19951 Mariner Avenue, Suite 150 Torrance, CA 90503 877.922.7284 www.pathologyinc.com September 15, 2015 ICD-10-CM Coding Effective October 1, 2015 Dear Colleague: Starting October 1st, 2015 the new federally mandated ICD-10-CM coding system will go into effect. Medical coding will change from ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes to the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes. All healthcare providers and those covered under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) will be required to use the new ICD-10-CM codes on any claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2015. Clinicians ordering laboratory testing from Pathology, Inc. will need to include the new ICD-10 diagnosis codes with their orders starting on October 1, 2015. Failure to include the new ICD-10-CM codes on test orders will result in denial of the claims. To help you make this transition, we have attached cross-walks of the most commonly used ICD-9 codes to the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes. These can also be viewed on our website at www.pathologyinc.com For more detailed information on the ICD-10-CM coding changes, please visit www.cms.gov/icd10 or www.cdc.gov/nchs/icd/icd10cm.htm We thank you for choosing Pathology, Inc. and look forward to your continued support. For additional information, please visit our website at www.pathologyinc.com or contact client services at 877-922-7284. Sincerely, Anila D. Guruji, M.D. Medical Director Attachments INTERNAL MEDICINE/FAMILY PRACTICE ICD-9 Codes 2014 & ICD-10 Codes 2015 INFECTIOUS & PARASITIC DZ (001-139) 034.0 Streptococcal phary. (sore throat) J02.0/J03.00 042 HIV positive, symptomatic B20 052.9 Chickenpox, w/o complic B01.9 054.10 Genital herpes unspec. A60.9 054.2 Herpetic gingivostomatitis B00.2 054.41 Herpes simplex derm. of eyelid B00.59 054.9 Herpes simplex w/o complication B00.9 075 Mononucleosis, infectious B27.90 078.0 Molluscum contagiosum B08.1 078.10 Viral wart, unspec. B07.9 078.11 Condyloma acuminatum A63.0 079.99 Viral infection, unspec. B97.89 097.9 Syphilis, unspec. A53.9 098.0 Gonorrhea, lower GU site, acute A54.00 099.40 Nongonococcal urethritis, unspec. N34.1 099.41 Chlamydia trachomatis N34.1 099.50 Chlamydia, unspecified site A56.19 110.0 Dermatophytosis, scalp and beard B35.0 110.3 Dermatophytosis,of groin & perianal areaB35.6 110.4 Dermatophytosis, of foot B35.3 110.5 Dermato-phytosis, of the body B35.5 111.0 Pityriasis versicolor B36.0 112.0 Candidiasis of mouth (thrush) B37.0/B37.83 112.3 Candidal intertrigo skin/nails B37.2 127.4 Enterobiasis (pinworms) B80 131.00 Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified A59.00 131.01 Trichomonal vulvovaginitis A59.01 131.02 Trichomonal urethritis A59.03 132.0 Pediculus capitis B85.0 132.1 Pediculus corporis B85.1 132.2 Pediculus pubis B85.3 132.3 Pediculosis, mixed B85.4 133.0 Scabies B86 ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC, IMMUNITY (240-279) 242.90 Hyperthyroidism, NOS w/o crisis 244.9 Hypothyroidism, unspec 250.00 Diabetes II w/o complication 250.01 Diabetes I w/o complication 251.2 Hypoglycemia, unspec 256.4 Polycystic ovaries 259.0 Delayed puberty 276.51 Dehydration 278.00 Obesity unspecified 278.01 Obesity Morbid E05.90 E03.9 E11.9 E10.9 E16.2 E28.2 E30.0 E86.0 E66.9 E66.01 BLOOD (280-289) 280.9 Anemia, iron deficiency, unspec. 