Archdiocese of Newark - Science Curriculum Mapping – Grade 2 FIRST TRIMESTER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER SECOND TRIMESTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER EARTH SCIENCE Earth’s Properties and Materials - Rock, soil, sand, clay, minerals JANUARY FEBRUARY Astronomy/Space - Rotation of Earth (day/night) - Movement of shadows on Earth - Earth/planets orbit Sun - Position of stars - Major star constellations Environmental Studies - Organisms and habitats - Caring for God’s Creation MARCH PHYSICAL SCIENCE Properties/States of Matter Changes in Matter (heating/cooling) Atmosphere and Water - Heat, evaporation, water vapor, condensation, solid, liquid, gas THIRD TRIMESTER Forms of Energy - Sun as main source of heat for Earth - Light, shadows Energy Transfer and Conservation - Batteries/ light, sound, heat - Energy, vibrations Forces and Motion - Movement of objects - Forces – push/pull, friction, gravity APRIL MAY JUNE LIFE SCIENCE Characteristics of Life - Living vs. non-living things - Basic human needs (and other organisms) - Plants vs. animals Diversity and Biological Evolution - Made in the image and likeness of God - Geography and habitats - Extinct organisms - Stewardship for God’s Creation Reproduction and Heredity - Offspring resemble parents Science, Society, and Technology Scientists/Inventors Use of technology should promote the common good Use simple tools to complete task Problem solving Systems and parts NAME _____________________________________________________ SCHOOL/PARISH _________________________________ GRADE LELVEL ____________________