
Be Green with the Printer!
Follow these tips when using the printer and help save
the environment and money too!
P ut s o m e e n e r g y i n t o s a v i n g e n e r g y ! S w i t c h o f f w h e n n o t
in use, particularly at the end of the day.
Find out what printer can print
Double Sided/Black and White.
Use this where possible.
There's no F in REFUSE if you
REUSE - use the reverse side of
miscopies to print draft copies or as
scrap paper.
Use the ‘Clean, Dry, Recycling’ (CDR Box) to recycle used
office paper.
Buy recycled paper. Every tonne of recycled paper
saves 32,000 litres of water!
Paper 'doesn't grow on trees!’ If you don't need it, don't print it!
Do you need to print that document?
Further information:
greencampus@nuigalway.ie or www.nuigalway.ie/environment
Kill – a – watt – if not you, WHO?