285.9 Anemia, unspecified 289.3 Lymphadenitis, unspec. except mesenteric D50.9 D64.9 I88.9 MENTAL DISORDERS (290-319, V11, V40, V79) 305.1 Tobacco use disorder F17.200 NERVOUS SYSTEM & SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 345.90 Epilepsy, unspec w/o men intract G40.901/G40.909 346.90 Migraine, unspec, w/o mention of intractable G43.909 367.0 Hypermetropia/farsighted H52.03 367.1 Myopia/nearsighted H52.13 372.05 Atopic conjunctivitis, acute H10.13 372.30 Conjunctivitis, unspec H10.9 372.50 Conjunctival degener., unspec. H11.10 372.72 Conjunctival hemorrhage H11.33 373.11 Hordeolum, externum H00.019 379.91 Pain in or around eye H57.13 380.10 Infective otitis external, unspec H60.00/H60.399 380.12 Swimmers’ ear, acute H60.339 380.4 Cerumen, impacted H61.23 381.01 Acute serous otitis media H65.00 381.4 Nonsuppurative otitis media unsp H65.90 381.81 Eustachian tube dysfunction H69.80 382.9 Otitis media, unspec. H66.90 388.70 Otalgia, unsp (earache NOS) H92.09 388.9 Disorder of the ear, unspecified H93.93 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 401.0 Essen. hypertension, malig. 401.1 Essen. hypertension, benign 401.9 Essen. hypertension, unspec. 433.00 Basilar artery occlusion w/o mention of cerebral infarction 456.4 Scrotal varices 458.0 Orthostatic Hypotension 459.9 Unspec. Circul. Sys Disorders RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 460 Acute Nasopharyngitis (cold) 461.9 Sinusitis, acute, unspec. 462 Pharyngitis, acute or NOS 463 Tonsillitis, acute 465.9 Upper respiratory infection, unspec site 466.0 Bronchitis, acute 473.9 Sinusitis, chronic, unspec. 477.9 Rhinitis, allergic, cause unspec. 486 Pneumonia, unspecified I10 I10 I10 I65.1 I86.1 I95.1 I99.9 J00 J01.90 J02.9 J03.90 J06.9 J20.0 J32.9 J30.0/J30.9 J18.9 487.1 493.91 493.92 519.9 Influenza, NOS Status Asthmaticus Asthma unsp w/acute exacerb. Respiratory disease, unspec. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 521.00 Dental Caries, unspec 524.60 TMJ syndrome 525.9 Unsp dis of teeth & supp struct. 528.2 Oral Aphthae 528.9 Disease of oral soft tissue, unsp. 536.8 Dyspepsia (upset stomach) 558.9 Gastroenteritis, noninfec, NOS 564.00 Constipation, unspecified 569.3 Rectal and anal bleeding 573.3 Hepatitis, unspecified J10.1/J11.1 J45.902 J45.901 J98.9 K02.9 M26.60/M26.69 K08.9 K12.0 K13.70 K30 K52.89 K59.00 K62.5 K75.9 GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 590.80 Pyelonephritis, unspec N12 595.0 Cystitis, acute N30.00/N30.01 599.0 Urinary tract infec, unspec site N39.0 599.9 Unspec disorders of urethra & urinary tract N36.9/N39.9 603.9 Hydrocele, unspec N43.3 604.90 Epididymitis & orchitis, unspec N45.1/N45.2 608.1 Spermatocele N43.40 608.3 Atrophy of testis N50.0 608.9 Male genital disorder, unspec N50.9 610.1 Fibrocystic breast disease N60.19 611.1 Hypertrophy of breast (Gynecomastia) N62 611.71 Mastodynia (breast pain) N64.4 611.72 Lump or mass in breast N63 614.2 Salpingitis & oophoritis N70.91/N70.92 616.0 Cervicitis & endocervicitis N72 N76.0/N76.2 616.10 Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, unspec 616.2 Bartholin cyst N75.0 616.3 Bartholin abscess N75.1 620.2 Ovarian cyst, unspec N83.20 625.2 Mittleschmerz N94.0 625.3 Dysmenorrhea N94.6 625.4 PMS (premenstrual synd.) N94.3 626.0 Amenorrhea N91.2 626.4 Menstrual cycle, irregular N92.5 626.8 Dysfunctional uterine hemorrhage, NOS N93.8/N92.5 626.9 Abn genital tract blding, unspec. N93.9/N92.6 COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH (630677) 640.90 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspec. O20.9 (OVER) INTERNAL MEDICINE/FAMILY PRACTICE ICD-9 Codes 2014 & ICD-10 Codes 2015 SKIN & SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 681.02 Onychia & Paronychia, finger L03.019 681.11 Onychia & Paronychia, toe L03.039 681.9 Cellulitis and abscess