Lakehead University – Paleo-DNA Laboratory – Application for Visiting Researcher Status Paleo-DNA Laboratory Application for Visiting Researcher Status 1294 Balmoral Street Suite 300 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5Z5 807-343-8877 CONTACT INFORMATION Family name of applicant Given name and initial(s) ADDRESSES Current Address Permanent mailing address (if different than Emergency contact address current address) Current telephone number Permanent address telephone number Emergency contact telephone If current address is temporary, indicate Fax number Email address leaving date CITIZENSHIP Canadian Citizen Permanent Resident of Canada Indicate date of landing as per FORM IMM 1000 Other: Indicate country of Citizenship SIGNATURE I hereby agree that all information provided is true and accurate. ______________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Page 1 of 3 _____________________________________ Date Personal information collected on this form and appendices will be stored at the Paleo-DNA Laboratory PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED Lakehead University – Paleo-DNA Laboratory – Application for Visiting Researcher Status Page 2 of 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT Please provide information re: the level of academic support to be provided by the host department/program (secretarial/technical assistance, office space, telephone, fax, photocopying, etc.) *Please note that library, athletic and parking privileges are available at a cost to visiting scholars. **Please note that ALL foreign visiting scholars must secure UHIP Health Insurance and provide details re: coverage from their host institution. PROPOSED PLAN OF RESEARCH (specify): Does the research involve the use of: Or attache Please provide a description of the proposed plan of research including anticipated collaborations and publications: Personal information collected on this form and appendices will be stored at the Paleo-DNA Laboratory PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED Lakehead University – Paleo-DNA Laboratory – Application for Visiting Researcher Status Page 3 of 3 REQUESTED DURATION OF VISITOR STATUS Starting Date of Visit: Final Date of Visit: CONFIRMATION OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT Please provide details specific to External Financial Support (including grant reference numbers, start date of funding, any special terms and conditions related to external awards, and a total budget for this research to be conducted). ATTACHMENTS (Attachments must be submitted with this application) Letter of Support signed by Collaborator(s) Curriculum Vitae of Applicant Copy of Visa/Permit if applicable SIGNATURES ______________________________ Visiting Researcher _______________________ Date ______________________________ Collaborator(s) _______________________ Date Personal information collected on this form and appendices will be stored at the Paleo-DNA Laboratory PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED