Fundamentals of Food Science – FDSC 1133 FOOD CHEMISTRY I – FDSC 3733 Spring 2013 FALL 2014 Instructor Ranjith Ramanathan (Ram) 104B Animal Science Tel: 744 9260 Email: Office hours: Open or by appointment Lecture MW 9:30 – 10:20 (Life Sciences West 201) Teaching Assistant Andrea English 108 Animal Science Email: Office hours: Open or by appointment Course objective ~ To develop a basic understanding of the physical and chemical properties of major constituents of foods, viz., water, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. ~ To understand how interactions among food components affect the structure and stability of food during processing and preservation. Text book Fennema’s Food Chemistry, Fourth Edition, CRC press (Recommended, but not mandatory) Grading policy Exam 1: Exam 2: Exam 3: Final Exam*: 50 points (9/17/2014; Wednesday) 50 points (10/15/2014; Wednesday) 50 points (11/19/2014; Wednesday) 100 points (12/8/14; Monday) Quizzes** Real time quizzes§ 50 points 50 points Laboratory reports 120 points Laboratory participation 30 points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total points 500 Letter grades A = > 450; B = 400 – 449; C = 350 – 399; D = 240 – 349; F = < 239 A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = <59% 1 Final Examination* 12-08-2014 (Monday, 8:00 to 10:50 am); Cumulative Quizzes** All quizzes are announced. Each quiz is worth 10 points. The maximum points one can get from quizzes is 50. In case a student took all the quizzes, additional points will be consider as extra credit points. For example, if one student gets 60 points from 6 quizzes, 10 points will be considered as extra-credit points. There will be no make-up for missed quizzes Real time quizzes§ All real time quizzes are unannounced quizzes in class. There will be no make-up for real time quizzes. Review TBD (Optional review sessions prior to exam) Virtual classroom TBD (Optional online review/discussion session in D2L prior to exam) Missed exam Student must provide written excuse for the missed exam and the instructor will make arrangements for make-up exam for valid reasons. No make-up assignment/quizzes will be scheduled for extra-credit points. Attendance Attendance is expected in all classes Dropping exam scores No exam scores will be dropped Academic integrity/dishonesty cases are handled according to the current Oklahoma State University Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures. ( If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Student Disability Services. 2 TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 18-Aug 20-Aug 25-Aug 27-Aug 1-Sep 3-Sep 8-Sep 10-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 22-Sep 24-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct 6-Oct 8-Oct 13-Oct 15-Oct 20-Oct 22-Oct 27-Oct 29-Oct 3-Nov 5-Nov 10-Nov 12-Nov 17-Nov 19-Nov 24-Nov 26-Nov 1-Dec 3-Dec Introduction Types of water in food Types of water in food Food proteins/Quiz 1 University Holiday Food proteins Food proteins Food proteins/Quiz 2 Food carbohydrates Examination 1 Food carbohydrates Food carbohydrates Food carbohydrates/Quiz 3 Food lipids Food lipids Antioxidants/Quiz 4 Food lipids Examination 2 Food lipids Chemistry of food preservation Flavor chemistry Flavor chemistry/Quiz 5 Role of enzymes in food Guest lecture Chocolate making/Quiz 6 Chemistry of Beer making Techniques in Food Science Examination 3 Techniques in Food Science Thanksgiving break Pre-final week Pre-final week Final examination review will be on 12/5/2014 @ 4 pm and D2L review will be on 12/7/2014 at 8 pm There will be optional review on the day before exams: 9/16, 10/14, 11/18 @5 pm, FAPC Rm 120 Optional D2L exam review will be on the day before exams: 9/16, 10/14, 11/18 @8 pm 3 FOOD CHEMISTRY I – FDSC 3733 LABORATORY SECTION FALL 2014 Instructor Ranjith Ramanathan (Ram) 104B Animal Science Tel: 744 9260 Email: Office hours: Open or by appointment Teaching Assistant Andrea English 108 Animal Science Email: Office hours: Open or by appointment Lab timing Tuesday: Section 3: 8:30 – 10:20; section 1: 10:30-12:20 (4HYD 102) No make-up laboratories will be scheduled Grading policy Laboratory reports* 120 points (12 x 10 points) Laboratory participation** 30 points (12 x 2.5 points) * Each lab report is worth 10 points. The maximum points one can get from lab reports is 120. In case a student submit all the lab reports, additional points will be considered as extra credit points. For example, if one student gets 130 points from 13 lab sections, 10 points will be considered as extra-credit points. All reports are due at the beginning of your next scheduled lab session. Late submission will result in 50% deduction in points. Lab report can be uploaded in the D2L drop box folder. **Laboratory participation includes attendance and your overall participation/interest in each lab. The maximum points one can get from lab participation is 30. In case a student participate in all lab sections, additional points will be considered as extra credit points. For example, if one student gets 32.5 points from 13 lab sections, 2.5 points will be considered as extra-credit points. TENTATIVE TOPICS 1 19-Aug Introduction 4-H Youth Development 102 2 26-Aug Aw and WHC FAPC 3 2-Sep Cottage cheese preparation 4-H Youth Development 102 4 9-Sep Non-enzymatic browning 4-H Youth Development 102 5 16-Sep Cooked color FAPC 6 23-Sep Baking FAPC 7 30-Sep Sensory analysis FAPC 8 7-Oct Jelly making 4-H Youth Development 102 9 14-Oct Lipid oxidation 4-H Youth Development 102 10 21-Oct Emulsion: mayonnaise 4-H Youth Development 102 11 28-Oct Chemistry of wine making FAPC 12 4-Nov Ice cream FAPC 13 11-Nov Guest lecture FAPC 14 18-Nov Mass spectrometry Henry Bellmon Research Center 15 25-Nov Review 16 2-Dec Review