Common Stereotypes, Myths (and Myth-Busting)

Common Stereotypes, Myths (and Myth-Busting) about LGBTTQQI People
Lesbians and gay men are all pedophiles or child molesters
Myth Bust:
This myth has been used for decades to prevent skilled and qualified gay
men and Lesbians from serving in any profession that focuses on children
or teens.
Ninety percent of child abuse is committed by heterosexual men. In one
study of 269 cases of child sexual abuse, only two offenders were gay or
lesbian. …The study concluded that "a child's risk of being molested by his
or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100 times greater than by
someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or
bisexual." (Groth, N.A., Burgess, A.W., Birnbaum, H.J., and Gary, T.S. 1978.
A study of the child molester myths and realities. Journal of the American
Criminal Justice Association 41:17-22.)
From Are Children at Risk for Sexual Abuse by Homosexuals? Jenny, et al.
Pediatrics 1994; 94:1 41-44, in this study:
In 82% of cases the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close
relative of the child. Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence
limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults
as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%.
See also:
Statistics About Sexual Violence
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Being gay is a choice
Myth Bust:
Is being heterosexual a choice? No. Neither is being gay.
Sexual orientation is one facet of humanness, not a choice.
The only element of choice is in the decision to live one’s life true to one’s
sexual orientation, or live a lie. (That is, a Lesbian can choose to live her
life as a Lesbian (her true self), or lie and pretend to be heterosexual. A
heterosexual man could choose to live his life as a heterosexual male (his
true self), or he could choose to lie and pretend to be a gay man. (That
second example doesn’t happen often, the first one does)
Myth-busting references as cited.
All other content © jona olsson 2013
LGBT people recruit
Myth Bust:
The only recruiting LGBT firefighters do is trying to recruit new
firefighters! We do NOT recruit or try to “convert” heterosexual people to
be gay. This myth can only exist as long as the “choice” myth lives, since it
assumes people can be persuaded to change their orientation.
LGBT people are all promiscuous
Myth Bust:
This myth evolves from the belief that being LGB is solely about sexual
activity. Sexual orientation is only a single aspect of being human.
Heterosexual people are about more than their sexual activity.
Are some LGBT people promiscuous? Yes. Are some heterosexual people
promiscuous? Of course. This myth is no more true for LGBT people than
for heterosexuals.
Being lesbian, gay, bi or trans is a pathological or a mental illness
Myth Bust:
Being Lesbian, gay, bisexual is not an illness, not contagious and cannot be
In 1973 The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality
form it’s list of “mental disorders” from its Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM.) In 1975 The American Psychological
Association did the same.
The APA 2013 statement: “Despite the persistence of stereotypes that
portray lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of
research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and
mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these
orientations represent normal forms of human experience.”
Specific to transgendered people: In 2012-13 the APA removed from the
DSM the term “gender identity disorder” that had been used to “diagnose”
transgender and gender-variant individuals.
Myth-busting references as cited.
All other content © jona olsson 2013
Having LGBT members in the fire service will lower morale and company
Myth Bust:
This was the same argument used to keep men and women of color and
white women from military service. In more recent years it has been used
to bar LGBT people from serving. This myth has been proven untrue in the
In fire departments that have addressed homophobia (with education and
progressive leadership) LGBT people have served their communities with
courage and honor just like most heterosexuals.
All women in the fire service are lesbians and all male firefighters are
Myth Bust:
This myth / stereotype relies on the sexist gender role assignments that U.
S. society has taught us, i. e., there are “boy jobs” and there are “girl jobs.”
If one accepts this propaganda, then it’s an easy leap to believing that any
person who steps outside of those two rigid assignments, must be
somehow not a “real” woman, or not a “real” man.
We must keep in mind how entangled sexism and homophobia /
heterosexism are. Sexism defines our gender roles (the acceptable
behaviors, dress, vocations, etc.) but homophobia is ultimate enforcer of
sexism. If a woman acts “outside” of her prescribed role, such as, being
smart, speaking assertively, displaying leadership, or entering a “man’s”
career (like firefighting!), she is immediately assumed to be a Lesbian. Any
man who acts “outside” his prescribed role, like being sensitive,
compassionate, or enters a “woman’s” career, is assumed to be gay. (For
more on the connection between sexism and homophobia, see,
Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism by Suzzane Pharr.)
For more myth busting go to:
Southern Poverty Law Center (Go to: LGBT Rights, “10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked”)
Myth-busting references as cited.
All other content © jona olsson 2013