ICD-9 Codes for Family Medicine 2011

ICD-9 Codes for Family Medicine 2011-2012: The FPM Long List
I. Infectious & Parasitic Diseases
127.0 Ascariasis
790.7 Bacteremia (not septicemia)
052.9 Chickenpox, NOS
133.8 Chiggers
078.5 CMV disease
078.11 Condyloma acuminata
111.9 Dermatomycosis, unspec.
110.2 Dermatophytosis of hand
110.0 Dermatophytosis of scalp/beard
062.9 Encephalitis, mosquito, unspec.
323.9 Encephalitis, myelitis, unspec.
057.9 Exanthems, viral, unspec.
057.0 Fifth disease
007.1 Giardiasis
098.0 Gonorrhea, acute, lower GU tract
074.3 Hand, foot, mouth disease
041.86 Helicobacter pylori
070.1 Hepatitis A w/o coma
070.30 Hepatitis B w/o coma, acute
070.32 Hepatitis B w/o coma, chronic
070.51 Hepatitis C w/o coma, acute
070.54 Hepatitis C w/o coma, chronic
070.9 Hepatitis, viral, NOS
053.9 Herpes zoster, NOS
054.9 Herpetic disease, uncomplicated
054.2 Herpetic gingivostomatitis
054.13 Herpetic infection, penis
054.11 Herpetic vulvovaginitis
115.00 Histoplasmosis, unspec.
042 HIV disease
V08 HIV positive, asymptomatic
079.4 HPV
Infectious mononucleosis
487.1 Influenza w/ URI symptoms
007.9 Intestinal protozoa, NOS
088.81 Lyme disease
078.0 Molluscum contagiosum
112.2 Monilial balanitis
112.0 Moniliasis, oral
112.3 Moniliasis, skin/nails
112.1 Moniliasis, vulva/vagina
041.12 MRSA, unspec.
072.9 Mumps, uncomplicated
132.1 Pediculosis, body
132.0 Pediculosis, head
132.2 Pediculosis, pubic
127.4 Pinworms
038.2 Pneumococcal septicemia
Polio, late effects
795.51 Positive PPD
079.6 Respiratory syncytial virus
082.0 Rocky mountain spotted fever
058.10 Roseola infantum, unspec.
008.61 Rotavirus
056.9 Rubella, uncomplicated
003.0 Salmonella gastroenteritis
133.0 Scabies
034.1 Scarlet Fever
038.40 Septicemia, gram-negative, unspec.
038.9 Septicemia, NOS
004.9 Shigellosis, unspec.
005.0 Staphylococcal food poisoning
➤034.0 Strep throat
091.0 Syphilis, primary, genital
130.9 Toxoplasmosis, unspec.
131.01 Trichomonal vaginitis
131.02 Trichomoniasis, urethritis
011.90 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, NOS
137.0 Tuberculosis, respiratory, late effects
099.8 Venereal disease, other spec.
➤079.99 Viral infection, unspec.
078.11 Warts, condyloma
078.12 Warts, plantar
➤078.10 Warts, viral, unspec.
II. Neoplasms
Benign Neoplasms
211.3 Colon
214.0 Lipoma, facial
214.1 Lipoma, other skin, subcutaneous
782.8 Skin, change in texture
216.7 Skin neoplasm, lower limb
216.4 Skin neoplasm, scalp/neck
216.5 Skin neoplasm, skin of trunk
216.6 Skin neoplasm, upper limb
Malignant Neoplasms
188.9 Bladder, unspec.
174.9 Breast, female, unspec.
153.9 Colon, unspec.
184.9 Female genital, unspec., CIS excluded
159.9 Gastrointestinal tract, NOS
201.90 Hodgkin’s, NOS
208.90 Leukemia, unspec., w/o remission
162.9 Lung, unspec.
187.9 Male genital, unspec.
199.1 Malignant lesion, unspec.
Respiratory tract, NOS
Skin, unspec.
Urinary, unspec.
III. Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic
➤250.01 Diabetes I, uncomplicated
250.03 Diabetes I, uncontrolled
250.23 Diabetes I, w/ hyperosmolarity,
250.41 Diabetes I, w/ renal changes
250.91 Diabetes I, w/ unspec. complications
➤250.00 Diabetes II, uncomplicated
250.90 Diabetes II, w/ unspec. complications
250.62 Diabetes II/unspec., w/neurological
manifestations, uncontrolled
250.02 Diabetes II/unspec., w/o complications, uncontrolled
250.13 Diabetic ketoacidosis, uncontrolled
250.51 Diabetic retinopathy, background
255.41 Glucocorticoid deficiency
➤271.9 Glucose intolerance
242.00 Goiter toxic, diffuse
240.9 Goiter, unspec.
241.9 Goiter, unspec. nontoxic nodular
252.01 Hyperparathyroidism, primary
588.81 Hyperparathyroidism, secondary, renal
252.00 Hyperparathyroidism, unspec.
242.90 Hyperthyroidism, NOS
250.81 Hypoglycemia, diabetes I
250.80 Hypoglycemia, DM, uncontrolled
251.2 Hypoglycemia, nondiabetic, unspec.
252.1 Hypoparathyroidism
244.1 Hypothyroidism, post-ablative
244.0 Hypothyroidism, post-surgical
➤244.9 Hypothyroidism, unspec.
255.42 Mineralocorticoid deficiency
275.49 Pseudohypoparathyroidism
259.0 Puberty, delayed
259.1 Sexual precocity
253.6 SIADH
246.2 Thyroid cyst
241.0 Thyroid nodule
245.0 Thyroiditis, acute
245.2 Thyroiditis, chronic, Hashimoto’s
245.1 Thyroiditis, subacute
276.2 Acidosis
276.3 Alkalosis
277.30 Amyloidosis, unspec.
266.2 B12 deficiency w/o anemia
V85.51 BMI < 5th percentile, pediatric
V85.54 BMI ≥ 95th percentile, pediatric
277.00 Cystic fibrosis
276.51 Dehydration
277.7 Dysmetabolic syndrome
274.9 Gout, unspec.
274.00 Gouty arthropathy, unspec.
275.01 Hemochromatosis, hereditary
277.4 Hyperbilirubinemia
275.42 Hypercalcemia
➤272.0 Hypercholesterolemia, pure
276.7 Hyperkalemia
272.2 Hyperlipidemia, mixed
276.0 Hypernatremia
272.1 Hypertriglyceridemia
275.41 Hypocalcemia
276.8 Hypokalemia
276.1 Hyponatremia
276.52 Hypovolemia
275.2 Magnesium disorders
278.01 Obesity, morbid
➤278.00 Obesity, NOS
278.03 Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
276.69 Other fluid overload
➤278.02 Overweight
277.1 Porphyria
588.0 Renal osteodystrophy
IV. Blood Diseases
288.9 Abnormal white blood cells, unspec.
285.1 Anemia, acute blood loss
283.0 Anemia, autoimmune hemolytic
285.29 Anemia, chronic disease, other
285.21 Anemia, chronic kidney disease
285.22 Anemia, chronic neoplastic disease
281.2 Anemia, folate deficiency
280.1 Anemia, iron def., decreased intake
➤280.9 Anemia, iron deficiency, unspec.
280.0 Anemia, low iron, chronic blood loss
➤285.9 Anemia, other, unspec.
281.0 Anemia, pernicious
286.9 Coagulation defects, other
288.3 Eosinophilia
286.0 Hemophilia
287.9 Hemorrhagic conditions, unspec.
289.81 Hypercoagulable state, primary
287.31 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
288.50 Leukocytopenia, unspec.
288.60 Leukocytosis, unspec.
289.1 Lymphadenitis, chronic
288.00 Neutropenia, unspec.
238.4 Polycythemia vera
282.62 Sickle cell w/ crisis
282.61 Sickle cell w/o crisis
282.5 Sickle-cell trait
289.84 Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced
287.30 Thrombocytopenia, primary
287.49 Thrombocytopenia, secondary, other
V. Mental Disorders
309.0 Adjustment disorder, depressive
309.24 Adjustment reaction, anxious mood
300.21 Agoraphobia w/ panic
331.0 Alzheimer’s
307.1 Anorexia nervosa
301.7 Antisocial personality disorder
➤300.00 Anxiety state, unspec.
