Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Buying and selling: endowment economy Intermediate Micro Lecture 8 Chapters 9 and 10 of Varian Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Consumers as buyers and sellers I Develop a better model of income/wealth, m I How to understand effects of price change I Stick with a 2-good model Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Endowment I Where does m come from? I Endowment: Amount of each good consumer starts with (ω1 , ω2 ) I Income is value of endowment I m = p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Demand with endowments 1. Sell off endowment 2. Choose consumption to maximize utility maxx1 ,x2 u(x1 , x2 ) s.t.p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 = p1 x1 + p2 x2 Example: u(x1 , x2 ) = x10.4 x20.7 (ω1 , ω2 ) = (10, 90) (p1 , p2 ) = (2, 1) Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Demand with endowments I Gross demand: (x1∗ , x2∗ ) I Net demand: (x1∗ − ω1 , x2∗ − ω2 ) I Net demander of good 1: Consumer for whom x1∗ − ω1 > 0 I Net supplier of good 1: Consumer for whom x1∗ − ω1 < 0 Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Change to endowment Which endowment is better? Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Change to endowment 1. Sell off endowment 2. Choose consumption to maximize utility I More endowment is better I More generally: New endowment better if p1 ∆ω1 + p2 ∆ω2 > 0 Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Setup Next few slides: I Net demander of good 2 I Net supplier of good 1 I Do price changes make consumer better off or worse? Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment ↓ p2 Suppose p2 ↓ I Budget line steeper I Can purchase more x2 for same sale of x1 I Always made better off I Will remain a net demander of good 2 I Same effect for ↑ p1 Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Small ↓ p1 Suppose p1 ↓ a little, ie: not enough to make consumer net demander of good 1 I Budget line flatter I Can afford less x2 for same sale of x1 I Always made worse off (if still net supplier of good 1) I Same effect for small ↑ p2 Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Large ↓ p1 Suppose p1 ↓ a lot, ie: enough to make consumer net demander of good 1 I Not possible with all preferences I Budget line flatter I May be worse off, may be better off I Same effect for large ↑ p1 Better off Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Large ↓ p1 Suppose p1 ↓ a lot, ie: enough to make consumer net demander of good 1 I Not possible with all preferences I Budget line flatter I May be worse off, may be better off I Same effect for large ↑ p1 Worse off Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Typical price offer curve with endowment I Goes through endowment I Tangent to IC at every point I Slope at endowment = − pp12 where (x1∗ , x2∗ ) = (ω1 , ω2 ) Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Typical demand curve with endowment I Given p2 , p1notrade leads consumer to choose endowment Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Slutsky equation Effect of ↓ p1 I Book splits income effect into I I I Endowment income effect (dashed line) Ordinary income effect Don’t worry about this distinction Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Labor supply We can now develop a model of labor supply Does labor supply increase or decrease when wages increase? I The returns to work are higher - work more I What if you were paid $100k/hour? Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment The model I 2 things traded I I I Consumers have of I I I Time Consumption L̄ hours to work/relax Non-work income of M Prices are I I Work pays w per hour Consumption costs p Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply I Workers want (goods) I I I Relaxation R Consumption C Endowments I I R̄ = L̄ (24 hours) C̄ = M p Budget pC + wR = p C̄ + w R̄ Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Labor supply Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Income/substitution effects Effect of ↑ w I For low w , L increases I I I Substitution effect R gets more expensive For high w , L may decrease I I Income effect Want more R when you can afford a lot of C Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Backward-bending labor supply Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Increasing L How to increase L I Want to limit income effect I Keep substitution effect I Suggestion: only offer high w for hours above threshold L∗ I Looks like overtime pay Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Progressive tax and L How do progressive tax rates compare? Lower labor supply Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Allocating consumption across time A consumer lives 2 periods I Endowment in each period (ω1 , ω2 ) I In this case, think of ω as $ income I Aggregate consumption good for each period (c1 , c2 ) I Interest rate r for borrowing and saving No inflation I I I $1 today buys 1 consumption good today $1 tomorrow buys 1 consumption good tomorrow If consumer doesn’t borrow or save: c1 = ω1 , c2 = ω2 Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Saving I Suppose consumer chooses c1 < ω1 I Saves ω1 − c1 I Has ω2 + (1 + r ) ∗ (ω1 − c1 ) to consume in period 2 I Prices:(p1 = 1, p2 = 1 1+r ) Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Borrowing I Suppose consumer chooses c1 > ω1 I Borrows c1 − ω1 I Has ω2 − (1 + r ) ∗ (c1 − ω1 ) to consume in period 2 I Can not borrow more than can be repaid Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Present value 1. Sell off endowment 2. Choose consumption to maximize utility I How to value endowment? I Present value: The value, in period 1 dollars, of the entire endowment Earlier periods are given more weight ω2 PV = ω1 + 1+r Consumers always prefer an endowment with a higher PV I Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Present value - more than 2 periods How to value endowment (ω1 , ω2 , ..., ωT )? PV (ω1 , ω2 , ..., ωT ) = ω1 + T X t=2 ωt (1 + r )t−1 If ωt = ω̄, ∀t and there are infinite periods: PV (ω̄, ω̄, ...) = ω̄ + ∞ X t=2 1+r ω̄ = ω̄ t−1 (1 + r ) r This is a good approximation for large T , as well Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Present value - more than 2 periods Present value of multiple endowments: PV ((ω1 , ω2 ) + (ψ1 , ψ2 )) = PV (ω1 , ω2 ) + PV (ψ1 , ψ2 ) ω2 + ψ 2 = ω1 + ψ1 + 1+r Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Assessing investment projects Which investments should be undertaken? I Treat them like an endowment I (Usually) high up-front cost, ω1 << 0 I Benefits come later, ω2 > 0, ω3 > 0, ... I If PV ≥ 0, project will repay loan for costs Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Project Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Borrowing/saving Endowment and demand Changing the endowment Changing prices Labor supply Examples (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ) = (−1000, 500, 550) r = 0.05 Should the project be carried out? (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 , ...) = (−2500, 120, 120, 120, ...) For what values of r will the bank agree to make the loan? Borrowing/saving