Commercial Loans to Small Business SELF-PACED E-LEARNING 25-30 HOURS Evaluate small business loan requests to make sound credit decisions OVE RVIEW When evaluating business loan requests, lenders must maximize opportunities and mitigate risks. This course provides the skills and knowledge required to perform an in-depth analysis of a small business credit request. Participants execute the entire credit decision process, including initial assessment of structuring. W H O S HOU L D ENR OL L Anyone with small business lending responsibilities, including lenders, credit underwriters, loan reviewers and branch managers. RE S ULT S AND B US I NES S BE N E FI T S Upon completion, participants will be able to: Improve relationships with small business owners through an informed understanding of their businesses TM Assess industry risk, management quality, and the effectiveness of company strategies and goals L E A RNING M O D ULES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assessing the Opportunity Identifying Borrowing Causes Assessing Business, Industry and Management Risk Analyzing Business Financial Analyzing Personal Financial Analyzing Cash Flow and the Loan E-LEARNING By OMEGA PERFORMANCE Omega Performance E-Learning courses, accessible online at any time, are developed to be highly interactive—maintaining high learner interest that enhances understanding and application of the material. Concepts are presented accessible and user-friendly. Learning Module Descriptions 1 ASSESSING THE OPPORTUNITy TM framework for comprehensive 5 ANALyzING PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS risk analysis including the operating and capital investment cycles the loan Presents the legal and operational characteristics of most common forms of business organization Assesses the use of individual income tax returns to verify income and expenses and evaluate assets current credit request or potential credit opportunity and gathering key documents Presents personal leverage and coverage ratio analysis 2 IDENTIFyING BORROWING CAUSES 6 ANALyzING CASH FLOW AND PROjECTIONS 3 Addresses the impact of borrowing causes on loan structure and repayment as an important part of repayment analysis Explores the use of borrowing cause analysis to anticipate future borrowing needs service requirements ASSESSING BUSINESS, INDUSTRy, AND MANAGEMENT RISk Explores the impact of changes in sales, margins, turnover, and Outlines the risks related to the growth stage of the business Leverages sensitivity analysis as a tool to predict future industries Examines economic, market, demographic, and other forces that impact a business Evaluates the ability of management to deal with risks inherent in the industry 7 STRUCTURING THE LOAN Introduces the common types of credit facilities and their proper usage its owners guarantees, and subordination characteristics price and loan structure 4 Examines the purpose and content of loan agreements ANALyzING BUSINESS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS the credit analysis, and provide an early warning system for lenders statements importance and analysis and methodology used to analyze debt service capacity FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OMEGA PERFORMANCE TRAINING For detailed course descriptions and to speak with an Omega training consultant, please contact us at: North America: +1 703-558-4440 // // +65 6505-2060 // // Training Effectiveness Benchmarking Report Commercial Loans to Small Business Average Percentage Increase in Knowledge LEARNING MODULES 21% PRE-TEST SCORES POST-TEST SCORES 1. Assessing the Opportunity 78 93 2. Identifying Borrowing Causes 62 90 3. Assessing Business, Industry, and Management Risk 76 92 4. Analyzing Business Financial Statements 70 92 5. Analyzing Personal Financial Statements 72 93 6. Analyzing Cash Flow and Projections 68 92 7. Structuring the Loan 74 92 Key Takeaways 22% 24% 28% 62 90 Iden Identifying nti tiffy f fying Borrowing Borrow wing Causes C Pre-Test 70 92 68 Analyzing Anal aly y g yzing yz Business Financial Bu usiness Finan u cial Statements S Post-Test Pre-Training Participants lacked critical Commercial Loans to Small Business skills that are necessary to recognize the connection between borrowing causes, loan structure, and repayment ability. Further, participants also lacked the ability to calculate and analyze financial ratios and cash flow. 92 Analyzing Anal alyz yz zing Flow Cash Flo C ow and d Projections P j tii Increase in Knowledge The graph above displays the score data for the learning modules of Commercial Loans to Small Business in which participants display the greatest skill improvement, as demonstrated in the Pre-Test and Post-Test differential. OMEGA PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKING REPORT Post-Training Post-Test results highlighted an average 21% improvement in key skills. Participants were able to identify underlying reasons for business borrowing (including sales growth, operating cycle changes, and the purchase of fixed assets), and match those to appropriate loan structures. In addition, participants were able to successfully analyze financial ratios and trends to identify risks to repayment, and evaluate the ability of historical cash flow to meet future debt.