➤314.01 Attention deficit, w/ hyperactivity
314.00 Attention deficit, w/o hyperactivity
299.00 Autism, current or active
V62.82 Bereavement
296.80 Bipolar disorder, unspec.
296.52 Bipolar I, recently depressed, mod.
296.42 Bipolar I, recently manic, mod.
301.83 Borderline personality disorder
306.8 Bruxism
307.51 Bulimia nervosa
312.9 Conduct disorder, unspec.
300.11 Conversion disorder
293.0 Delirium, acute
291.0 Delirium tremens
290.0 Dementia, senile, uncomplicated
294.21 D ementia, unspec., w/ behavior
294.20 D ementia, unspec., w/o behavior
290.40 Dementia, vascular, uncomplicated
296.22 Depression, major, single episode
Depressive disorder, NOS
298.0 Depressive psychosis
302.76 Dyspareunia, psychogenic
307.7 Encopresis
307.6 Enuresis
301.3 Explosive personality disorder
307.0 Fluency disorder, adult
300.02 Generalized anxiety disorder
300.10 Hysteria, unspec.
298.1 Hysterical psychosis, acute
➤307.40 Insomnia, sleep disorder, unspec.
307.41 Insomnia, transient
Intellectual disabilities, mild
Intellectual disabilities, unspec.
315.9 Learning disability/develop. delay, NOS
300.9 Neurosis, NOS
300.4 Neurotic depression
300.3 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
307.80 Pain, psychogenic
300.01 Panic disorder, no agoraphobia
298.3 Paranoid reaction, acute
301.9 Personality disorder, unspec.
307.52 Pica
309.81 Post-traumatic stress disorder
302.75 Premature ejaculation
302.71 Psychosexual dysf., inhibited desire
302.70 Psychosexual dysf., unspec.
298.9 Psychosis, unspec.
295.12 Schizophrenia, disorganized, chronic
295.32 Schizophrenia, paranoid, chronic
295.72 S chizophrenia, schizoaffective,
295.02 Schizophrenia, simple, chronic
295.90 Schizophrenia, unspec.
327.30 Sleep disorder, circadian rhythm,
300.23 Social phobia
300.81 Somatization disorder
307.46 Somnambulism
308.3 Stress, acute situational disturbance
V62.84 Suicidal ideation
Substance Abuse
305.00 Alcohol abuse, unspec.
291.81 Alcohol withdrawal
303.91 Alcoholism, chronic, continuous
304.41 Amphetamine dependence, continuous
305.22 Cannabis abuse, episodic
304.31 Cannabis dependence, continuous
305.62 Cocaine abuse, episodic
304.21 Cocaine dependence, continuous
V65.42 Counseling, substance use/abuse
305.90 Drug abuse, unspec.
292.0 Drug withdrawal
292.11 Drug-induced paranoia
305.52 Opioid abuse, episodic
304.01 Opioid dependence, continuous
➤305.1 Tobacco abuse
VI. Nervous System & Sense Organ
Ear Diseases
993.0 Barotrauma, otitic
➤380.4 Cerumen impaction
V50.3 Ear piercing
381.81 Eustachian tube dysfunction
389.01 Hearing loss, conductive, external ear
389.03 Hearing loss, conductive, middle ear
389.20 Hearing loss, mixed, unspec.
388.12 Hearing loss, noise-induced
389.10 Hearing loss, sensorineural
389.9 Hearing loss, unspec.
386.35 Labyrinthitis, viral
386.00 Ménière’s disease, unspec.
379.54 Nystagmus, inner ear disease
388.71 Otalgia, otogenic
388.72 Otalgia, referred
➤380.10 Otitis externa, unspec.
➤382.00 Otitis media, acute
381.01 Otitis media, acute serous
382.01 Otitis media, acute w/ rupture of TM
381.10 Otitis media, chronic serous
384.21 Perforation, central, tympanic mem.
388.01 Presbycusis
388.31 Tinnitus, subjective
386.11 Vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional
386.2 Vertigo, central
Eye Diseases
379.41 Anisocoria
373.00 Blepharitis, unspec.
366.15 Cataract, cortical, senile
366.9 Cataract, unspec.
373.2 Chalazion
372.05 Conjunctivitis, acute atopic
372.06 Conjunctivitis, chemical, acute
077.0 Conjunctivitis, chlamydia
098.40 Conjunctivitis, gonococcal
372.03 Conjunctivitis, mucopurulent
➤372.30 Conjunctivitis, unspec.
077.99 Conjunctivitis, viral, NOS
918.1 Corneal abrasion
371.24 Corneal edema, contact lenses
370.00 Corneal ulcer, unspec.
368.2 Diplopia
375.15 Dry eye syndrome
378.01 Esotropia, monocular
940.9 Eye burn, unspec.
378.9 Eye movement disorder, unspec.
367.0 Farsightedness
930.9 Foreign body, eye, external, unspec.
365.22 Glaucoma, acute angle closure
365.23 Glaucoma, chronic angle closure
365.11 Glaucoma, primary open angle
365.9 Glaucoma, unspec.
364.41 Hyphema
364.01 Iritis/cyclitis, acute, primary
374.41 Lid lag
362.51 Macular degeneration, nonexudative
367.1 Nearsightedness
377.01 Papilledema, increased intracranial
372.42 Pterygium, peripheral, progressive
367.9 Refractive errors, unspec.
361.01 Retinal detachment, partial, single
362.01 Retinopathy, diabetic, background
362.02 Retinopathy, diabetic, proliferative
362.11 Retinopathy, hypertensive
368.41 Scotoma, central
373.11 Stye (hordeolum)
372.72 Subconjunctival hemorrhage
368.10 Visual disturbance, unspec.
368.40 Visual field defect, unspec.
368.12 Visual loss, transient
Nervous System Diseases
351.0 Bell’s palsy
333.81 Blepharospasm
354.0 Carpal tunnel
437.3 Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured
➤434.91 Cerebral artery occlusion w/ infarction, unspec.