of, unspec digit L03.019 / L03.039 682.9 Abscess & Cellulitis, NOS L03.90/L03.91 684 Impetigo L01.00 686.00 Pyoderma, unspecified L08.0 690.10 Dermatitis, seborrheic, NOS L21.9 692.3 Contact derm. & other eczema due to L25.1 drugs or medicine in contact with skin 692.4 Contact derm. & other eczema due to other chemical products 692.6 Contact dermatitis due to plants 692.71 Sunburn 692.9 Contact dermatitis, NOS 695.89 Intertrigo 696.3 Pityriasis rosea 698.9 Pruritus, NOS 703.0 Ingrowing nail 704.8 Folliculitis, NOS (Disorder of hair follicle) 706.1 Acne, NOS 706.2 Sebaceous cyst 707.9 Ulcer skin, NOS 708.1 Idiopathic urticarial 709.8 Skin disorder, other spec. 709.9 Dermatosis, NOS skin disorder L25.3 L25.5 L55.0 L25.9 / L30.9 L26 / L30.4 L42 L29.9 L60.0 L66.3 / L73.8 L70.8 L72.3 L98.499 L50.1 L94.2 / L98.8 L98.9 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM (710-739) 719.07 Effusion of ankle/foot joint M25.473 / M25.476 719.40 Pain in joint, unspec M25.50 719.46 Pain in joint, lower leg M25.569 723.1 Cervicalgia/Neck pain M54.2 724.2 Lumbago/Low back pain M54.5 724.5 Backache, unspec. M54.9 726.90 Tendinitis, NOS M77.9 728.85 Spasm of Muscle M62.838 729.1 Muscle pain & myositis, unspec M60.9 / M79.1 729.5 Limb pain M79.609 732.3 Juvenile Osteochondrosis of Upper extremity M92.30 732.4 Juvenile Osteochondrosis of Lower extremity M92.40 /M92.50 733.6 Costochondritis/Tietze’s Disease M94.0 734 Flat foot acquired M21.40 737.30 Kyphoscoliosis/Scoliosis, idiopat M41.20 CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 754.61 Congenital Pes Planus/Flat Foot 755.64 Genu varum (bowleg)-congenital Q66.50/Q66.80 Q68.2/Q74.1 SYMPTOMS, SIGNS & ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780799) 780.2 Syncope and collapse R55 780.39 Other Convulsions R56.9 780.4 Dizziness & giddiness R42 780.50 Sleep disturbance unspecified G47.9 780.71 Chronic fatigue syndrome R53.82 781.92 Abnormal Posture R29.3 782.1 Rash and other skin eruptions R21 782.7 Spontaneous ecchymosis R23.3 783.1 Abnormal weight gain R63.5 783.21 Abnormal loss of weight R63.4 783.22 Underweight R63.6 783.43 Short stature R62.52 784.0 Headache, NOS R51 784.1 Throat pain R07.0 784.7 Epistaxis (nose bleed) R04.0 785.0 Tachycardia, unspec. R00.0 785.1 Palpitations R00.2 785.3 Abnormal heart sounds, other R01.2 785.6 Enlargement of the lymph nodes R59.9 786.05 Shortness of breath R06.02 786.07 Wheezing (excludes asthma) R06.2 786.2 Cough R05 786.50 Chest pain, unspec. R07.9 786.59 Chest Pain, Other R07.89 787.01 Nausea & Vomiting R11.2 787.02 Nausea alone R11.0 787.03 Vomiting alone R11.10 787.91 Diarrhea, NOS R19.7 788.1 Dysuria R30.0 788.30 Urinary incontinence, unspec R32 788.36 Nocturnal enuresis N39.44 789.00 Abdominal pain, unspec. Site R10.9 790.6 Other abnormal blood chemistry R79.89/R79.9 791.0 Proteinuria R80.9 791.9 Other abnormal urine R82.99 796.2 Elevated BP w/o dx. of hypertension R03.0 INJURY & POISONING (800-999) 848.9 Sprain/Strain, unspec site T14.90 850.0 Concussion, w/ no loss of consciousness S06.0X0A 879.8 Open wound, unspec, excluding S31.000A limbs w/o complication 918.1 Abrasion, corneal S05.00XA 995.20 Drug reaction, unspec. T50.905A 995.3 Allergy, unspecified T78.40XA PREVENTIVE HEALTH, OBSERVATION, EXAMS (selected V codes) V01.6 Contact with venereal disease Z20.2 V01.79 Other Viral Disease Z20.828 V06.9 Unspec. combined vaccine Z23 V08 HIV positive, asymptomatic Z21 V20.2 Routine infant or child health Z00.129 (excludes adults) st Z34.00 V22.0 Prenatal care, normal 1 preg. V22.1 Prenatal care, normal pregnancy Z34.80 V22.2 Pregnancy state, incidental Z33.1 