Welcome Letter 2015

Happy New School Year!!
Dear Students and Families,
It is a pleasure welcoming you to
a new and exciting school year. I
am so excited to begin my second
year at Lawton Elementary
School. I am thrilled to work with
you and your child! It is going to
be a year full of fun, learning and
lots of adventures and I cannot
wait to see what the year has in
store for us.
I am committed to keeping a
strong, open line of communication
between home and school. After
all we have something so special in
common, your child! You are your
child’s first teacher and you know
him or her better than anyone
else in the world. I would love to
start the year out with a glimpse
of who your child really is. What
makes him or her so amazing?
What does he or she struggle
with? What are his or her hobbies
and special talents? Please take a
moment to fill out the attached
questionnaire to help us build a
foundation of communication.
Katie Gibson
Below is a list of suggested
supplies that are recommended
for your student:
1 box of Crayola crayons (24
6 jumbo Elmer’s glue sticks
24 Ticonderoga #2 pencils sharpened if possible
2 packs of Crayola markers (8
12 pencil top erasers
2 large erasers
2 thick dry erase markers
1 sturdy 2 pocket folder
1 composition notebook
Classroom Wish List:
If there are any books, magazines,
newspapers, or any other reading
material you might be looking to
get rid of we would happily
accept a donation to build upon
our classroom library.
Donations of the following items
are also appreciated:
Please be sure to attend Lawton
Curriculum Night on September 21.
Welcome presentation by Mrs.
Blick is from 6:45-7:15 in the
auditorium. You will have a chance
to stop into the classroom from
7:15-8pm and hear about all of the
exciting events in room 210 this
Specials Schedule
P.E & Music
Music & P.E. & Dens
Humanities & Library
Important Times
Start time: 8:53a.m
End time: 3:59p.m
Full Day: 8:53a.m-3:59p.m
Half Day:
If your student arrives after the bell has run it is expected that you sign in at the
office and receive a tardy slip before entering the classroom.
Dismissal Bell: 3:59 Early dismissals are highly discouraged especially during the last 15
minutes of the school day.
Classroom Community Goals
I strive to develop and maintain a safe, familial climate in the classroom. I emphasize
mutual respect in our daily interactions and encourage the children to self-manage and
monitor their own behavior. Together we will develop a class mission statement to live
and work by each day.
School-Home Connection
Along with the assignment book your child will be bringing home a
folder with this label. The folder will go back and forth from home
to school on a daily basis. If you have a note for me, book orders,
lunch money, etc., place it in the folder. I will collect any notes from
students each morning.
Book Orders
I will be sending home book order flyers from Scholastic Book Club on a monthly basis.
The book club offers a variety of inexpensive books for your child’s home library to
encourage the joy of reading. Look for book order (and information about online
ordering) in your child’s folder. Our account code will be emailed to you and included in
the classroom newsletters.
Depending on our schedule students will be give 2 opportunities to enjoy a healthy
snack. If your child would like a snack during the day it must be a fruit or
vegetable. I will not be storing our providing snacks this year and we will not
have a class signup for weekly snacks. If your child receives breakfast from
school in the morning they are able to bring a fruit or vegetable to class after they
enjoy their breakfast. If your child brings something other than fruit or
vegetables to class they will be asked to store it in their backpack and
enjoy it at home.
We love to celebrate birthdays. This year we will incorporate a healthy treat, non-food
item or a “Birthday Book.”
1. Find a new or gently used book that you would like to donate to the classroom
library. If you need help finding a book, please let me know.
2. Wrap the book in either wrapping paper or a gift bag, I can also use paper at
3. Send the wrapped book to school with your child.
We will always take the time to sing and celebrate with your child. If your child has a
summer birthday, we can figure out a good alternative date to celebrate so s/he is
not left out.
Any student who requires a change in transportation must provide the teacher with a
written note or personal phone call. If the teacher does not receive a note or a phone
call, I will have to place the child on his or her normal bus or normal way of
transportation in the afternoon. I ask that you please EITHER call or send a note
instead of an email during the day as I cannot guarantee that I will see the email
before it is time to leave.
Parent Volunteers
I enjoy and appreciate volunteers in the classroom. There are many ways you can
volunteer your time this year, including…
* Joining us on field trips
* Working one-on-one with students at reading and writing centers
* Working one-on-one with students during math stations
* Joining us as a guest reader/presenter; and
* Volunteering at class celebrations
We will have sign-ups for important events at the curriculum night. If you are
interested in taking on the role of a “Room Parent” this year please email me A.S.A.P.
Getting to Know Your Child
Student’s Name: Email Address (es): Siblings at Lawton include grade level? How my child is getting home from school:
Bus Walking Pick-Up Kids Club How would you like to receive the weekly newsletter, Circle one.
Email provided (color copy) OR Hard copy (black and white)
5 words that describe your child and his/
her personality are…
What motivates your child?
What does your child struggle with?
What are three goals you have for the year?