348.5 Cerebral edema
343.1 Cerebral palsy, hemiplegic, congenital
343.0 Cerebral palsy, paraplegic, congenital
343.2 Cerebral palsy, quadriplegic
331.83 Cognitive impairment, mild
572.2 Coma, hepatic
850.12 Concussion, LOC 31 to 59 minutes
850.11 Concussion, LOC less than 30 minutes
850.0 Concussion, no loss of consciousness
850.9 Concussion, unspec.
438.9 CVA, late effect, unspec.
768.70 Encephalopathy, hypoxic-ischemic
348.31 Encephalopathy, metabolic
ICD-9 Codes for Family Medicine • Page 2
348.30 Encephalopathy, unspec.
345.00 Epilepsy, absence, w/o status
345.40 Epilepsy, partial complex, w/o status
345.3 Epilepsy, status
345.10 Epilepsy, tonic-clonic, w/o status
➤345.90 Epilepsy, unspec., not intractable
357.0 Guillain-Barré
339.12 Headache, chronic tension-type
339.42 Headache, daily persistent, new
339.3 Headache, drug-induced/rebound
349.0 Headache, post-spinal puncture
339.20 Headache, post-traumatic
307.81 Headache, tension
342.00 Hemiplegia, flaccid
342.10 Hemiplegia, spastic
432.9 Hemorrhage, intracranial, NOS
331.5 Hydrocephalus, normal pressure
331.4 Hydrocephalus, obstructive
327.24 H ypoventilation, idiopathic, sleep
327.52 Leg cramps, nocturnal
320.9 Meningitis, bacterial, NOS
320.0 Meningitis, hemophilus
322.9 Meningitis, unspec.
036.0 Meningococcal meningitis
346.40 Migraine, menstrual, not intractable
➤346.90 Migraine, unspec., not intractable
346.20 Migraine, variants, not intractable
346.02 Migraine, w/ aura, not intractable
346.12 Migraine, w/o aura, not intractable
355.6 Morton’s neuroma
340 Multiple sclerosis
359.1 Muscular dystrophy, hereditary
358.01 Myasthenia gravis w/ exacerbation
358.00 Myasthenia gravis w/o exacerbation
347.00 Narcolepsy, w/o cataplexy
729.2 Neuralgia, radiculitis
250.61 Neuropathy, diabetic
355.1 Neuropathy, lateral femoral cutaneous
357.5 Neuropathy, poly-, alcoholic
357.9 Neuropathy, unspec.
332.0 Parkinsonism, primary
353.6 Phantom limb
310.2 Post-concussion syndrome
053.19 Postherpetic neuralgia
348.2 Pseudotumor cerebri
337.22 Reflex sympathetic dyst., lower limb
337.21 Reflex sympathetic dyst., upper limb
333.94 Restless legs syndrome
331.81 Reye’s syndrome
724.3 Sciatica
327.23 Sleep apnea, obstructive
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
852.20 Subdural hemorrhage, closed
353.0 Thoracic outlet syndrome
307.20 Tic disorder, unspec.
307.23 Tourette’s disorder
333.1 Tremor, essential/familial
781.0 Tremor/spasms, NOS
350.1 Trigeminal neuralgia
VII. Circulatory System
➤427.31 Atrial fibrillation
427.32 Atrial flutter
426.11 Atrioventricular block, first degree
426.12 Atrioventricular block, Mobitz II
426.0 Atrioventricular block, third degree
426.13 Atrioventricular block, Wenckebach’s
426.7 Atrioventricular excitation, anomalous
426.3 Bundle branch block, left
426.4 Bundle branch block, right
426.82 Long QT syndrome
427.60 Premature beats, unspec.
427.81 Sick sinus syndrome
426.6 Sinoatrial heart block
427.89 Sinus bradycardia, NOS
427.0 Tachycardia, paroxysmal SVT
427.41 Ventricular fibrillation
411.1 Angina, unstable
413.9 Angina pectoris, NOS
414.04 CAD, artery bypass graft
414.02 CAD, autologous vein bypass graft
414.01 CAD, native coronary artery
427.5 Cardiac arrest
861.01 Cardiac contusion
425.11 Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic obstr.
414.8 Chronic ischemic heart disease, other
➤414.9 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspec.
421.0 Endocarditis, acute, bacterial
428.40 Heart failure, combined, unspec.
➤428.0 Heart failure, congestive, unspec.
428.32 Heart failure, diastolic, chronic
428.30 Heart failure, diastolic, unspec.
428.21 Heart failure, systolic, acute
428.22 Heart failure, systolic, chronic
428.20 Heart failure, systolic, unspec.
424.1 Heart valve, aortic, not rheum.
424.0 Heart valve, mitral, not rheum.
424.3 Heart valve, pulmonary, not rheum.
424.2 Heart valve, tricuspid, not rheum.
446.1 Kawasaki disease
410.10 MI, acute, anterior, NOS
410.00 MI, acute, anterolateral
410.20 MI, acute, inferolateral
410.30 MI, acute, inferoposterior
410.40 MI, acute, other inferior wall, NOS
410.50 MI, acute, other lateral wall
410.60 MI, acute, true posterior
410.90 MI, NOS (to 8 weeks)
410.70 MI, NSTEMI (to 8 weeks)
MI, old
422.91 Myocarditis, idiopathic
420.91 Pericarditis, acute, nonspecific
413.1 Prinzmetal angina
428.1 Pulmonary edema, acute
416.9 Pulmonary heart dis., chronic, unspec.
398.90 Rheumatic heart disease, unspec.
441.4 Aortic aneurysm, abdominal, intact
441.3 Aortic aneurysm, abdominal, ruptured
441.9 Aortic aneurysm, unspec.
441.01 Aortic dissection, thoracic
446.5 Arteritis, giant cell, temporal
440.9 Atherosclerosis, NOS (not heart/brain)
337.01 Carotid sinus syndrome
453.42 Deep vein thrombosis, distal
453.41 Deep vein thrombosis, proximal
453.40 Deep vein thrombosis, unspec.
➤796.2 Elevated BP w/o hypertension
456.0 Esophageal varices w/ bleeding
456.1 Esophageal varices w/o bleeding
➤401.1 Hypertension, benign
401.0 Hypertension, malignant
405.11 Hypertension, renovascular, benign
405.01 Hypertension, renovascular, malignant
➤401.9 Hypertension, unspec.
458.29 Hypotension, iatrogenic
458.0 Hypotension, orthostatic
458.21 Hypotension of hemodialysis
440.21 Intermittent claudication
443.9 Peripheral vascular disease, unspec.
➤451.19 Phlebitis, deep, lower extrem., other
451.0 Phlebitis, superficial, lower extrem.
451.82 Phlebitis, superficial, upper extrem.
446.0 Polyarteritis nodosa
457.0 Postmastectomy lymphedema
415.19 Pulmonary embolism, not iatrogenic
443.0 Raynaud’s syndrome
451.9 Thrombophlebitis, unspec.
435.9 Transient ischemic attack, unspec.
454.9 Varicose veins, asymptomatic
454.1 Varicose veins w/ inflammation
454.0 Varicose veins w/ ulcer
454.2 Varicose veins w/ ulcer, inflammation
453.9 Venous embolism, unspec. site
459.81 Venous insufficiency, unspec.
446.4 Wegener’s granulomatosis
VIII. Respiratory System
Lower Respiratory Tract
518.52 ARDS
493.82 Asthma, cough variant
493.81 Asthma, exercise induced
493.01 Asthma, ext. w/ status asthmaticus
493.00 Asthma, ext. w/o status asthmaticus
493.02 A sthma, extrinsic, acute exacerbation
493.11 Asthma, int. w/ status asthmaticus
493.10 Asthma, int. w/o status asthmaticus
493.12 Asthma, intrinsic, acute exacerbation
➤493.90 Asthma, unspec.
493.92 A
sthma, unspec. w/ acute exacerbation
518.0 Atelectasis
466.11 Bronchiolitis, acute, due to RSV
➤466.0 Bronchitis, acute
491.9 Bronchitis, chronic, unspec.
491.21 Bronchitis, chronic, w/ exacerbation
491.20 Bronchitis, chronic, w/o exacerbation
506.0 Bronchitis/pneumonitis due to fumes
519.11 Bronchospasm, acute
861.21 Contusion, lung
➤496 COPD, NOS
492.8 Emphysema
483.0 Mycoplasma pneumoniae
511.9 Pleural effusion, NOS
511.0 Pleurisy, NOS
481 Pneumococcal pneumonia
507.0 Pneumonia, aspiration
482.9 Pneumonia, bacterial, unspec.
480.3 Pneumonia, SARS coronavirus
➤486 Pneumonia, unspec.
997.31 Pneumonia, ventilator-associated
480.9 Pneumonia, viral, unspec.
512.81 Pneumothorax, spontaneous, primary
860.0 Pneumothorax, traumatic, closed
Pulmonary fibrosis, postinflammatory
518.81 Respiratory failure, acute
Upper Respiratory Tract
460 Common cold
464.4 Croup
Deviated nasal septum
464.30 Epiglottitis, acute
464.00 Laryngitis, acute, no obstruction
476.0 Laryngitis, chronic
Peritonsillar abscess
➤462 Pharyngitis, acute
471.0 Polyp, nasal cavity
➤477.9 Rhinitis, allergic, cause unspec.
