To study vocabulary for French class: 1. Go to 2. Click on “sign up” and register. (Be sure to click the button “continue to Free Quizlet” and NOT anything requiring payment. Make your username your French name & last initial or something so that I, as your teacher, clearly know that it is you. If you have previously signed up and need a reminder of your username or email, just ask! Unfortunately, I cannot help with your password, but I do recommend making it something easy to remember such as your student ID number. 3. Please be sure to check your email and confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the email 4. Search for “MrsVazquez” (no spaces!) in the search box at the top of the page 5. Click on “Looking for the user MrsVazquez?” 6. Click on your class’ name and period on the right side of the page (you may need to scroll down) & join the class! You’re all set to log in and study vocabulary for French! Make sure to write down your username/password in your French notebook or binder as we will sometimes use Quizlet to study in class. *Parents, you may want to write down the username/password as well as you can log in to track your student’s study habits and progress.