Business Plan Rubric - Virtual Enterprises International

Virtual Enterprises International
Business Plan Competition
Oral Competition Rubric
1 = well below standards - major flaws or section
2 = below standards - missing components;
components are unclear; does not contain relevant
3 = meets minimum standards - includes most
components; most components are relatively clear,
coherent and contain relevant content
4 = above standards - research well done; well
executed; few minor omissions
5 = well above standards - research exceptionally
well done; outstanding execution
Introductory Components – 5 points/5%
 Relevant introductory information provided, including name of business, logo, data and
whatever else you feel is pertinent.
 Summary: A summary slide that provides the viewer with the scope and purpose of the
 Company description: origination date, industry, legal description, location, brief history (if
an existing company).
 Mission statement: Represents what company stands for; narrow enough to give direction
but not so vague that it could apply to any other organization.
Management Functions – 10 points/10%
Maximum points for successfully identifying and communicating the firm’s organizational
structure, objectives, and strategies for achieving those objectives.
Planning: What are the goals of the business? Identify strategies to achieve each goal.
Organizing: How is the firm organized to be able to meet objectives? Organization chart to
specify what jobs need to be done and by whom.
 Directing: How are directions, assignments, instructions and information provided to
 Controlling: How does the firm monitor progress toward achieving goals?
Assessment of the environment – 10 points/10%
 Current economic conditions: a “snapshot” of the economic environment that may include
information such as employment levels, interest rates, rate of inflation/deflation, rate of
change of GDP, balance of trade, exchange rates and/or any other information you consider
 Industry analysis – real & virtual.
o Real: Demonstrate an understanding of the real world industry by providing
information about size, profitability, current challenges, competitive pressures, etc.
o Virtual: Provide evidence that research was done to obtain information about the
status of this industry in the virtual economy, i.e, # of competitors, profitability,
expected demand, financial condition of prospective customers, etc.
 Competitive analysis: Identification and examination of characteristics of
competing firms. (If there are no direct competitors, analysis of indirect
Target Market & Market Segmentation – 5 points/5%
 Target market & market segmentation:
o Identifies a specific group of consumers toward which firm directs its marketing
o Separates layers of market according to some of the following: demographics,
geography, psychographics, benefits, etc.
All rights reserved Virtual Enterprises International, Inc.
Oral Presentation Rubric
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The Marketing Mix – 10 points/10%
Maximum points for successfully identifying and communicating the firm’s marketing mix.
Elements may include the following:
 Product: The product including product features that will satisfy customer needs.
 Price: What are the pricing objectives? (Maximize profits? Maximize sales?) How were
prices determined? (Demand-based? Cost-based? Competition-based?)
 Placement: What percentage of sales is from trade shows? What percentage is Web-based?
Do you sell to non-virtual customers?
 Promotion: How do customers know about your business and the benefits of doing business
with you?
 Positioning: The image created in the customer’s mind.
Breakeven Analysis – 5 points/5%
 Provide break-even amounts in total dollars or number of sales. Provide details about
assumptions you used to perform analysis including the profit margin percentage. (Assume
that all costs are fixed except for cost of goods sold.)
Financial Data – 10 points/10%
Maximum points for successfully identifying and communicating the financial information that is
relevant insofar as it contributes to an understanding of the overall plan.
Includes financial projections through 4/30/15 and a comparison to actual numbers as of
SWOT Analysis & Discussion of Business Risks – 5 points/5%
 SWOT analysis
o Distinguish between internal and external analysis.
Discussion of business risks
o Identify the risks that will occur if assumptions you have made are not correct.
o Provide a strategy for dealing with the risks identified.
Quality of Slideshow – 10 points/10%
 Logical organization, well designed, understandable content;
 free of errors, good writing quality;
 appropriate and effective use of charts, graphs and graphics.
Quality of Oral Delivery – 10 points/10%
 Persuasive, engaging; articulate, correct grammar and pronunciation; avoids use of slang
and fillers (uh, like, you know, etc.)
 appropriate voice projection or use of microphones;
 personable, connects with audience, makes eye contact;
 professional attire and demeanor; appropriate body language
 syncopation of slides and speaker;
 no frivolous content, overused introductions, redundant information.
Question and Answers – 25 points/25%
 Accuracy: relevant, truthful, and accurate.
 Quality: response is appropriate and answers the question (great response, but does it
answer the question?)
 Poise: Comfortable, confident and responds well if unable to answer the question.
 Team coordination: responses are not dominated by a single team member and a majority
of team members participate.
Time Penalty (10 second grace period before 1st penalty applied)
 Up to 30 seconds over: 1 point.
 31 to 60 seconds over: 2 points.
 61 seconds up to 2 minutes over: 5 points.
 More than 2 minutes over: 10 points.
All rights reserved Virtual Enterprises International, Inc.
Oral Presentation Rubric
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