477.2 Rhinitis, allergic, due to animal dander
477.0 Rhinitis, allergic, due to pollen
472.0 Rhinitis, chronic
461.1 Sinusitis, acute, frontal
461.0 Sinusitis, acute, maxillary
➤461.9 Sinusitis, acute, NOS
473.1 Sinusitis, chronic, frontal
473.0 Sinusitis, chronic, maxillary
473.9 Sinusitis, chronic, NOS
474.9 Tonsil/adenoid disease, chronic, unspec.
474.11 Tonsillar hypertrophy alone
463 Tonsillitis, acute
➤465.9 Upper respiratory infection, acute, NOS
IX. Digestive System
530.0 Achalasia/cardiospasm
568.0 Adhesions, peritoneal
565.0 Anal fissure, nontraumatic
564.6 Anal spasm
569.85 A ngiodysplasia, intestine w/ hemorrhage
528.2 Aphthous ulcer
540.0 Appendicitis, acute w/ gen. peritonitis
540.9 Appendicitis, unspec.
530.85 Barrett’s esophagitis
576.1 Cholangitis
575.0 Cholecystitis, acute
574.90 Cholelithiasis, GB/bile duct, uncomp.
574.61 Cholelithiasis, GB/bile duct w/
obstruction & acute cholecystitis
574.20 Cholelithiasis, NOS
571.2 Cirrhosis, liver, alcoholic
571.5 Cirrhosis, NOS
➤564.00 Constipation, unspec.
555.9 Crohn’s disease, NOS
555.1 Crohn’s, large intestine
555.0 Crohn’s, small intestine
521.00 Dental caries, unspec.
562.11 Diverticulitis of colon, NOS
562.10 Diverticulosis, colon
562.12 Diverticulosis, colon w/ hemorrhage
532.00 Duodenal ulcer, acute w/ hemorrhage
532.30 Duodenal ulcer, acute w/o bleeding
532.70 Duodenal ulcer, chronic w/o bleeding
536.8 Dyspepsia
525.40 Edentulism
530.3 Esophageal stricture/stenosis
530.10 Esophagitis, unspec.
571.0 Fatty liver, alcoholic
Foreign body, anus/rectum
935.1 Foreign body, esophagus
935.2 Foreign body, stomach
575.9 Gallbladder disease, unspec.
531.30 Gastric ulcer, acute, uncomplicated
531.00 Gastric ulcer, acute w/ hemorrhage
531.70 Gastric ulcer, chronic, uncomplicated
535.31 Gastritis, alcoholic, w/ hemorrhage
535.30 Gastritis, alcoholic, w/o hemorrhage
535.50 Gastritis, unspec., w/o hemorrhage
009.1 Gastroenteritis, infectious
➤558.9 Gastroenteritis, noninfectious, unspec.
008.8 Gastroenteritis, viral
➤530.81 Gastroesophageal reflux,
no esophagitis
536.3 Gastroparesis
523.10 Gingivitis, chronic, plaque induced
529.0 Glossitis
864.01 Hematoma, liver, not open into cavity
455.4 Hemorrhoids, external, thrombosed
455.3 Hemorrhoids, external, uncomp.
455.0 Hemorrhoids, internal, uncomp.
455.2 Hemorrhoids, internal, w/ comp.
➤455.6 Hemorrhoids, NOS
Hepatic failure, acute
571.40 Hepatitis, chronic, unspec.
573.3 Hepatitis, toxic
572.4 Hepatorenal syndrome
553.00 Hernia, femoral, unilateral
553.3 Hernia, hiatal, noncongenital
550.90 Hernia, inguinal, NOS
553.9 Hernia, other, NOS
553.1 Hernia, umbilical
553.21 Hernia, ventral, incisional
553.20 Hernia, ventral, unspec.
560.1 Ileus
560.30 Impaction of intestine
569.61 Infection, colostomy/enterostomy
560.9 Intestinal obstruction, unspec.
564.1 Irritable bowel syndrome
557.9 Ischemic bowel disease, unspec.
528.6 Leukoplakia, oral mucosa
571.9 Liver disease, chronic, unspec.
579.9 Malabsorption, NOS
569.62 Mechanical complication of ostomy
577.2 Pancreatic cyst, pseudocyst
577.0 Pancreatitis, acute
577.1 Pancreatitis, chronic
527.2 Parotitis
533.30 Peptic ulcer, acute, uncomplicated
533.00 Peptic ulcer, acute w/ hemorrhage,
w/o obstruction
533.70 Peptic ulcer, chronic, uncomplicated
523.40 Periodontitis, chronic, unspec.
564.2 Post-gastric-surgery syndromes
564.4 Postoperative functional disorders
306.4 Psychogenic GI symptoms
528.00 Stomatitis, mucositis, unspec.
873.63 Tooth, broken, due to trauma
525.9 Toothache
556.9 Ulcerative colitis, unspec.
557.0 Vascular insufficiency, acute, intestine
X. Genitourinary System
Breast Diseases
611.72 Breast lump
610.2 Fibroadenosis
610.1 Fibrocystic disease
611.6 Galactorrhea
611.1 Gynecomastia
611.0 Mastitis, NOS
675.94 Mastitis, postpartum, unspec.
611.71 Mastodynia
Disorders of Menstruation
626.0 Amenorrhea
627.1 Bleeding, postmenopausal
V07.4 Hormone replacement therapy,
➤627.9 Menopausal disorders, unspec.
V49.81 Menopausal state, asymptomatic
627.2 Menopausal state, symptomatic
➤626.2 Menstruation, excessive/frequent
625.3 Menstruation, painful
626.6 Metrorrhagia
625.2 Mittelschmerz
625.4 Premenstrual tension syndrome
627.3 Vaginitis, postmenopausal atrophic
Female Genital Organ Diseases
614.6 Adhesions, pelvic peritoneal
624.1 Atrophy, vulva
616.3 Bartholin abscess
616.2 Bartholin cyst
622.7 Cervical polyp, NOS
616.0 Cervicitis
620.1 Corpus luteum cyst
620.0 Cyst of ovary, follicular
618.01 Cystocele, midline
618.9 Cystocele/rectocele/prolapse, unspec.
625.0 Dyspareunia
621.30 Endometrial hyperplasia, unspec.
617.9 Endometriosis, unspec.
218.9 Fibroid uterus (leiomyoma), unspec.
628.9 Infertility, female, unspec.
623.5 Leukorrhea, NOS
256.39 Ovarian failure, other
256.2 Ovarian failure, postablative
256.4 Ovaries, polycystic
614.9 Pelvic inflammatory disease, unspec.
625.9 Pelvic pain, unspec. female disease
618.1 Prolapse, uterine
618.04 Rectocele
614.0 Salpingitis, oophoritis, acute
622.4 Stenosis, cervix
618.03 Urethrocele
621.2 Uterus, hypertrophy
625.1 Vaginismus
➤616.10 Vaginitis/vulvitis, unspec.
