Gymnastics Injuries: Analysis and Research Worksheet

Gymnasts in Pain: Out of Balance
 Read the Article “Gymnasts in Pain: Out of Balance”
pages 300-303.
 Copy and answer the following questions in your
notebook pages 300-303.
1. Alyssa Beckerman was U.S. national champion on
balance beam in 2000. What signs can you see that
she is competing with injuries?
2. How old was Alyssa when she broke her wrist?
3. How many hours a week did she train?
4. What does Alyssa say about her coach?
5. Mention four things Alyssa went through while she
was training.
6. After reading this part of the selection what have you
learned so far?
7. Explain how the article and the title of the article are
8. What are some of the causes of health problems
related to gymnastics?
Gymnasts in Pain: Out of Balance
 Read the subhead “Demands, Injuries Rise” pages 303-
 Copy and answer the following questions in your notebook.
1. What are the main ideas mentioned in this selection?
2. After reading this part of the selection, what have you
learned so far?
3. How does jumping from a basketball rim compare with
4. Explain how you would feel about competing in a
gymnastics competition after experiencing an injury?
Gymnasts in Pain: Out of Balance
 Using the internet look for information about:
 Gymnastics
 USA Gymnastics
 Gymnastics events
 Injuries
 Abuse of anti-inflammatory drugs