
Richard Carlson, Epidemiologist
Family Home Visiting Unit, MDH
Family Home Visiting Program
Maternal and Child Health Section
Community and Family Health Division
address: P.O. Box 64882, St. Paul, MN 55164
phone: 651-201-3639 | email: rick.e.carlson@state.mn.us
web: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fh/mch/fhv
It is the goal of the Family Home Visiting
Team at the Minnesota Department of
Health (MDH) to partner with local public
health (LPH) to update 5 existing data
systems to collect standardized variables
surrounding 35 benchmarks.
Overview (2)
These data systems include: Nightingale
Notes, PH-DOC, CareFacts, Metro Alliance
for Healthy Families (MAHF), and NurseFamily Partnership Efforts to Outcomes. The
MDH will concurrently develop a central
repository designed for data exchange with
each of the 5 LPH data systems.
Current Evaluation Efforts
• Family Home Visiting (FHV) Evaluation
• Family Home Visiting Statute
• Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood
Home Visiting (MIECHV) Evaluation
• Affordable Care Act of 2010
• Progress toward 35 benchmarks
• Show improvement by Year 3
Current FHV Evaluation:
• Data collection frequency:
• Form 1 – Primary caregivers and prenatal clients
(enrollment + end of reporting period / closure)
• Form 2 – Infants and children
(enrollment + end of reporting period / closure)
• Data collection: Microsoft Access / varies
• Data reporting: Planning and Performance
Measurement Reporting System (PPMRS)
• Reporting frequency: Annual (aggregated)
“New” FHV Evaluation with
LPH Data Systems
• Data collection frequency:
• Primary caregiver intake
• 1st postpartum visit
• 6, 12, 18, & 24 months postpartum
• Primary caregiver closure
• Data collection: LPH data system
• Data reporting: LPH data system
• Reporting frequency: Quarterly (exported)
Benefits (1)
• Reduces burden on LPH
• Individual-level, not aggregate, data submitted
to the state
• No dual data entry into supplementary systems,
especially systems developed without
sustainability in mind (e.g., Microsoft Access)
Benefits (2)
• Better data quality
• Specifies validated screening and assessment
tools related to domestic violence (HARK-C),
parent-child interaction (NCAST), postpartum
depression (EPDS, PHQ-2, PHQ-9), and
developmental or social-emotional delay (ASQ3, ASQ:SE)
• Uses standard postpartum intervals for client
• Resolves issues related to ‘unknowns’ and
‘refusals’ for self-reported variables
Transition by 2014
• Updates to LPH data systems will be
dependent on the timelines of vendors and
a period of user-testing.
Setting a date for adopting the “new”
evaluation for non-MIECHV clients
• The discontinuation date of Family Home Visiting
Evaluation Forms 1 & 2 should be common for
all agencies using a particular data system (e.g.,
Nightingale Notes).
• The common date that users of a particular data
system can anticipate ending the use of FHV
Forms 1 and 2 will be dependent on your
2013 Data
• Primary caregivers enrolled since Jan 1, 2013 as
well as primary caregivers who are still “open”
should have intake information filled out
• Infants enrolled since Jan 1, 2013 as well as
infants who are still “open” should have the 1st
postpartum visit information filled out
Data privacy
Three scenarios:
• Aggregate data
• Individual records, de-identified
• Individual records, identified
Modify Tennessen Warnings
Webinar – Looking Forward: 2014
Family Home Visiting Evaluation
• Thursday, May 2 (9:00-10:00AM)
• Monday, May 6 (10:00-11:00AM)
• Friday, May 10 (1:00-2:00PM)
Rick Carlson, MA, CPH