625.70 Vulvodynia
Male Genital Organ Diseases
608.3 Atrophy of testis
607.1 Balanitis
600.01 BPH/LUTS w/ obstruction
➤600.00 BPH/LUTS w/o obstruction
608.82 Hematospermia
603.9 Hydrocele, unspec.
607.84 Impotence, organic
302.72 Impotence, psychosexual dysfunction
606.9 Infertility, male, unspec.
604.90 Orchitis/epididymitis, unspec.
605 Phimosis
607.3 Priapism
601.0 Prostatitis, acute
601.1 Prostatitis, chronic
➤601.9 Prostatitis, NOS
790.93 PSA, elevated
608.1 Spermatocele
257.2 Testicular hypofunction
608.20 Torsion of testis, unspec.
099.40 Urethritis, nongonococcal, unspec.
456.4 Varicocele
Urinary System Diseases
596.4 Atony of bladder
596.54 Bladder, neurogenic, NOS
596.51 Bladder hypertonicity
596.0 Bladder neck obstruction
592.0 Calculus, kidney
592.1 Calculus, ureter
592.9 Calculus, urinary, unspec.
593.2 Cyst, kidney, acquired
ICD-9 Codes for Family Medicine • Page 3
➤595.0 Cystitis, acute
595.1 Cystitis, interstitial, chronic
595.82 Cystitis, irradiation
580.9 Glomerulonephritis, acute, unspec.
582.9 Glomerulonephritis, chronic, unspec.
599.71 Hematuria, gross
599.72 Hematuria, microscopic
599.70 Hematuria, unspec.
625.6 Incontinence, stress, female
585.6 Kidney disease, chronic, end stage
585.1 Kidney disease, chronic, stage I
585.5 Kidney disease, chronic, stage V
585.9 Kidney disease, chronic, unspec.
581.9 Nephrotic syndrome, unspec.
593.6 Proteinuria, benign postural
590.10 Pyelonephritis, acute, w/o necrosis
584.9 Renal failure, acute, unspec.
584.5 Renal failure, acute w/ tubular necrosis
593.9 Renal insufficiency, acute
598.1 Stricture, urethral, traumatic
598.00 Stricture, urethral, unspec. infection
597.81 Urethral syndrome, non-VD, NOS
599.60 Urinary obstruction, unspec.
➤599.0 Urinary tract infection, unspec./pyuria
593.70 Vesicoureteral reflux, unspec.
593.73 Vesicoureteral reflux w/ nephropathy
XI. Pregnancy, Childbirth
659.70 Abnormality in fetal heart tracing
635.92 A bortion, induced, w/o complications, complete
Abortion, missed
634.92 A bortion, spontaneous, complete,
634.91 A bortion, spontaneous, incomplete,
640.03 Abortion, threatened, antepartum
641.20 Abruptio placentae, unspec.
675.14 Abscess of breast, postpartum
641.90 Bleeding in pregnancy, unspec.
669.90 Complicated delivery/labor, unspec.
663.10 Cord around neck, unspec.
663.30 Cord entanglement, other, unspec.
642.60 Eclampsia, unspec.
633.90 Ectopic pregnancy, no IUP, unspec.
633.10 Ectopic pregnancy, tubal, no IUP
670.14 Endometritis, postpartum
676.24 Engorgement of breasts, postpartum
656.31 Fetal distress, delivered
655.73 Fetal movement, decreased, antepart.
669.51 Forceps/vacuum delivery, delivered
648.83 Gestational diabetes, antepartum
642.33 Gestational hypertension, antepartum
666.04 Hemorrhage, 3rd stage, postpartum
666.14 Hemorrhage, immediate PP, other
630 Hydatidiform mole
643.03 Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild
643.13 H yperemesis gravidarum, w/
metabolic disturbance, antepartum
659.10 Induction of labor, failed
647.93 Infections, complicating pregnancy
661.30 Labor, precipitate, unspec.
662.10 Labor, prolonged, unspec.
665.30 Laceration, cervix, unspec.
664.04 Laceration, perineal, 1st deg., PP
664.14 Laceration, perineal, 2nd deg., PP
664.24 Laceration, perineal, 3rd deg., PP
664.34 Laceration, perineal, 4th deg., PP
656.61 Large-for-dates, delivered
650 Normal delivery
660.11 Obstruction, bony pelvis, delivered
660.01 Obstruction, malposition, delivered
658.03 Oligohydramnios, antepartum
641.10 Placenta previa, w/ bleeding, unspec.
641.00 Placenta previa, w/o bleeding, unspec.
657.03 Polyhydramnios, antepartum
645.13 Post-term pregnancy, antepartum
➤V24.2 Postpartum follow-up, routine
642.40 Pre-eclampsia, unspec.
V23.41 Pregnancy, h/o pre-term labor
646.90 Pregnancy, other complications, unspec.
V22.2 Pregnant state, incidental
644.21 Premature labor, delivered
644.03 Premature labor, threat., undelivered
658.10 Premature rupture of mem., unspec.
V23.9 Prenatal care, high risk, unspec.
➤V22.0 Prenatal care, normal, first pregnancy
➤V22.1 Prenatal care, normal, other pregnancy
656.11 Rh incompatibility, delivered
660.41 Shoulder dystocia, delivered
656.53 Small-for-dates, antepartum
649.50 Spotting during pregnancy, unspec.
671.44 Thrombophlebitis, postpartum
660.61 Trial of labor, failed, delivered
651.00 Twins, unspec.
646.63 Urinary tract infection, antepartum
661.00 Uterine inertia, primary, unspec.
661.10 Uterine inertia, secondary, unspec.
649.60 Uterine size/date discrepancy
643.90 Vomiting of pregnancy, unspec.
XII. Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue
566 Abscess, perianal
➤706.1 Acne, other
702.0 Actinic keratosis
704.00 Alopecia, unspec.
680.5 Boil, buttock
680.0 Boil, face
680.1 Boil, neck
680.2 Boil, trunk
376.01 Cellulitis, orbital
682.5 Cellulitis/abscess, buttock
682.0 Cellulitis/abscess, face
682.7 Cellulitis/abscess, foot
682.4 Cellulitis/abscess, hand
682.6 Cellulitis/abscess, leg
682.1 Cellulitis/abscess, neck
➤682.9 Cellulitis/abscess, unspec.
681.9 Cellulitis/abscess, unspec. digit
692.6 Contact dermatitis, due to plants
➤692.9 Contact dermatitis, NOS
700 Corn/callus
690.11 Cradle cap
692.81 Dermatitis, due to cosmetics
692.83 Dermatitis, due to metals
110.9 D ermatophytosis of unspecified site,
ringworm, NOS
691.0 Diaper rash
➤691.8 Eczema, atopic dermatitis
695.10 Erythema multiforme, unspec.
695.2 Erythema nodosum
681.01 Felon
705.83 Hidradenitis suppurativa
704.1 Hirsutism
684 Impetigo
703.0 Ingrown nail
701.4 Keloid scar
697.0 Lichen planus
683 Lymphadenitis, acute
448.1 Nevus, vascular, non-neoplastic
110.1 Onychomycosis
➤709.9 Other skin disease, unspec.
681.02 Paronychia, finger
681.11 Paronychia, toe
685.1 Pilonidal cyst, unspec.
685.0 Pilonidal cyst w/ abscess
696.3 Pityriasis rosea
707.05 Pressure ulcer, buttock
707.07 Pressure ulcer, heel
707.04 Pressure ulcer, hip
707.09 Pressure ulcer, other
705.1 Prickly heat, heat rash
698.0 Pruritus ani
698.9 Pruritus, NOS
306.3 Pruritus, psychogenic
696.1 Psoriasis, NOS
695.3 Rosacea
709.2 Scar
➤706.2 Sebaceous cyst
690.10 Seborrheic dermatitis, NOS
702.19 Seborrheic keratosis, NOS
692.72 Solar radiation dermatitis
695.13 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
692.71 Sunburn
110.3 Tinea cruris
110.4 Tinea pedis
111.0 Tinea versicolor
707.13 Ulcer, skin, ankle
707.15 Ulcer, skin, chronic, other part of foot
707.9 Ulcer, skin, chronic, unspec.
707.12 Ulcer, skin, lower leg
707.10 Ulcer, unspec. of lower limb
708.0 Urticaria, allergic
708.1 Urticaria, idiopathic
709.01 Vitiligo
XIII. Musculoskeletal & Connective
727.89 Abscess, bursa
736.9 Acquired deformity, limb, unspec.
713.0 Arthropathy, endocrine disorders
713.1 Arthropathy, GI conditions
711.59 Arthropathy, other viral, multiple
716.10 Arthropathy, traumatic, unspec.
➤716.90 Arthropathy, unspec.
733.21 Bone cyst, solitary
710.9 Connective tissue disease, unspec.
710.3 Dermatomyositis
710.5 Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
➤729.1 Fibromyalgia/myositis, unspec.
729.6 Foreign body in soft tissue
728.85 Muscle spasm
728.87 Muscle weakness, generalized
728.2 Muscular wasting, atrophy
728.12 Myositis ossificans, traumatic
715.09 Osteoarthrosis, gen., multiple sites
➤715.90 Osteoarthrosis, unspec.
