TAKS Objective TEKS Statement 3. The student recognizes the importance and significance of the reproductive process as it relates to the health of future generations Tested Health Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Choose an item. Subject Area Unit Name: Reproduction, Pregnancy and Development Chapter 18 Overview Content TEKS 3A 3B 3C 3D 12. The student understands situations in which people of all ages require professional health services Guiding/Essential Questions Content Vocabulary 12A Unit # 5 Student Expectation/District Clarification Explain fetal development from conception through pregnancy and birth Discuss all the steps of fetal development: fertilization, fertilized egg dividing, embryo moves to uterus, and the fetal changes that take place during each trimester. Stages of childbirth: Dilation, Expulsion and Placental Explain the importance of the role of prenatal care and proper nutrition in promoting optimal health for both the baby and the mother such as breast feeding Understanding the importance of healthy start in pregnancy and the early years of life with proper nutrition ,exercise, supplements, etc Understanding the positive and negative effects on the fetus/baby of a mother’s actions: stress, drugs, supportive family, check ups etc Analyze the harmful effects of certain substances on the fetus such as alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and environmental hazards such as lead; Discuss Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and how it can easily be prevented. Discuss how the alcohol can effect a baby for the rest of it’s life (mental retardation) Explain the significance of genetics and its role in fetal development Analyze the 23 chromosomes of each gender to create a new fetus. Discuss disorders and diseases that can be passed from one generation to another. Discuss the importance of genetics during each trimester. Identify situations requiring professional health services for people of all ages such as primary, preventive, and emergency care Teens need counseling on the importance of prenatal care. Regular checkups for the mothers during each trimester: nutritionist, primary physician, guidance counselors and fitness expert, etc. Resources Page 1 of 2 Revised: Click here to enter a date. Textbook Alignment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Page 2 of 2 Revised: Click here to enter a date.