V24.2 Post-partum routine follow-up Z39.2 V67.59 Follow-up exam unspec following Z09 completed treatment V68.81 Referral of pt. w/o exam or Tx Z04.9 V68.9 Unspec. administrative purpose Z02.9 V70.0 Routine medical exam Z00.00 V70.3 Sports/Camp physical Z02.5 V70.5 Pre-employment exam Z02.1 V70.8 Unspecified general medical exam Z00.8 V72.0 Vision/Eye exam Z01.00 / Z01.01 V72.19 Hearing/Ear exam Z01.10/Z01.118 V72.31 Gynecological exam, routine With Z01.411 Abnormal findings Z01.419 V72.31 Gynecological exam, routine Without Abnormal findings V72.40 Suspected Pregnancy Z32.00 V76.2 Laboratory Exam Z12.4 V73.88 Special screen-Chlamydial Dis. Z11.8 V74.5 Special screen-Venereal Disease Z11.3 V81.1 Special screen for HTN Z13.6 (OVER) 2015 ICD-9 and ICD-10 Coding for Gynecology and Obstetrics A Quick Reference for Pathology, Inc. Clients Menstrual Abnormalities ICD-9 626.00 626.80 625.30 626.40 626.20 626.20 626.60 626.10 625.40 Amenorrhea Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Dysmenorrhea Irregular Menses Menometrorrhagia Menorrhagia Metrorrhagia Oligomenorrhea Premenstrual Syndrome Special Screening Examinations ICD-10 N91.2 N.93.8 N94.6 N92.6 N92.4 N92.0 N92.1 N91.5 N94.3 ICD-9 V73.88 V73.89 V73.89 V73.81 V73.89 V75.4 V74.8 V75.8 V74.5 ICD-10 Z77.9 Z12.89 Z12.4 Z01.411 Z01.419 Z12.72 ICD-9 627.2 627.2 627.8 627.1 627.4 627.0 627.3 Routine Examination Codes ICD-9 V15.89 V76.49 V76.2 V72.31 V72.31 V76.47 High-risk for Developing Cervical Cancer Pap test on patient with no cervix Routine cervical Papanicolau test Routine gynecological exam with abnormal findings Routine gynecological exam w/o abnormal findings Vaginal Pap Test status post-hysterectomy Chlamydial trachomatis screening Hepatitis screening HIV screening HPV screening Rubella screening Screening for yeast infection Syphilis screening Trichomoniasis screening Veneral disease screening ICD-10 Z11.8 Z11.59 Z11.59 Z11.51 Z11.59 Z11.8 Z11.2 Z11.8 Z11.3 Menopause Climacteric symptoms Menopausal symptoms Perimenopausal bleeding Postmenopausal bleeding Postsurgical menopause Premenopausal menorrhagia Senile atrophic vaginitis ICD-10 N95.1 N95.1 N95.8 N95.0 N95.8 N92.4 N95.2 Abnormal Pap Test Results ICD-9 795.00 795.10 795.02 795.12 795.01 795.11 795.05 795.04 795.14 795.03 795.13 795.08 795.18 795.15 Abnormal pap test result, cervix Abnormal pap test result, vagina ASC-H, cervix ASC-H, vagina ASC-US, cervix ASC-US, vagina Cervical high-risk HPV DNA test positive HGSIL, cervix HGSIL, vagina LGSIL, cervix LGSIL, vagina Unsatisfactory cervical cytology sample Unsatisfactory vaginal cytology sample Vaginal high-risk HPV DNA test positive ICD-10 R87.619 R87.628 R87.611 R87.621 R87.610 R87.620 R87.810 R87.613 R87.623 R87.612 R87.622 R87.615 R87.625 R87.811 Pregnancy with Abortive Outcomes ICD-9 634.90 637.90 631.80 630.00 632.00 631.00 640.00 633.10 633.90 656.40 Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) Abortion Blighted ovum / Molar pregnancy Hydatidiform mole Missed abortion Molar pregnancy Threatened abortion Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy Intrauterine death, unspecified ICD-10 O03.9 Z33.2 O02.0 O01.9 O02.1 O02.0 O20.0 O00.1 O00.9 O36.4XX0 Disorders of Cervix ICD-9 616.0 233.1 616.0 622.7 616.0 622.2 622.11 622.12 Cervical inflammation Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III (CIN III) Cervicitis Cervical polyp Endocervicitis Leukoplakia of cervix Mild dysplasia of cervix (CIN I) Moderate dysplasia of cervix (CIN II) ICD-10 N72 D06.9 N72 N84.1 N72 N88.0 N87.0 N87.1 Infertility ICD-9 628.8 628.0 628.2 628.4 628.3 628.9 606.9 628.3 628.9 