732.7 Osteochondritis dissecans
730.00 Osteomyelitis, acute, unspec.
730.10 Osteomyelitis, chronic, unspec.
733.01 Osteoporosis, senile
733.00 Osteoporosis, unspec.
714.30 P olyarticular juvenile rheumatoid
Polymyalgia rheumatica
710.4 Polymyositis
728.88 Rhabdomyolysis
714.0 Rheumatoid arthritis (not JRA)
710.2 Sjögren’s disease
➤727.00 Synovitis/tenosynovitis, unspec.
710.0 Systemic lupus erythematosus
524.62 Temporomandibular arthralgia
Lower Extremity
736.79 Acquired deformity, ankle/foot,
other, foot drop
733.42 Aseptic necrosis, head/neck of femur
727.51 Baker’s cyst
727.1 Bunion
726.73 Calcaneal spur
717.7 Chondromalacia of patella
717.1 D erangement, knee, anterior horn,
medial meniscus
717.9 Derangement, knee, internal, unspec.
717.42 Derangement, knee, lat. meniscus
736.72 Equinus deformity, foot
734 Flat foot
735.2 Hallux rigidus
735.0 Hallux valgus
735.4 Hammer toe, other
728.89 Iliotibial band syndrome
719.06 Knee effusion
726.70 Metatarsalgia, NOS
715.17 Osteoarthrosis, ankle/foot
715.15 Osteoarthrosis, hip
715.16 Osteoarthrosis, knee
730.07 Osteomyelitis, foot, acute
730.06 Osteomyelitis, leg, acute
➤729.5 Pain in limb
726.61 Pes anserinus tendinitis
728.71 Plantar fasciitis
726.65 Prepatellar bursitis
727.67 Rupture, Achilles tendon
726.71 Tendinitis, Achilles
726.64 Tendinitis, patellar
726.72 Tendinitis, tibialis
727.06 Tenosynovitis, foot/ankle
720.0 Ankylosing spondylitis
➤724.4 Back pain w/ radiation, unspec.
722.71 Cervical disc disorder w/ myelopathy
722.0 Cervical disc displacement
➤723.9 Cervical disorder, NOS
953.0 Cervical root injury
721.0 Cervical spondylosis w/o myelopathy
721.1 Cervical spondylosis, w/ myelopathy
724.79 Coccygodynia
733.6 Costochondritis
722.4 Degenerative disc disease, cervical
722.52 Degenerative disc disease, lumbar
722.51 Degenerative disc disease, thoracic
728.84 Diastasis recti
737.10 Kyphosis (acquired)
737.9 Kyphosis/scoliosis, unspec.
722.73 Lumbar disc disorder w/ myelopathy
722.10 Lumbar disc displace. w/o myelopathy
721.42 Lumbar spondylosis w/ myelopathy
721.3 Lumbosacral spondylosis w/o
721.90 Osteoarthritis of spine, NOS
722.81 Postlaminectomy syndrome, cervical
722.83 Postlaminectomy syndrome, lumbar
720.2 Sacroiliitis
737.30 Scoliosis
739.1 Somatic dysfunction, cervical region
739.3 Somatic dysfunction, lumbar region
739.5 Somatic dysfunction, pelvic region
739.8 Somatic dysfunction, rib cage
739.2 Somatic dysfunction, thoracic region
724.02 Spinal stenosis, lumbar w/o claudication
738.4 Spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis
721.2 Thoracic spondylosis w/o myelopathy
723.5 Torticollis, unspec.
Upper Extremity
726.0 Adhesive capsulitis, shoulder
726.12 Bicipital tenosynovitis
736.21 Boutonniere deformity
727.04 de Quervain’s disease
728.6 Dupuytren’s contracture
727.42 Ganglion, tendon sheath
727.43 Ganglion, unspec.
726.32 Lateral epicondylitis
736.1 Mallet finger
726.31 Medial epicondylitis
726.33 Olecranon bursitis
715.14 Osteoarthrosis, hand
715.11 Osteoarthrosis, shoulder
730.04 Osteomyelitis, hand, acute
➤726.10 Rotator cuff/shoulder synd., unspec.
727.62 Rupture, biceps tendon
736.22 Swan-neck deformity
727.05 Tenosynovitis, hand/wrist
727.03 Trigger finger, acquired
XIV. Congenital Anomalies
747.60 Arteriovenous malformation, unspec.
747.81 Arteriovenous malformation of brain
744.02 Atresia, auditory canal (external)
745.5 Atrial septal defect
757.32 Birthmarks
744.41 Branchial cleft sinus/fistula
749.00 Cleft palate, unspec.
749.20 Cleft palate w/ cleft lip
746.9 Congenital heart anomaly, NOS
754.30 Dislocation of hip, unilateral
758.0 Down’s syndrome
751.3 Hirschsprung’s disease
742.3 Hydrocephalus
752.61 Hypospadias
751.2 Imperforate anus
752.42 Imperforate hymen
755.9 Limb anomaly, unspec.
759.82 Marfan syndrome
751.0 Meckel’s diverticulum
742.1 Microcephalus
756.51 Osteogenesis imperfecta
754.81 Pectus excavatum
753.12 Polycystic kidney, unspec.
755.01 Polydactyly, fingers
750.5 Pyloric stenosis
757.6 Specified congenital anomalies of
741.93 Spina bifida, lumbar, uncomplicated
756.17 Spina bifida occulta
754.51 Talipes equinovarus
743.65 Tear duct, blocked
750.0 Tongue tie
754.1 Torticollis, sternomastoid
752.51 Undescended testis
745.4 Ventricular septal defect
XV. Perinatal (Infant)
799.82 Apparent life-threatening event, infant
770.10 Aspiration, neonatal/fetal, unspec.
768.5 Birth asphyxia, severe
768.9 Birth asphyxia, unspec.
767.2 Birth trauma, fracture of clavicle
767.9 Birth trauma, unspec.
778.7 Breast engorgement in newborn
789.7 Colic
779.5 Drug withdrawal in newborn
766.0 Exceptionally large baby, 4,500g +
760.77 Exposure to anticonvulsants
760.75 Exposure to cocaine, perinatal
760.72 Exposure to narcotics, perinatal
779.31 Feeding problem, newborn
760.71 Fetal alcohol syndrome
768.3 Fetal distress, during labor, in infant
773.1 Hemolysis, ABO isoimmunization
773.0 Hemolysis, RH isoimmunization
775.4 Hypocalcemia
775.6 Hypoglycemia, neonatal
770.88 Hypoxemia, newborn, NOS
775.0 Infant of diabetic mother syndrome
774.39 Jaundice, newborn, breast milk
774.2 Jaundice, newborn, prematurity
774.30 Jaundice, newborn, unspec.
763.84 Meconium passage during delivery
777.50 Necrotizing enterocolitis, newborn,
764.00 Newborn, SGA, weight unspec.
761.1 Newborn affected by PROM
771.6 Ophthalmia neonatorum, NOS
766.21 Post-term infant
765.10 Preterm infant, weight unspec.
766.22 Prolonged gestation of infant
Respiratory distress syndrome
771.81 Sepsis, neonatal
778.9 Skin/temperature problem
798.0 Sudden infant death syndrome
777.3 Swallowed maternal blood
V30.01 Well newborn, hospital birth, c-section
V30.00 Well newborn, hospital birth, vaginal
XVI. Signs & Symptoms
789.06 Abdominal pain, epigastric
789.04 Abdominal pain, LLQ
789.03 Abdominal pain, RLQ
789.01 Abdominal pain, RUQ
➤789.00 Abdominal pain/colic, unspec.
