Request for Contingent Instructional Faculty 2015 - 2016 Academic Year The Committee of Division Chairs invites requests to retain or hire contingent (i.e. non-tenure-track) faculty for the 2015-2016 academic year. Please submit your request electronically to both Kendra Golden ( and Karen Zollman ( using this form. Requests are due no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014. Note: Departments that have an internal sabbatical replacement position are expected to absorb five courses lost due to leaves or course reductions. These departments include: Anthropology, Art History and Visual Culture Studies, Chemistry (pending search), Economics, English, History, Physics, Psychology, Religion (pending search), Sociology, and Spanish. Departments that have two (Politics) are expected to absorb ten courses. Philosophy (0.6) is expected to absorb three courses. If you need assistance, have questions or concerns, or wish to offer feedback, please contact your Division Chair or Kendra Golden, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, at x-5210 or Department Chair or Program Director _____________________________________________ Department or Interdisciplinary Program _____________________________________________ 1. Request for Full-time or Part-time Contingent Faculty Positions In the table below, based on current information, please provide: a) All current, continuing tenured and tenure-track department/program faculty, any known commitments that entail course reductions, and the specific courses and the total number of courses each will be teaching in 2015-2016. Include any courses that faculty are offering or requesting to teach beyond their contractual load (e.g. a faculty member in a shared position teaching a course in addition to the five courses that are part of the couple’s load). You need only provide department prefixes with catalog numbers for courses outside of your department. For courses offered within your department, catalog numbers will suffice. b) All current, continuing lecturers, senior lecturers, adjunct assistant professors, senior adjunct assistant professors, instructors or senior instructors who hold multi-year contracts. c) In bold, the names of any current, contingent faculty in 1-year appointments whom you are requesting to retain and the specific courses and total number of courses that you propose they teach. d) Any new visiting faculty you are requesting (please indicate in bold as Visiting 1, Visiting 2, etc.) and the specific courses and total number of courses that you propose they teach. e) If there are any courses that count as less than a full course (for example science labs), please indicate as such in parentheses. Helpful Hints: If it helps to provide two different scenarios (based on as yet undetermined factors affecting faculty availability) please feel free to provide an Option A and an Option B. See Sample Request at the end of this document for examples. Save a copy of your chart for ease of reconstruction and submission in future years (and for resubmission should staffing needs unexpectedly change over the course of the current academic year). Faculty Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Total # Courses Please use additional table below if needed to accommodate your department’s staffing (copy and paste additional tables if necessary). Faculty Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Total # Courses 2. Rationale: In this rationale, please explain why the courses listed under the contingent positions must be taught during the 2015-2016 academic year. Keep in mind that the Committee of Division Chairs will use the following criteria in their evaluation of your request: a. b. c. d. e. Whether the position/courses need to be offered at all: are there sufficient seats to accommodate enrollment without the course? Is the course required for the major? When there is a request for a visiting position, are there alternatives to meeting curricular needs without the expense and time involved in a search for a new full-time colleague? Can the College make use of existing expertise and talent? Can you identify people locally, who if asked, may be willing and able to teach one or more of your courses? If you have offered us multiple options for how your courses might be distributed next year, please explain the benefits and drawbacks of each option you present. If the course load for a visiting position includes a special topics course, this course should be taught in the spring semester. If it cannot be taught in the spring, please explain why that is so in your rationale. Whether your staffing request enables continuing faculty to contribute to General Studies or interdisciplinary offerings. Sample Request Faculty Arendt Bhabha Cixous Derrida Einstein Fanon Gramsci Visiting 1 Fall 2015 Div. Chair 335A Global St. 180 225 110A 150B or 170 490 (.5) Encounters 110B sabbat 150A 180L (.5) RAES 100 280 110C 150B or 170 330 Spring 2016 Div. Chair 210A 210B 336A 210C 336B 495 (.5) Encounters 240 181L (.5) 495 (.5) 235 320 380 sabbatical 495 (.5) 235 181 4 5 3 3 2.5 1.5 5 Total # Courses 2 26 2. Rationale: We recognize that Professor Bhabha may not be accepted to the Global Studies seminar, but we think it likely. Even if he isn’t, we will need a visiting professor since we need to staff sufficient 100- and 200-level classes for our majors. If Professor Bhabha does need to teach a third course in the fall, we will add an additional section of 170. Last year we nearly fully enrolled four sections at this level (150A, 150B, 170A and 170B, with a combined enrollment of 98), so our plan above is already tight. Note that we had 27 course sections last year. If enrollment pressures warrant, Professor Gramsci is also willing to teach an additional section. We’d like to note that Gramsci has taught 110 for us for many years. The 280 class is a new one, but we’ve always offered at least two 200-level classes for sophomores and juniors. Last year Professor Cixous taught 250, but she offered to teach 110 instead this year so that Gramsci can do this new topic that we think will really interest students. Please note that we will give the visiting person, assuming we are authorized to hire one, either 150 or 170 depending on his/her area of expertise and interest. Again, Professor Cixous has been very flexible and has said she will teach either of those two depending on who we hire.