Bulletin - St Aelred's RC Church

 St Aelred’s Church Eyes that do not see (a thought from Helen Keller who went blind and deaf when she was only nineteen months old) One day I asked a friend of mine Who had just returned from a long walk in the woods What she had seen. She replied: “Nothing in particular”. How was this possible? I asked myself. When I, who cannot hear or see, Find hundreds of things to interest me Through mere touch. I feel the delicate shape and design of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly Over the rough bark of a pine tree. Occasionally, if I’m lucky, I place my hand quietly on a small tree, And feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. All this has convinced me of one thing: The greatest calamity that can befall people, Is not that they should be born blind, But rather that they should have eyes And yet fail to see. Fr Jim Leavy, 01423 889442 71 Woodlands Drive HG2 7BE
Deacon David Arblaster, 01423 560279 Bulletin items:
Deadline 12 noon on Fridays)
Email: staelredschurch@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.st-­‐aelred.org.uk Hall bookings on-line:
staelredshall@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/staelredharrogate Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Third Sunday of Lent
Psalter Week 2 th
Masses for Week commencing Sunday 28 February 2016 Teresa Chapman 6:30pm People of the Parish 10am Fr Bennett 9:00am Frank Andrews 9:00am Ernest White 9:00am Barry Slater 9:00am Anne Haimes 9:00am Protection of the Unborn 10:00am Your prayers are asked for:
deceased: Anne Haimes
Sick: Pedro Ballester Jr, Anne Jensen, Peter Nelson and Anne Walsh
Mass Sat Sun Anniversaries: Ernest White, Theresa Chapman, Frank Andrews
Eucharistic Ministers Readers Prayers Manu Rony Robert Snelling
Edna Gibson Dolores Omand
Michael Gilhooly Barbara
Arblaster Hilda Sparks Lilly
Sivanandarajah Tony Buck Grace
Philip Rowe
Ashley Timson
Rebecca Mooney
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – weekdays, 8am-­‐10pm Charismatic Renewal: Prayer Group Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Parish Council
Reconciliation (Confession) – Saturday, 10.30-­‐11am or any time on request Monday - Friday Mass at 9am
Fridays during Lent
The Psalms. Prayers for today’s
Church. Each Friday of Lent in the
house 9.30am – 10.30am
Stations of the Cross at 7pm.
Every Friday (Meditations lead by
different parish groups.)
Lenten Scripture reflections will
also be held in Starbeck
Methodists Church on Monday
evenings at 7.30pm and at
Woodlands Methodists Church on
Wednesdays at 2pm.
Collections- Offertory Sunday
21st February Loose £235.26; Gift
Aid £411.93; Planned £26.00 Total
£673.19 Many thanks to all.
Confirmation Preparation
Continues on Wednesday evening
at 5pm in St Robert’s Club.
Lenten Retreat Day, Saturday
5th March from 10:30am –
3:30pm at The Briery Retreat
Centre in Ilkley.. To book please
contact Mrs Catherine Walker at
Hinsley Hall
eds.org.uk, or 0113 261 8040
Catholic Papers – this will be the
last weekend when the Catholic
papers will be available at the
back of church. Sadly a lack of
take-up has led to these having to
be cancelled. Individuals can
order papers to be sent directly
from the publisher.
Parish Council
The minutes from the last
meeting, held on Wedneday 24th
Feb will be available next
weekend. However, two issues
arose which need to be addressed
1. Safety- concern was expressed
about the safety of children
playing in the car park after
Mass on Sundays. We ask
parents to keep an eye on their
children while cars are turning
or reversing
2. Silence before Mass – this was
an issue that was highlighted in
the survey which we did some
months ago and was discussed
at the meeting. It was decided
to ask the congregation to try
and establish a time of reverent
silence for at least 5 minutes
before Mass. To facilitate this,
it was suggested that we play
“Church bells” as a reminder of
where we are and the call to
Handel's Messiah On Saturday
March 19 St John Fishers singers
will be performing at St Peter's
Church Harrogate. Concert starts
at 7.30 ticket price is £10 and £5
for under 18s. Tickets available
01423 504035 or by contacting
01765 608057
We are on Facebook!
Please visit
ate and like our page to keep up
to date with what’s going on!
St Patrick’s Celebration Ceilidh 19th March 7.30pm
Licensed Bar. Admission by ticket
only. Adults £8, children £5.(Hot
food baked potatoes and fillings
included) Proceeds in aid of the
SVP. Tickets on sale today. Raffle
prizes would be gratefully
received, including any unwanted
Christmas gifts.
Dates for your Diary
Stations of the Cross Fridays 7pm
19th March
Psalm Sunday
20th March
Seder Meal
22nd March
Good Friday
25th March
Easter Sunday
27th March
Passover (Seder) Meal - In the
hall on Tuesday 22nd March 7pm
for a 7-15pm prompt start. Adults
£7 Children £4 This includes a
three course meal with wine - a
vegetarian option is available and
non alcoholic drinks. Please sign
the list at the back of church and
return all money by Sunday 20th
March at the latest. Envelopes are
provided next to the list. Money
can be put on the collection plate
or given to David / Susan
Rutherford or Barbara Arblaster.
ALL WELCOME any queries Tel
Cafod -There will be a sale of
cakes after both masses next
weekend to help you all celebrate
Mother's Day. The proceeds will go
to our parish water project in
Ethiopia. Many thanks to those of
you who bought jam and
marmalade in January. A total of
£102.50 was made and has been
sent off to Cafod Ethiopia.
Diocese of Leeds Vacancy:
Communications Officer
required to join the Diocesan
Team. Based at Hinsley Hall,
Headingley, this is a full time
position. Further details on
Noticeboard. Alternatively, phone
0113 261 8023 or email: dcopersonnel@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
or www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk
Closing date 7 March 2016.
A parish visit to Markenfield
Hall near Ripon, with its intriguing
Catholic history, will take place on
18th April 9.15am to
approx. 1.00pm. The morning will
begin with Mass in the Catholic
chapel at Markenfield followed by
a tour of this moated medieval
manor house and coffee/tea and
cake. Cost of the visit £10. This
does not include transport.
Details on the sign up sheet at
the back of church. Please sign up
and state whether you are willing
to drive others to Markenfield or
require a lift.
Lucy Rennison Fionnuala Heywood Emma Hatcher Please keep all of our children in your prayers. 