TALE OF TWO CITIES- Reading for Analysis

A TALE OF TWO CITIES: Study Guide, Book 1, Chapters 2-4
ENG II Honors – Mirsky & Rivchin
1. On a separate page, create a character list (or chart) as you read and note the characterizations.
Remember, characterization is achieved through expository description, dialogue, and
behavior/interaction with other characters. Be sure to note how they are first described.
Introductions usually contain significant details.
2. How does Dickens describe human beings? Put the description into your own words. Make
sure to indicate his apparent attitude (which should be made evident by examining the
3. What is the significance of Mr. Lorry’s code phrase “recalled to life?”
4. What examples of Dickensian humor (or “humor”) have you noticed in these chapters?
5. List three specific questions you need to ask after the reading of Chapters 1-4.
6. Who would you cast for the roles of the characters you have met so far?
7. Why do you think Dickens chose to end at this point in the serialization?