Video – “Properties of Matter” – Questions ( will be graded ) 1


Video – “Properties of Matter” – Questions ( will be graded )

1] Define matter

2] What are physical and chemical properties ( define )? Give two examples of each ( 4 total )

3] What are physical properties of an apple?

4] What would one chemical property of an apple be?

5] What eventually happens to a puddle of water ( if exposed to sunlight )? Is this a chemical or physical property?

6] What are some changes in physical properties for a lit firework?

7] How do scientists define solid matter?

8] How do scientists define liquid matter?

9] How do they define gaseous matter?

10] Does a gas have mass, weight, & occupy space? So what is a gas a member of?

11] What is an element ( define )?

12] Why does the bottom of a window pane appear thicker than the top?

13] What is a compound ( define )?

14] Why is table salt a compound?

15] What are the elements that make up the compound water?

16] What is a pure substance ( define )?

17] What is a mixture ( define )?

18] Define physical changes

19] What are the most common physical changes?

19] Define chemical changes

20] What are common types of chemical changes?

21] What is a molecule?

Video – “Properties of Matter” – Answers

1] Anything that has mass and takes up space

2] Physical – properties that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance ( color, mass, shape, density, melting temperature, boiling temperature )

Chemical – Describes how a substance changes into a new substance, by combining with other elements or by breaking apart into new substances ( flammability, reactivity )

3] Color, softness, density ( mass per volume )

4] Is it flammable? Does it react in your stomach?

5] Evaporates - physical

6] Mass, density, weight

7] definite shape and volume

8] definite volume but not definite shape ( assumes the shape of whatever container holds it )

9] no definite shape or volume

10] Yes – it is a part of matter

11] substance that cannot be separated or broken down into simpler substances by chemical means

12] scientists look at glass as a thick liquid so it eventually settles under gravity and appears thicker at the bottom

13] substance made up of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds

14] Sodium and Chlorine are chemically combined in a one-to-one ratio always

15] Oxygen and Hydrogen

16] sample of mater, either a single element or a single compounds, that has definite chemical and physical properties

17] combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined ( they are physically mixed )

18] Physical – change in form of matter without chemical properties being affected

19] cutting hair, crushing an aluminum can, boiling, melting

19] Chemical – change that results in a new substance, or altering the chemical identity of the original substance

20] burning or combustion, metal reacting with water to form rust

21] Group of atoms held together by chemical forces; the smallest unit of matter that can exist by itself and retain all of a substance’s chemical properties
