Quotes about Visiting Teaching

Quotes about Visiting Teaching
“God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually
through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is
vital that we serve each other in the kingdom.” Spencer W.
“I marvel as I witness the countless acts of charity performed
daily by visiting teachers all over the world who selflessly
minister to the needs of individual sisters and their families. To
these faithful visiting teachers, I say, ‘Through those small acts
of charity, you follow the Savior and you act as instruments in
His hands as you help, care, lift, comfort, listen, encourage,
nurture, teach, and strengthen the sisters under your
care.” Silvia H. Allred
“In visiting teaching we reach out to each other. Hands often
speak as voices can’t. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A
laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our
souls. We cannot always lift the burden of one who is
troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.”
-Daughters in my Kingdom
“It is vital that each sister have visiting teachers—to
convey a sense that she is needed, that some- one loves and
thinks about her. But equally important is the way the visiting
teacher is able to grow in charity. By assigning our women to
do visiting teaching, we give them the opportunity to develop
the pure love of Christ, which can be the greatest blessing of
their lives.” – Daughters in my Kingdom
"Before visiting teachers go into a home, they should pray, study
the message together, and consider the needs of the sisters they
visit by asking questions like, "What within this message would
be of help? What would meet her needs and lift her spirits?" It
may be just a verse of scripture, but it is an opportunity to
share. I think bonding begins when we share together as
women." -Bonnie D. Parkin
Visiting teaching is a way to help us care for and about each
other. It is a way for us to develop the characteristics of a
follower of Jesus Christ. It is a way to make sure that no one
in the Lord's kingdom is alone." -Mary Ellen Smoot
"The purposes of visiting teaching are to build caring
relationships with each sister and to offer support, comfort, and
friendship. In visiting teaching, both the giver and receiver are
blessed & strengthened in their church activity by their caring
concern for one another." - Relief Society Handbook, 202.