256.39 628.2 Age related infertility Anovulatory infertility Infertility due to fallopian tube anomaly Infertility due to anomaly of cervical mucosa Infertility due to uterine anomaly Infertility, female Infertility, male Infertility of uterine origin Primary female infertility Primary ovarian failure Tubal occlusion Disorders of Vagina and Vulva ICD-9 623.9 Noninflammatory Disorder of Vagina 698.1 Vaginal Itch 616.89 Vaginal Ulcer 1 of 2 ICD-10 N97.8 N97.0 N97.1 N97.8 N97.2 N97.9 N46.9 N97.2 N97.9 E28.39 N97.1 ICD-10 N89.9 L29.3 N76.5 Diseases of Female Pelvic Organs ICD-9 614.9 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 789.30 Pelvic mass 625.9 Pelvic pain ICD-10 N73.9 R19.00 N94.9 Disorders of Breast ICD-9 611.0 611.79 610.0 610.1 611.6 611.1 611.0 611.71 611.79 Breast abscess Breast tenderness Cyst of breast Fibrocystic breast Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth Gynecomastia (hypertrophy of breast) Mastitis (breast abscess) Mastodynia (pain in breast) Nipple discharge ICD-10 N61 N64.59 N60.09 N60.19 N64.3 N62 N61 N64.4 N64.52 Disorders of Uterus and Ovary ICD-9 617.0 617.0 621.2 617.9 620.2 256.9 256.39 621.8 218.9 621.0 Adenomyosis Cervical endometriosis Enlarged uterus Endometriosis, unspecified Ovarian cyst Ovarian dysfunction Ovarian failure Uterine cyst Uterine fibroid / leiomyoma Uterine polyp ICD-10 N80.0 N80.0 N85.2 N80.9 N83.20 N28.9 E28.39 N85.8 D25.9 N84.0 Neoplasm of Female Genital Organs ICD-9 174.9 180.9 180.0 182.0 183.0 179 184.0 184.4 Breast cancer Cervical cancer Endocervical cancer Endometrial cancer Ovarian cancer Uterine cancer Vaginal cancer Vulvar cancer ICD-10 C50.919 C53.9 C53.0 C54.1 C56.9 C55 C52 C51.9 Disorders of Vagina and Vulva-Cont'd ICD-9 616.2 616.50 623.8 623.5 616.10 616.4 624.8 Bartholin's cyst Ulcer of Vulva Vaginal cyst / vaginal bleeding Vaginal discharge Vaginitis, unspecified Vulvar abscess Vulvar lesion ICD-10 N75.0 N76.6 N89.8 N89.8 N76.0 N76.4 N90.89 2015 ICD-9 and ICD-10 Coding for Gynecology and Obstetrics A Quick Reference for Pathology, Inc. Clients Complications of Pregnancy ICD-9 641.00 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, unspecified Complications of Pregnancy (continued) ICD-10 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, unspecified trimester O44.00 Habitual aborter with current pregnancy, 1st trimester ICD-10 O26.21 Habitual aborter with current pregnancy, 2nd trimester O26.22 Supervision of Pregnancy and Post Partum ICD-9 V23.81 Advanced maternal age, 1st pregnancy, unspec.trim Advanced maternal age, 1st pregnancy, 1st trimester Habitual aborter with current pregnancy, 3rd trimester O26.23 Advanced maternal age, 1st pregnancy, 2nd trimester ICD-9 ICD-10 O09.519 O09.512 O09.511 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, 1st trimester O44.01 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, 2nd trimester O44.02 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, 3rd trimester 641.13 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, antepartum condition 641.10 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, unspec.trimester O44.03 Twin pregnancy, unspecified trimester Twin pregnancy, 1st trimester O30.009 O30.001 Advanced maternal age, other than first pregnancy, 1st trimester O09.529 O09.521 O44.10 Twin pregnancy, 2nd trimester O30.002 Advanced maternal age, other than first pregnancy, 2nd trimester O09.522 641.13 Twin pregnancy, 3rd trimester O30.003 Advanced maternal age, other than first pregnancy, 3rd trimester Hemorrhage from placenta previa, 1st trimester O44.11 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, 