from the program the athlete relocated from will be recognised for this achievement within this category of award. The National Commission has the discretion to recognise exceptional coaching achievements that fall within this category but are not specifically related to benchmark scores. 6.4.5 DEVELOPMENT COACH (OR COACHES) AWARD The Development Coach Award may be awarded to one or more coaches in a annually. The following criterion is applied to determine eligible coaches to receive this award. • Benchmark results of athletes achieved at Australian Championships • Benchmark results of athletes achieved at GA approved international events And November 2014 20/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B • Selection of athletes to Team Future activities • Participation of coach and athletes in Team Future activities and camps For this category of award, the benchmark score must be achieved by a Level 7 U12, Level 8 U14, Level 9 U15 or Level 9 U17 athlete. Benchmark Results Individual All Around Floor Pommel Rings 1 vault Vault 2 vault ave Parallel Bars Horizontal Bar Level 7 U12 120.00pts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Level 8 U14 120.00pts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Level 9 U15 75.00pts 13.50pts 13.00pts 13.00pts 14.00pts N/A 13.00pts 13.00pts Level 9 U17 80.00pts 14.00pts 13.50pts 13.50pts 14.50pts 14.00pts 13.50pts 13.50pts Within this category of award, any coach or program that has an athlete selected to the NCE and relocates to train full time will be recognised for their development of this athlete. The National Commission has the discretion to recognise exceptional coaching achievements that fall within this category but are not specifically related to benchmark scores. 6.4.6 OPEN LEVELS COACH OF THE YEAR Item National Championships – selection as a State coach National Championships – Gymnasts results per level Club ranking at National Club Championships* National tour Gymnast/s selected for International Team / Event Active involvement in State coaching activities Active involvement in National coaching activities Attitude and general behaviour as a representative of Men’s gymnastics with the state, national and international teams 6.4.7 Participation Points Rating Rating – see formula Participation Points Rating according to category of competition State rating - Points awarded from 1 – 10 MAGNC rating - Points awarded from 1 – 10 State & MAGNC endorsement Yes /No JUDGE OF THE YEAR AWARD The Judge of the Year must have been an active judge (at any / all levels), been involved with technical administration, judges education programs (both in development and presentation), and other activities considered beneficial to the development and professionalism of judging in Men's Artistic Gymnastics. A points system has been devised for the evaluation. The points will be allocated for each activity in which the judge has been involved. The evaluation criteria are as follows: Activity Number of international judging assignments Number of National Championships assignments Number of State judging assignments November 2014 Allocated Points 10 points for each event 1 point per session 2 points for each event 21/27 Gymnastics Australia Number of judges courses presented Administrative and other relevant support functions State & MAGNC endorsement MAG Technical Regulations Part B 10 points for each course 20 points Yes / No The period of evaluation for the award is 12 months from 1 January to 31 December. 6.4.8 JUDGES HALL OF FAME The Judges Hall of Fame was established to recognise those who have contributed to the development and professionalism of men’s judging over an extended period of time. The selection criteria are as follows: • Must be or have been an Australian National / Advanced Silver or FIG / High Performance judge • Been active as a judge for at least 15 years at that level • Contributed to elite development • Participated significantly in judges education or course development • Held technical administrative positions at state or national level for at least 5 years • Contributed significantly towards the professional image of judging Nominations may be made to the National Judging Coordinator at any time. The evaluation committee will be the Judges Executive, who will make a recommendation to the MAGNC. The announcement of the successful nominations will be made annually at a suitably auspicious occasion. 6.4.9 ATHLETE RECOGNITION AWARD Recognition Award (a) Five Years competing at Australian Championships. (b) Ten Years competing at Australian Championships. See selection guidelines in table 6.1 6.4.10 POINTS SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING AWARDS - GYMNASTS Participation: 10 points Australian Championships 10 points National Clubs Championships 5 points National Tour (Open Levels) Points for individual place rankings at National Championships Place 1st 2nd All Around 10 points 8 points Apparatus 5 points 4 points 3rd 6 points 3 points Points for individual place rankings at National Club Championships 2nd Place 1st All Around 5 points 4 points Apparatus 3 points 2 points 3rd 3 points 1 point Points for individual place rankings at International competitions (points allocated in table x points given to category of competition) AA Final Qualification 5 points Apparatus Final Qualification 5 points All Around 1st 10 points 2nd 8 points st Apparatus 1 5 points 2nd 4 points Categories of International Competitions Competition Major Events (e.g.): - Olympic Games November 2014 3rd 6 points 3rd 3 points Category Points A 10 points 22/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B - World Championships International Team Events & World Cups (e.g.): - Commonwealth Games - Pacific Rim - World University Games - World Cups Other Invitational Events (e.g.): - Challenger Cup - International Junior Team Cup - Japan Junior International - Open Levels Tour B 7 points C 5 points 6.4.12 POINTS SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING AWARDS - OPEN LEVELS COACHES Coach Participation: 10 points Australian Championships 10 points National Clubs Championships 5 points National Open Tour Points for gymnast place