Required Text: Intermediate Accounting, 15th Edition Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield March 2013, ©2013 ISBN 978-1-118-14729-0 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II PRIMARY CONTACT: L. Mandel EMERGENCIES 212-563-6523 COURSE OUTLINE WEEK SUBJECT (CHAPTER) 1. Long Term Liabilities (14) 2. Stockholders’ Equity (15) 3. 4. Dilutive Securities and EPS (16) Investments (17) 5. Revenue Recognition (18) 6. 7. 9. 10. EXAM 1 Chapters 14-17 Accounting for Income Taxes (19) Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits (20) Accounting for Leases (21) Accounting Changes and Error Analysis (22) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. EXAM 2 Chapters 18-20 Statement of Cash Flows (23) Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting (24) Review FINAL EXAM (21-24) 8. ASSIGNMENTS E14-4,E14-5, E14-7, E14-9, E14-14, E14-19, E14-22,E14-25 E15-1, E15-6, E15-13,E15-14, E15-16, E15-22, CE15-1 E16-1,E16-3,E16-10, E16-15,E16-24, ,E16-25,16-30 CE16-2 E17-1,E17-2,E17-6,E17-10,E17-12,E17-26,E17-27 E18-7,E18-9,E18-11,E18-12,18-16,18-19,18-22,IFRS18-6, IFRS18-7 E19-1,E19-2,E19-9,E19-13 E20-2, E20-3, E20-8,E20-10 E21-1, E21-2, E21-3, E21-4, E21-6, E21-14, E21-15 E22-1, E22-2, E22-3 ,E22-6, E22-8 P23-1,P23-2,P23-3 E24-1, E24-3 All work is done in pencil, WORD or EXCEL only! No pen. Homework is due the session after topic is covered. It will be graded on a basis of 1-10. We will review it in class, where you will have a chance to correct it and learn from any mistakes. Top 10 HW grades are included in your final grade. Homework and all work must be “CLIENT PRESENTABLE”. At least one problem of each homework must be in Excel. Class starts on time. If you are late, it will lower your grade. Final grade= (20%-Exam 1) + (20%- Exam 2) + (30%-Final) +15%-attendance and class work+15% homework Chapters assigned should be read BEFORE class. We will cover additional current accounting events as they become relevant or as they are reported in the news. As this is a summer session and classes come in bunches, it is imperative that you stay current on classwork. Office Hours: I am available 1 hour before class, after class or email me to set up a mutually convenient time.