789.34 Abdominal/pelvic mass, LLQ
789.33 Abdominal/pelvic mass, RLQ
789.30 Abdominal/pelvic mass, unspec.
790.6 Abnormal blood chemistry, other
790.92 Abnormal coagulation profile
794.31 Abnormal electrocardiogram
790.21 Abnormal fasting glucose
790.22 Abnormal glucose tolerance test
790.29 Abnormal glucose, other
795.05 A bnormal HPV, positive, cervical
high risk
793.19 Abnormal imaging, lung, other
793.11 A bnormal imaging, lung, solitary
pulmonary nodule
➤783.21 Abnormal loss of weight
795.02 Abnormal Pap, ASC, possible HGSIL
ICD-9 Codes for Family Medicine • Page 4
➤795.01 Abnormal Pap, ASC-US
233.1 Abnormal Pap, cervix uteri (CIS)
622.10 Abnormal Pap, dysplasia, cervix, unspec.
➤795.00 Abnormal Pap, glandular, NOS
795.04 Abnormal Pap, HGSIL
795.03 Abnormal Pap, LGSIL
781.92 Abnormal posture
790.0 Abnormal red blood cell
790.4 Abnormal transaminase/LDH
783.1 Abnormal weight gain
780.97 Altered mental status
995.0 Anaphylactic reaction, other
783.0 Anorexia
784.3 Aphasia
719.40 Arthralgia, unspec.
789.51 Ascites, malignant
789.59 Ascites, other
569.3 Bleeding, rectal
578.1 Blood in stool, melena
792.1 Blood in stool, occult
785.9 Bruit
799.4 Cachexia
➤786.50 Chest pain, unspec.
780.71 Chronic fatigue syndrome
781.5 Clubbing of fingers
780.01 Coma, nondiabetic/nonhepatic
➤786.2 Cough
780.92 Crying, infant, excessive
782.5 Cyanosis
783.42 Delayed milestones
➤787.91 Diarrhea, NOS
781.1 Disturbances, smell and taste
➤780.4 Dizziness/vertigo, NOS
784.51 Dysarthria
784.61 Dyslexia
787.20 Dysphagia, unspec.
➤788.1 Dysuria
780.94 Early satiety
➤782.3 Edema, localized, NOS
719.00 Effusion/swelling of joint, unspec.
790.1 Elevated sedimentation rate
799.24 Emotional lability
788.36 Enuresis, nocturnal
784.7 Epistaxis
781.94 Facial weakness
783.7 Failure to thrive, adult
783.41 Failure to thrive, child
300.5 Fatigue, psychogenic
➤780.79 Fatigue and malaise, other
787.60 Fecal incontinence, full
783.3 Feeding problem, infant/elderly
➤780.60 Fever, unspec.
781.2 Gait disturbance
787.3 Gas/bloating
791.5 Glycosuria
780.1 Hallucinations
➤784.0 Headache, unspec.
787.1 Heartburn
578.0 Hematemesis
786.30 Hemoptysis, unspecified
789.1 Hepatomegaly
786.8 Hiccups
784.42 Hoarseness
795.05 HPV positive test
306.1 Hyperventilation
799.02 Hypoxemia
788.91 Incontinence, functional
788.31 Incontinence, urge
788.30 Incontinence/enuresis, NOS
782.4 Jaundice
783.40 L ack of normal physiological
development, unspec.
799.81 Libido, decreased
782.2 Localized swelling/mass, superficial
781.91 Loss of height
785.6 Lymph nodes, enlarged
793.80 Mammogram, abnormal, unspec.
780.93 Memory loss
780.02 Mental status changes
780.58 Movement disorder, sleep related
785.2 Murmur of heart, undiagnosed
787.02 Nausea, alone
➤787.01 Nausea w/ vomiting
781.8 Neurologic neglect syndrome
788.43 Nocturia
338.11 Pain, acute, due to trauma
338.21 Pain, chronic, due to trauma
338.29 Pain, chronic, other
780.96 Pain, generalized
719.45 Pain, hip
➤719.46 Pain, knee
➤724.2 Pain, low back
723.1 Pain, neck
338.3 Pain, neoplasm related
719.41 Pain, shoulder
338.0 Pain syndrome, central
338.4 Pain syndrome, chronic
➤785.1 Palpitations
782.7 Petechiae
786.52 Pleuritic pain
783.5 Polydipsia
783.6 Polyphagia
788.42 Polyuria
784.91 Postnasal drip
786.51 Precordial pain
791.0 Proteinuria, nonpostural, nonobstetric
➤782.1 Rash, nonvesicular, unspec.
799.1 Respiratory arrest
780.39 Seizures, convulsions, other
780.31 Seizures, simple, febrile, unspec.
780.09 Semicoma, stupor
782.0 Sensory disturbance skin
785.52 Septic shock
785.50 Shock, unspec.
783.43 Short stature
➤786.05 Shortness of breath
782.9 Skin, other symptoms
780.50 Sleep disturbance, unspec.
789.2 Splenomegaly
786.1 Stridor
780.8 Sweating, excessive
780.2 Syncope
785.0 Tachycardia
786.06 Tachypnea
783.22 Underweight
795.08 Unsatisfact. cervical cytology smear
➤788.41 Urinary frequency
788.64 Urinary hesitancy
788.63 Urinary urgency
787.03 Vomiting, alone
719.7 Walking difficulty
786.07 Wheezing
XVII. Injuries & Adverse Effects
Dislocations, Sprains & Strains
831.01 Dislocation: shoulder, closed, anterior
836.1 Knee meniscus injury, lateral
836.0 Knee meniscus injury, medial
832.2 Nursemaid’s elbow
847.2 Sprain: lumbar
845.01 Sprain/strain: ankle, deltoid lig.
➤845.00 Sprain/strain: ankle, unspec.
845.10 Sprain/strain: foot, unspec.
842.10 Sprain/strain: hand, unspec.
844.2 Sprain/strain: knee, cruciate lig.
844.0 Sprain/strain: knee, lateral collat. lig.
844.1 Sprain/strain: knee, medial collat. lig.
➤844.9 Sprain/strain: knee/leg, unspec.
➤847.0 Sprain/strain: neck, unspec.
848.3 Sprain/strain: ribs
846.1 Sprain/strain: sacroiliac lig.
840.4 Sprain/strain: shoulder, rotator cuff
➤840.9 Sprain/strain: shoulder/upper arm,
840.6 Sprain/strain: supraspinatus
847.9 Sprain/strain: vertebral, unspec.
842.00 Sprain/strain: wrist, unspec.
824.2 Ankle, closed, lateral malleolus
824.8 Ankle, closed, unspec.
825.0 Calcaneus, closed
814.01 Carpal, closed, scaphoid
814.00 Carpal, closed, unspec.
810.03 Clavicle, closed, acromial
810.02 Clavicle, closed, shaft
810.00 Clavicle, closed, unspec.
813.41 Colles’ fracture
805.2 Dorsal, thoracic, closed
820.21 Femur, intertrochanteric section
820.02 Femur, midcervical, closed
820.8 Femur/hip, closed, unspec.
823.81 Fibula, closed, unspec.
823.01 Fibula, upper end, closed
825.20 Foot, closed, unspec. (not toes)
813.80 Forearm, closed, unspec.
733.94 Fracture, stress: metatarsals
733.95 Fracture, stress: other bone
733.93 Fracture, stress: tibia or fibula
V67.4 Healed fracture, follow-up exam
812.02 Humerus, closed, anatomical neck
812.20 Humerus, closed, unspec.
812.09 Humerus, closed, upper end, unspec.
805.4 Lumbar, closed
802.20 Mandible, closed, unspec.
815.04 Metacarpal, closed, neck
815.03 Metacarpal, closed, shaft
815.00 Metacarpal, closed, unspec.
825.25 Metatarsal bone, closed
733.82 Nonunion of fracture
802.0 Nose, closed
802.6 Orbital floor, closed
808.8 Pelvic, closed, unspec.
816.00 Phalanges, hand, closed, unspec.
816.02 Phalanges, hand, distal, closed
816.01 Phalanges, hand, mid./prox., closed
813.21 Radius, shaft, closed
807.01 Ribs, closed, one rib
807.02 Ribs, closed, two ribs
807.00 Ribs, closed, unspec.
803.00 Skull, closed, unspec.
823.80 Tibia, closed, unspec.
823.82 Tibia/fibula, closed, unspec.
826.0 Toe, closed
813.22 Ulna, shaft, closed
805.8 Vertebral, closed, unspec.
Other Trauma, Adverse Effects
919.0 Abrasion, unspec.
995.81 Adult physical abuse
995.3 Allergy, unspec.
995.1 Angioneurotic edema
949.0 Burn, degree unspec.
948.00 Burns, < 10% body surface
995.50 Child abuse, unspec.
958.92 Compartment syndr., traumatic (LE)
958.91 Compartment syndr., traumatic (UE)
996.57 Complication, due to insulin pump
921.0 Contusion, black eye
924.11 Contusion, knee
924.4 Contusion, multiple sites, lower limb
924.8 Contusion, multiple sites, not classified
➤924.9 Contusion, unspec.
