Life Science Syllabus Absences If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get with me and set up a time to make up the missing work. A grade of zero will go into the computer and this grade CAN be changed upon the completion of the work. Class Rules o Speak with respect after being called upon o Be on time and have materials needed for class o Be ready to start class as soon as the tardy bell rings o Do everything without complaining! Procedures 1. Enter room and go to seat. 2. Complete DOS as Mrs. Henderson checks attendance and gets class started. 3. Remain seated until given permission to get up. 4. Your chair should remain with all four legs on the floor at all times. 5. The trash can is not to be thrown at, tossed at, or shot at. It is a trash can not a basketball goal! Ways to stay informed My website contains a wealth of information you can use to Mrs. Henderson – Welcome to 7th Grade Life Science! I hope you have enjoyed your summer vacation and are ready for a fun and exciting new school year. Listed below are things to know about my class and procedures. Supplies 1 – composition notebook Notebook/folder with loose paper Pencil/pen $10 Science fee Test Science test will be given on either Tuesday or Thursday. All tests will be worth 100 points. On rare occasions, I might assign a test on another day due to a long weekend or holiday. Homework Homework and projects will be assigned as needed. Any class work not finished in class will be considered homework and graded like wise. Daily Oral Science (DOS’S) A DOS is a question posed everyday to the class to review, extend, or introduce a new science topic. The question will be discussed and answered as a class before the class begins. The question and answer should be written down everyday. At the end of the week, all DOS’s from that week will be turned in to me. Each DOS is worth 5 points. stay informed and up to date on assignments and test. Another useful tool is It is a website and an app that is set up similar to a social media site that I can use to connect with my students and share or remind them of important information we covered in class. Mrs. Henderson’s Website Mrs. Henderson’s Website Computer Information USERNAME: ______________________ Computer Information USERNAME: ______________________ PASSWORD: ______________________ PASSWORD: ______________________ Group Code ________________________ USERNAME: _______________________ PASSWORD: _______________________ Group Code ________________________ USERNAME: _______________________ PASSWORD: _______________________ Science Clicker # ______________ Science Clicker # ______________ Mrs. Henderson’s quizlet name is Alexandria7 Mrs. Henderson’s quizlet name is Alexandria7 Suggested Apps: All are free! - Quizlet - Edmodo - i-nigma - Puffin (the free one) - evernote - Socrative - Educreations (ipad only) Suggested Apps: All are free! - Quizlet - Edmodo - i-nigma - Puffin (the free one) - evernote - Socrative - Educreations (ipad only)