Trimester II Project Assignment Mrs. Bronkhurst Grades 6, 7 & 8 Date due:___________________ Select one : I. II. Jeopardy Questions: Create a category and 5 clues for the topic selected. Crossword Puzzle: Select a topic for a minimum of 5 words across & 5 words down. Grade 6: Use Chapters 6: India; 7: China; 8: Rome; 9: Roman Civilization or 10: Christianity. Grade 7: Use Chapters 6: The American Revolution; 7: A Perfect Union; 8: The Federalist Era; 9: Jefferson or 10: Growth & Expansion. Grade 8: Use Chapters 21: The Progressive Era; 22: Rise to World Power; 23: World War I; 24: The Jazz Age or 25: Depression & The New Deal. February: Black History Month Grade 6: select any INTERNATIONAL figure, living or deceased. Grades 7 & 8 select any African- American figure living or deceased. “ Who am I ? ” Create a minimum of 5 clues or questions. You may include time or events that occurred at the same time, places –birth place or where event happened, people who were contemporaries, area or field for which the person is known etc. Date due:______________________________________________________