923.11 Contusion, upper limb, elbow
927.3 Crushing injury, fingers
928.3 Crushing injury, toe
994.1 Drowning, nonfatal submersion
994.4 Exhaustion due to exposure
Foreign body, ear
Foreign body, nose
919.6 Foreign body, skin, superficial, unspec.
991.3 Frostbite, unspec./other
E922.9 Gunshot wound, NOS
959.01 Head injury, NOS
992.3 Heat exhaustion
992.0 Heat stroke
991.6 Hypothermia
919.4 Insect bite
908.9 Late effects of injury, unspec.
995.20 Medication, adverse effects, unspec.
994.6 Motion sickness
873.41 Open wound, cheek, w/o complication
873.40 Open wound, face, w/o complication
883.0 Open wound, fingers, w/o complication
892.0 Open wound, foot, w/o complication
881.00 Open wound, forearm, uncomp.
873.42 Open wound, forehead, w/o comp.
882.0 Open wound, hand, w/o complication
879.8 O
pen wound, head/neck/trunk, unspec.
873.43 Open wound, lip, w/o complication
894.0 Open wound, lower limb, unspec.
873.0 Open wound, scalp, w/o complication
873.64 Open wound, tongue, w/o complication
884.0 Open wound, upper limb, unspec.
998.32 Operative wound, disruption
959.9 Other trauma, unspec.
986 Poisoning, carbon monoxide
977.9 Poisoning, medicine overdose, unspec.
989.9 Poisoning, nonmedicinal substance
965.01 Poisoning, overdose, heroin
965.09 Poisoning, overdose, other opiates
965.1 Poisoning, overdose, salicylates
996.41 Prosthetic joint, loosened
V71.5 Rape
995.55 Shaken infant syndrome
999.80 Transfusion reaction, unspec.
XVIII. Supplemental Classification
V68.9 Administrative, other, unspec.
V65.40 Advice/health instruction, NOS
V15.06 Allergy to insects, arachnids
V15.07 Allergy to latex
V15.02 Allergy to milk products
V58.61 Anticoagulant therapy, long term
V45.86 Bariatric surgery status
V61.49 Caring for family/household member
V13.22 Cervical dysplasia, past history
V58.63 Chronic use antiplatelet/thrombotic
V50.2 Circumcision, routine
V72.32 Confirm norm. Pap after initial abn.
V25.5 Contraception, Norplant insertion
V25.01 Contraception, oral
➤V25.02 Contraception, other (diaphragm, etc.)
V25.09 Contraception advice
V25.9 Contraception management, unspec.
➤V25.40 Contraception surveillance, unspec.
V61.10 Counseling for marital and partner
problems, unspec.
V61.20 Counseling for parent/child problems, unspec.
V68.01 Disability exam
V49.86 Do not resuscitate status
V58.30 Dressing change, nonsurgical
V62.3 Educational problem
V25.03 Emergency contraception visit
V86.0 Estrogen receptor positive status
V87.43 Estrogen therapy, personal history
V15.85 Exposure to hazardous body fluids
V01.9 Exposure to infectious disease, unspec.
V01.79 Exposure to other viruses
V01.71 Exposure to varicella
V01.6 Exposure to venereal disease
V15.88 Falls: risk for, history of
V61.09 Family disruption, other
V17.5 Family history of asthma
V16.3 Family history of breast cancer
V17.3 Family history of cardiac disease
V18.0 Family history of diabetes mellitus
V16.0 Family history of GI tract cancer
V16.1 Family history of lung cancer
V17.81 Family history of osteoporosis
V61.9 Family problem, other, unspec.
V67.00 Follow-up exam, surgery, unspec.
V67.9 Follow-up exam, unspec.
V68.09 Form, other
V54.12 Fracture lower arm, healing, aftercare
V54.17 Fracture vertebrae, healing, aftercare
V18.9 Genetic disease carrier
V84.89 Genetic susceptibility to disease, other
➤V72.31 Gynecological exam
V58.69 High-risk medication, long-term use
V60.0 Housing problem/homeless
V06.8 Immunization, combination, other
V06.1 Immunization, DTP
V06.3 Immunization, DTP/polio
V05.3 Immunization, hepatitis
V03.81 Immunization, HIB
➤V04.81 Immunization, influenza
V06.4 Immunization, MMR
V04.89 Immunization, other viral illness
V05.8 Immunization, other, specified
V03.82 Immunization, pneumovax
V04.0 Immunization, polio
V04.82 Immunization, RSV
V03.89 Immunization, single bacterial disease
V04.1 Immunization, smallpox
V06.5 Immunization, Td
V03.1 Immunization, typhoid
V05.4 Immunization, varicella
V62.5 Legal problem
V58.66 Long-term use of aspirin
V58.64 Long-term use of NSAIDs
V58.65 Long-term use of steroids
V65.2 Malingering
V25.04 Natural fam. plan., contracept. counsel
V26.41 Natural fam. plan., procreative counsel
V62.89 O ther psychological or physical
stress, NEC
V66.7 Palliative care
V65.11 Pediatric pre-birth visit, expectant
V65.19 Person consulting on behalf of another
V11.4 Personal history of combat and
operational stress reaction
V12.55 Personal Hx of pulmonary embolism
V72.81 Pre-op exam, cardiac
V72.84 Pre-op exam, unspec.
V72.41 Pregnancy test/exam, negative
V72.42 Pregnancy test/exam, positive
V72.40 Pregnancy test/exam, unconfirmed
V61.3 Problem w/ aged parents or in-laws
V68.81 Referral w/o exam
V90.10 Retained metal fragments, unspec.
V76.10 Screening, breast cancer
V76.9 Screening, cancer, unspec.
V81.0 Screening, cardiac disease
V76.51 Screening, colon cancer
V77.1 Screening, diabetes
V77.91 Screening, lipoid disorders
V76.44 Screening, PSA
V82.5 Screening for lead/heavy metals
V62.4 Social maladjustment
V25.2 Sterilization
V58.32 Suture removal
V58.83 Therapeutic drug monitoring
V15.83 Underimmunization status
➤V70.0 Well adult exam
➤V20.2 Well child check
V65.5 Worried well
Note: Codes that include NOS (not otherwise specified) or
unspec. (unspecified) have alternative codes that are more
specific. These can be found in or near the section of ICD9-CM that deals with the relevant three-digit codes. The
100 codes preceded by an arrow (➤) have been identified
by the authors as especially common in family medicine.
This list reflects changes that took effect Oct. 1, 2011. See
“One Last Annual ICD-9 Update.” Hughes C. Family Practice
Management. September/October 2011:24. http:///www.
Compiled by Allen Daugird, MD, MBA, of the Department
of Family Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill; Philip S. Whitecar, MD, of the Department of Family
Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio; and
Donald Spencer, MD, MBA, of the Department of Family
Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Author disclosure: no relevant financial affiliations disclosed.
This list and a two-page version are available online at
Portions copyright © 2011 American Academy of Family