2nd trimester O44.12 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, 3rd trimester O44.13 642.33 Gestational hypertension, antepartum condition 642.30 Gestational Hypertension, without significant proteinuria, Unspecified Trimester Gestational Hypertension, without significant proteinuria, 1st Trimester Gestational Hypertension, without significant proteinuria, 2nd Trimester Gestational Hypertension, without significant proteinuria, 3rd Trimester O13.9 O13.1 651.00 Twin pregnancy, unspecified 656.10 Rh incompatibility affecting management of pregnancy Rh incompatibility affecting management of O36.0190 pregnancy unspec. Trimester Rh incompatibility affecting management of O36.0110 pregnancy 1st Trimester Rh incompatibility affecting management of O36.0120 pregnancy 2nd Trimester Rh incompatibility affecting management of O36.0130 pregnancy 3rd Trimester O13.2 656.50 Poor fetal growth, unspecified O36.5990 O13.3 656.51 Poor fetal growth, 1st trimester O36.5910 642.40 Mild pre-eclampsia, unspecified 642.43 Mild pre-eclampsia, antepartum condition, unspec.trimeste Mild pre-eclampsia, 1st trimester Mild pre-eclampsia, 2nd trimester Mild pre-eclampsia, 3rd trimester 648.44 Post-partum depression 648.80 Gestational diabetes, unspecified 648.81 Gestational diabetes, unspecified control 649.50 Spotting complicating pregnancy, unspecified Spotting complicating pregnancy, unspecified trim Spotting complicating pregnancy, 1st trimester Spotting complicating pregnancy, 2nd trimester Spotting complicating pregnancy, 3rd trimester 645.10 Post-term pregnancy (Between 40 and 42 weeks gest.) 646.30 Habitual aborter with current pregnancy, unspecified Habitual aborter with current pregnancy, unspecified trimester Advanced maternal age, 1st pregnancy, 3rd trimester Poor fetal growth, 2nd trimester O14.00 O14.01 O14.02 O14.03 O99.345 O99.810 O24.419 Poor fetal growth, 3rd trimester 656.60 Excessive fetal growth, unspecified Excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester 656.61 Excessive fetal growth, 1st trimester Excessive fetal growth, 2nd trimester Excessive fetal growth, 3rd trimester O26.859 O26.851 O26.852 O26.853 O48.0 V23.82 Advanced maternal age, other than first pregnancy, unspec.trimester Z36 V28.0 Antenatal screening for chromosomal anomaly Z36 V28.9 First trimester screen Z36 V23.89 High-risk pregnancy, unspecified trimester O09.899 High-risk pregnancy, 1st trimester O09.891 High-risk pregnancy, 2nd trimester O09.892 High-risk pregnancy, 3rd trimester O09.893 O36.5920 V22.0 Normal first pregnancy, unspecified trimester Z34.00 O36.5930 O36.60XO O36.60X0 O36.61X0 O36.62X0 O36.63X0 Normal first pregnancy, 1st trimester Normal first pregnancy, 2nd trimester Normal first pregnancy, 3rd trimester V22.1 Normal pregnancy other than first, unspecified trimest. Normal pregnancy other than first, 1st trimester Normal pregnancy other than first, 2nd trimester Normal pregnancy other than first, 3rd trimester V22.2 Pregnant state, incidental (Secondary Diagnosis) V23.85 Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization, unspecified trimester Z34.01 Z34.02 Z34.03 Z34.90 Z34.91 Z34.92 Z34.93 Z33.1 O09.819 O09.811 O09.812 O09.813 Z36 Z39.2 Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization, 2nd trimester Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization, 3rd trimester V28.3 Routine fetal ultrasound V24.2 Routine postpartum follow-up 2 of 2 O09.523 V28.2 Antenatal screening for Alpha-fetoprotein in amniotic fluid Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization, 1st trimester O26.20 O09.513