OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE AND BLESSÉD MARGARET POLE CHURCH, SOUTHBOURNE-ON-SEA Newsletter Priest’s House, 18 Douglas Road, BH6 3ER, 01202 424960, olqp@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Avon Stour Pastoral Area, Deanery 1, Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, Charity No.246871, Website: www.avonstourpastoralarea.org Diocesan website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk A Fairtrade Church Mass times & intentions: Sunday 24th January 2016 8:00 am For souls in Purgatory 11:00 am 6 pm Christina Stephens R.I.P. Joan Harrington R.I.P. (recently deceased) Monday 25th January NO MASS Tuesday 26th January NO MASS 1.30pm to 2.30pm Adoration 2.30pm Rosary Wednesday 27th January NO MASS Thursday 28th January NO MASS Friday 29th January NO MASS Saturday 30th January 11:00 am Ministers of Holy Communion today: 8:00am Mass: M Smith S Smith 11:00am: K Franey V Rochford L Goodall 6pm Mass: D Stead P Wogan Third Sunday of Ordinary Time The Conversion of St Paul, feast St Timothy, Bishop, Martyr & St Titus, Bishop, memorial St Angela Merici, Foundress, optional memorial St Thomas Aquinas, Religious, Doctor of the Church, memorial Feria 6pm to 7pm Adoration For all Parishioners Our Lady on Saturday Readings for today: First Reading: Book of Nehemiah. 8:2-6, 8-10 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 18 Second Reading: First letter of St Paul to the Cornithians. 12:12-14, 27 Gospel: Luke 1:1-4. 4:14-21 Dear Parishioners Today is the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C. We welcome Father Ron Hishon who is saying our three Sunday Masses. TODAY IS EDUCATION SUNDAY: There will be a Special Collection today after all Masses for the Catholic Education Service. PARISH LOURDES FUND CAKE STALL: After the 11:00am Mass today. TRAIDCRAFT STALL: Today in the Parish Centre after all Masses. Fairtrade tea and coffee will be served. A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has supported the Traidcraft stall over the past year and we wish you a happy and peaceful New Year. Not only have we been able to make a surplus for CAFOD of £379.99 (which with the U.K. government’s Matched Funding Scheme will double to £759.98) but every purchase you make brings hope and justice to the communities Traidcraft work with – some of the poorest and most marginalised in the world. MICA CORCORAN has so far completed 9km out of her 15km sponsored swim. She is aiming to raise the £550 it costs to send a Young Helper to Lourdes in August. She will be at all the Masses this Sunday hoping for more support and sponsorship. Any other donations can be dropped into the Parish Office with her name on it. Thank you for all your generous support! PLEASE NOTE: There will be no weekday Masses until February 2016. Weekday Masses are available at Corpus Christi Church, Boscombe, 10:00am, at St Joseph’s Church, Christchurch, 9:20am and at St Thomas More Church, Iford – Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9:30am and Ordinariate Mass on Wednesdays at 10:30am. ‘THE LINK’ AVON STOUR PASTORAL AREA NEWSLETTER: Please share your news and photos with other parishioners in our Pastoral Area. Please email contributions for the Spring 2016 newsletter by 31st January to Julie Hodgson at olqp@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk CAFOD NEWS: CONNECT2: ETHIOPIA: Since last January, our Parish has been linked to the village of Sebeya in northern Ethiopia, an area which suffers from severe drought. Through our weekly CAFOD envelope collection, we have raised £628 in the last twelve months. Your generosity is helping to build irrigation systems, enabling farmers to grow food to eat and sell, as well as supporting women to set up small businesses. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. CALLING ALL GRANDPARENTS: Are you interested in meeting up with other grandparents to pray for, and share about, our families? We are planning to set up a local branch of the ‘Catholic Grandparent’s Association’ in this area. The inaugural meeting will be held in St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EH, on Thursday 28th January, starting with the parish Mass in the church at 9.20am, followed by refreshments and the meeting will be finished by 11:30 am. The Pope has given his blessing to the association. We look forward to seeing many of you on the 28th at St Joseph’s. For further information, contact either Jane Montague-Smith 01202 020375 or Anne-Marie Bridle 01202 463488 info@catholicgrandparentsassociation.org All welcome. Bishop Philip Egan invites all grandparents to join him at St John’s Cathedral, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, PO1 3HG on Friday 12th February at 12.15pm to formally inaugurate the Catholic Grandparents Association in the Diocese of Portsmouth. The Mass will be followed by an address from CGA Founder Catherine Wiley. Refreshments will be provided afterwards in the Parish Hall. Supporting and connecting grandparents worldwide. FILIPINO MASS in honour of Sto. Nino (Holy Infant) on Sunday 31st January at 5pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church, Seamoor Road, Westbourne, BH4 9AE. TAIZÉ SERVICE: You are warmly invited to a candlelit Taizé Service in St Mary Magdalene Church, Church Lane, New Milton on Thursday 4th February at 7.30pm. An hour of peace and tranquillity. (Our evening choir and musicians will be assisting). MASSES ON ASH WEDNESDAY (10th February) will be at 10:00am and 7pm. A MASS IN YOUR HOME THIS LENT? Fr Ron Hishon writes: This year, Lent begins very EARLY: Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday 10th February. With the encouragement of your Parish Priest, during Lent I am willing to come to your home to celebrate a special House Mass, celebrated simply, prayerfully, and in the spirit of Pope Francis’s Year of Mercy in the Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium). All that is needed is for you to gather between 8 and 12 people. If you would like more information before deciding, or if you wish to agree a suitable day and time, contact me as soon as possible at: ronhishon@gmail.com LENT – A QUIET DAY OF PRAYER: ‘Travelling Light’ Saturday 20th February 10:00am – 3.30pm at Wisdom House Spirituality Centre, Romsey, SO51 8EL. Suggested offering £27 to include materials and lunch. www.wisdomhouseromsey.co.uk email: reception@wisdomhouseromsey.co.uk ST THOMAS GARNET’S CATHOLIC INDEPENDENT SCHOOL: Open week from 25th to 29th January. Open Evening Thursday 25th February 5pm to 8.30pm. Open Morning Saturday 12th March 9am to 12.30pm. 28 Parkwood Road, Boscombe, BH5 2BH. 01202 420172. PARISH SICK: We pray for the Parish sick and those who care for them. This week we remember especially Angela Lis, Francis & Janet McKinney and Margery Hoddinott. LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION: Envelopes £190.50 Loose cash: £294.86 Standing Orders: £432.23 Total: £917.59. With grateful thanks Father Gerry Onyejuluwa, MSP Next Sunday’s Ministers of Holy Communion: 8:00am Mass: B Duffy M Shrimpton 11:00am Mass: L Hanson B Foxall V Rochford 6pm Mass: K Allen J Happé Readings for next Sunday: First Reading: Prophet Jeremiah. 1:4-5, 17-19 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 70 Second Reading: 1st letter of St Paul to Corinthians. 12:31-13:13 Gospel: Luke 4:21-30 TIMES OF WEEKEND MASSES IN OTHER CHURCHES IN THE AVON STOUR PASTORAL AREA: St. Thomas More, Exton Road, Boscombe East Saturday 6 pm Fr Darryl Jordan 01202 485588 Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:15 am (OLW Ordinariate) except last Sunday of the month The Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph, Purewell, Christchurch Fr Tom Grufferty 01202 483340 Saturday 6:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am, 10:45 am Holy Redeemer, Kilmington Way, Highcliffe Fr Paul Obada 01425 274838 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am Our Lady of Sorrows & St Philip Benizi, Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge Fr Tony Pennicott 01425 653131 Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9:00 am The Sacred Heart & St Therese of Lisieux, The Close, Ringwood Fr Tony Pennicott 01425 653131 Sunday 11:00 am Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospitals Chaplaincy: For non-urgent matters, please telephone the Chaplaincy Office directly on 01202 704221. A messaging service will take your call if a Chaplain is not immediately available. If your call is more urgent, or out-of-hours, the Catholic duty Chaplain may be contacted via the Switchboard on 01202 303626. For Poole Hospital, please contact Deacon McConville on 01202 442167. Parish Safeguarding Officer: Barbara Arthur - 07834 583623.