EDUC 101 – Exploring Education

EDUC 101 – Exploring Education
Ohlone College – Spring 2012
Web Site:
J. Michele McDowell, M.B.A, M.S. Ed.
Office: CDC, Office 104
Phone:(510) 979-7453
Office Hours: See Website
Parkay, Forrest, Beverly Hardcastle Stanfor (2008). Becoming a Teacher, (8th Edition.)
Allyn & Bacon.
• MyPearsonCafe AND MyEducationLab access codes are required. You may
purchase them bundled with the text at the bookstore or directly at
Essex Nahan., (2006) What Every Teacher Should Know About NO Child Left Behind, Allyn
& Bacon.
Popham, W. James, (2006) What Every Teacher Should Know About Educational
Assessments, Allyn & Bacon
Also required will be some supplemental reading. The supplemental reading will be in the form of
handouts and supplemental books. Supplemental books may be located in local libraries and
commercial bookstores.
Course Description:
This course will introduce students to the field to teaching. The class will include reports and
discussions related to direct observations of pre-school, elementary, secondary, higher education and
non-school educational settings. Changing issues in education and their implications for future
teaching practices and theories will be examined.
Course Objectives:
Students completing the course should be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the ability, mission and purpose of public education by successfully
completing an exam.
2. Identify state and federal programs and laws the impact all levels of education today by
completing written assignments
3. Evaluate different teaching styles by observing several classrooms.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the social structure of American education and the
inner workings of local school districts by successfully completing an exam.
5. Evaluate teaching methodologies, general classroom organization, and management.
6. Examine information on majors, transfer universities, and required tests in order to achieve a
career goal as a teacher.
EDUC 101
Ohlone College
Exploring Education
Attendance: Attendance at all classes is required. Failure to attend will negatively impact your
final grade. If you miss more than six classes your may be dropped from the class. In addition,
students are required to complete 54 hours of lab observation by the last week of instruction. Hours
need to be evenly distributed over the course of the term. The student is responsible for setting up
these arrangements and providing documentation of these hours.
Class Participation: Students will arrive on time, have the required texts and participate
appropriately in class and group activities. Not participating in class discussions, role-plays, small
group activities or dominating class activities will negatively impact your course grade. Cell phones
must be turned off or to vibrate; if it rings you will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class.
Computers and tablets are ONLY allowed for note taking, web surfing, emailing, messaging, games,
music, etc are NOT ALLOWED you will be asked to leave if you are using electronics during class as
it is distracting to others around you.
In Class Assignments: In class assignments and reflections must be completed and turned in the
day of the class. These assignments will not be accepted late. If you miss a class you will not be
allowed to make up the missed in class assignments. These assignments will be based on in class
lecture, videos, discussions, role-plays and the text.
In-Class Activities: Students will be prepared to discuss the topic of the week after reading the
corresponding chapter. (See Weekly Schedule.) Other activities include, but are not limited to,
analyzing the content of various videos, participating in group discussions, presentations, small
group activities, role playing and reading of the text and other supplemental materials.
Exams, Papers & Projects: All assignments must be completed on the scheduled dates and
turned in at the start of class. I will not accept late assignments. When applicable, work completed
outside of class will be typed. (Handwritten papers will be returned to the student ungraded.) ALL
individual work turned in must be your own. Students are required to do their own reading of
materials, you may work together to synthesize and understand the information, however the
written work, exams, and oral presentations MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK IN YOUR OWN
WORDS! Be sure to cite any quote(s) you use. Any plagiarism will result in an “F”.
Written Correspondence: Written communication will be done in a professional manner, using
proper college level writing skills: salutations, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and
paragraphing. Emails should include all relevant information: your full name, course name and
number, specific question, etc.
Lab Observation Requirements: Sites, Assignments & Lab Log:
Observation Sites: You will be required to observe for a minimum of four weeks at three different
school sites for a total of 54 hours. You are responsible for setting up your observation sites and
meeting with me for approval during my office hours. The weeks I need to visit you at your
school you will need to be flexible and accommodate my schedule.
Observation Lab Assignments: Lab assignment descriptions will be handed out in advance of
their due date. All observation assignments must be turned in by the due dates. No late papers
will be accepted. When applicable, all work should be typed. Each student will have a field
notebook dedicated solely for this class and their field observation notes.
Lab Log: All students MUST keep a weekly log of their lab hours and have the log signed each
week by the supervising teacher. All lab log information MUST be in BLUE INK, no photocopies
or pencils allowed. The student must keep a running subtotal for credit. Each site must have it’s
own weekly lab log.
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EDUC 101
Ohlone College
Exploring Education
Study Plan Quizzes are required weekly: After reading the assigned chapter(s) and before
attending class, log on to Next click on “CHAPTERS” and select the
appropriate chapter(s) for that week. In the left hand column click on the “Study Plan Quiz”.