rankings at Australian Championships 1st 2nd 3rd All Around 10 points 8 points 6 points Apparatus 5 points 4 points 3 points Place Points for club / program rankings at National Club Championships 2nd 3rd 4th Overall Club 1st 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points Champion results 5th 1 point Points for gymnast place rankings at International competitions (points allocated in table x points given to category of competition) AA Final Qualification 5 points Apparatus Final Qualification 5 points st All Around 1 10 points 2nd 8 points 3rd 6 points Apparatus 1st 5 points 2nd 4 points 3rd 3 points Categories of International Competitions Competition Other Invitational Events (e.g.): - Open Levels Tour Category Points C 5 points Note: Coaches only awarded points for the results of their own gymnasts November 2014 23/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B Appendix 1 The following table is a summary of the MAG Technical Regulations that apply to the 2015 Australian Championships (section 5.6 Australian Championships) and encompasses the following sections of the Technical Regulations: 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 Qualification Scores for Australian Championships Team Sizes Competing Reserve Gymnasts Minimum Qualifying Scores ALP Division Team Event All Around With no score less than Individual Apparatus 7 U12 45.00 6.50 N/A 8 U14 45.00 6.50 N/A 7 Open 60.00 8.50 10.50 8 Open 63.00 9.00 11.00 9 U15 63.00 9.00 11.00 9 U17 66.00 9.50 11.50 9 Open 66.00 9.50 11.50 10 Open 68.00 10.00 12.00 Snr Int 76.00 10.00 13.00 November 2014 Reserves Team’s Per State Team Size Counting Scores Max # of nominated reserves 1 8 3 2 1 8 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 6 3 On application 1 6 3 2 Unlimited 6 3 Unlimited 24/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B Appendix 2 The following table is a summary of the MAG Technical Regulations that apply to the 2015 Australian Championships (section 5.6 Australian Championships) and encompasses the following sections of the Technical Regulations: 5.6.6 5.6.7 Awards Tie Breaking Rules ALP Division Team Event Individual AA Competition Apparatus Finals Based on Based on Based on Team Placing 1st – 3rd Individual All Around Placing 4th – 6th 1st – 3rd 4th – 6th Apparatus Placing 1st – 3rd 4th – 6th 7 U12 Round 1+2 Round 1+2 Round 1+2 Medal Certificate Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate 8 U14 Round 1+2 Round 1+2 Round 1+2 Medal Certificate Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate 7 Open Round 1 Round 1+2 Round 2 Medal Certificate Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate 8 Open Round 1 Round 1+2 Round 2 Medal Certificate Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate Round 1+2 Round 2 Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate Round 1+2 Round 2 Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate Round 1+2 Round 2 Trophy Certificate Medal Certificate Round 1+2 Round 2 Round 1+2 Round 3 9 U15 9 U17 9 Open Round 1 Round 1 10 Open Snr Int Round 1 Tie Breaking Rules November 2014 Medal Certificate Medal Certificate Medal Certificate Trophy Medal Trophy Medal Ref: 5.6.7 Tie breaking rules will not be applied at the Australian Championships. 25/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B Appendix 3 The following table is a summary of the MAG Technical Regulations that apply to the 2015 MAG National Club Championships (section 5.8 MAG National Club Championships) and encompasses the following sections of the Technical Regulations: 5.8.1 5.8.2 Competition Format Competing Individual & Reserve Gymnasts Competition Format ALP Division MAG National Clubs Division Team Event Max. Per Club Team Size Counting Scores D 3 6 3 C 3 6 3 Individual & Reserve Gymnasts 3 Age/Open 4 Age/Open 5 Age/Open 6 Open Individuals will be permitted to 7 U12 compete in both rounds of 8 U14 7 Open B 3 6 3 competition however will not be eligible for Team awards or 8 Open points 9 U15 9 U17 A 3 6 3 9 Open 10 Open November 2014 26/27 Gymnastics Australia MAG Technical Regulations Part B Appendix 4 The following table is a summary of the MAG Technical Regulations that apply to the 2015 MAG National Club Championships (section 5.8 MAG National Club Championships) and encompasses the following sections of the Technical Regulations: 5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.7 Competition Format Tie Breaking Rules Awards Team AA Awards st rd th th 1 –3 4 –6 Team Apparatus Awards st nd th 1 2 –6 Individual AA Awards st rd th th 1 –3 4 –6 Individual Apparatus Awards st rd th th 1 –3 4 –6 Pennant Medal Ribbon Medal Ribbon Trophy Pennant Medal Ribbon Medal Ribbon Pennant Trophy Pennant Medal Ribbon Medal Ribbon Pennant Trophy Pennant Medal Ribbon Medal Ribbon Division Team All Around Individual All Around Team Apparatus Individual Apparatus Division D Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Trophy Pennant Trophy Division C Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Trophy Pennant Division B Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Trophy Division A Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Trophy Tie Breaking Rules • Ref: 5.8.6 Tie breaking rules will not be applied for Team and Individual awards. Ribbons will be awarded to individual team members for Team Apparatus awards for each division Overall Champion Club Award st Trophy nd Trophy 1 Place 2 Place 3rd Place 4th Place th 5 Place 6th Place Overall Champion Club - Tie Breaking Rules 1st Ref 5.8.6 Tie breaking rules for overall champion club awards will be determined as follows; 2nd 3 Trophy Pennant Pennant Pennant Team AA Points - Per Division 20 6th 10 In the event of a tie, the higher ranked club will be awarded to the club with the highest total team score over the 4 divisions rd 4 th 5 th 18 7th 8 16 8 th 6 9 th 4 14 12 10 th 2 th Teams placing 11 and lower receive 1pt minimum 3 counting scores on each apparatus Commemorative Participation Banner A commemorative participation banner will be awarded to all clubs participating at the National Club Championships November 2014 Team Apparatus Points - Per Division 1st 6 4th 3 nd 2 5 5th 2 rd th 3 4 6 1 27/27