Complete the on-line study plan quiz and submit for a grade. In order to receive credit they must be
submitted at least 30 minutes prior to the start of class.
Informational Interview: See instructor website for assignment details.
Professional Portfolio: Due at the start of class of our first class meeting the 15th week of class.
See instructor website for assignment details. I highly recommend you get started on this early and
work on it through out the term. If you need help with any required items such as resumes, etc
please come see me during my office hours.
Current Education Events Assignment: Over the course of the term you will submit 10
current event articles and your write up. You may only submit one per week and it must be
submitted at the start of class on a Tuesday (no Thursday submissions) however you may choose
which weeks to submit your article and write up on. See instructor website for full assignment
Journal Reflections: Under Professional Reflections and Activities at the end of each chapter are
Teacher’s Journal questions. You are to type up the questions and a full detailed, thoughtful reflection
to each journal prompt question. You may also add any of your own thoughtful journal responses,
these may be your own questions for future reflection, thoughts, ideas, or questions about that weeks
observation, readings, or class discussions. These will be turned in the start of class on Thursday. I
will mark that they were completed and return them to you. You are then to keep them in a personal
reflection folder to be submitted at the end of the term for final grading. You may add to your
journal reflections as you go along. The 15th week of class (Thursday) you are to submit all your
reflections over the course of the semester in a report folder. This must include the 13 chapter journal
responses with my mark on them and all of your other reflections.
Field Observations & Lab Log: Keep a spiral binder of your observation notes to be submitted
at the completion of your 54 hours of observation, along your observation log. Each day’s
observation notes should Location, Date, Start & Finish time, Teacher’s name, # of adults & students
present, observation context, and your objective, factual, without value judgment observation. Any
personal thoughts should be saved for your Journal Reflections.
Homework, Specific Observations, MyEducationLab Assignments: Through out the
term additional assignments and observations may be assigned. If you miss class be sure to check
with a classmate any new assignments or observations due.
NOTE: all assignments are due on the date listed on the syllabus or the lab and class assignment
schedules. Papers should be clearly organized, typed, neat, and orderly. While this is not a writing
class, it is a college level course. Correct spelling, proper grammar using complete sentences and
paragraphs are assumed. If your writing skills are not at college level you will be required to work
with a tutor on all written assignments and must be signed off by the tutor. All assignments must be
your own work in your own words. (Some students may want to consider taking one of the
recommended English courses prior to this course.)
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EDUC 101
Ohlone College
Exploring Education
In this course, students are expected to share ideas, suggestions, resources and information, and are
often required to work together cooperatively to complete a task. However, cheating and plagiarism
will result in a F grade. This will apply to all persons involved.
Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of
dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means. Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as
your own and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements.
Course Requirements:
Participation & In Class Assignments
Observations, MyEducationLab Assignments & other homework (up to 135)
MyEducationLab Study Plan Quizzes
Informational Interview (2nd optional extra credit)
Professional Portfolio
Current Education Events
Journal Reflections (Question prompts from each chapter “Teacher’s Journal)
Field Observations (Field Notes on classroom visits, Lab Log)
Grading: Grades will be based on the completion and evaluation of the course requirements
outlined above.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for giving Admissions and Records a drop form if you drop this course.
I MAY DROP YOU after six absences if your commitment is unclear to me.
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EDUC 101
Ohlone College
Exploring Education
Changes announced in class take precedence over this published schedule and requirements.
Week of
Jan 24th
Syllabus, General Information & Introductions
Jan 31st
Teaching Your Chosen Profession
Ch 1
Feb 7th
Today’s Teachers
Pre-Test Grammar Proficiency & Study Plan (if needed)
Ch 2
Feb 14th
Today’s Schools
Ch 3
Feb 21st
Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education
Ch 4
Feb 28th
Historical Foundations of U.S. Education
Informational Interview Due
Ch 5
Mar 6th
Governance and Finance of U.S. Schools
Ch 6
Mar 13h
Ethical and Legal Issues in U.S. Education
Post-Test Grammar Proficiency (If Requried)
Ch 7
Mar 20th
Spring Break – No Classes
Mar 27th
Today’s Students
Ch 8
Apr 3rd
Addressing Learners’ Individual Needs
Ch 9
Apr 10th
Authentic Instruction and Curricula for Creating a
Community of Learners
Ch 10
Apr 17th
Curriculum Standards, Assessment, and Student Learning
Ch 11
Apr 24th
Integrating Technology Into Teaching
Ch 12
May 1st
Becoming a Professional Teach
Ch 13
May 8th
Professional Portfolio Due start of class Tuesday
Journal of Reflections Due start of class Thursday
May 15th
FINAL EXAM (Tuesday May 15th, 12:00-2:00)
On-line “practice tests” are due before class on the day the chapter is assigned. It must be
submitted in HTML format for credit, I will accept study in advance, but not late.
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