Learning Our Colors in Spanish Lesson Plan

Learning Our Colors in Spanish Lesson Plan
Grade Level & Subject Area: First Grade – Foreign Language (Spanish)
Arkansas Framework: CNT.1.1.1 Recognize gestures, sounds, or simple words from diverse
cultures within content related materials (e.g., greetings, names, numbers, colors, activities,
songs, poetry, stories, plays, dances, and calendar terms).
Objective: To teach the students the colors of the rainbow (adding in black, white, pink, grey,
and brown) in Spanish.
Flash cards with colors on them
Video made with Movie Maker
Smart board
Color Song
Introduce lesson
Ask students if they know any Spanish words
(If there is a Spanish speaking student have he/she share some words with the class and
talk about their culture)
Teach students the colors and their name
Show video and have the students say out loud what the color is
Teach the Color Song
Give worksheet to students to work on
I will use flashcards with the colors on them to help them or maybe use as an
assessment to see if they have learned the lesson fully.
To make sure the students understand the name of each color in Spanish, I will use
flashcards with the colors on them and have them say what that color is in Spanish. I might also
call out a color in Spanish and then have the students find something that color in the room and
bring it back to their desk. We can make a game out of it or something.
A Brief Description of the Entire Lesson:
I will start by introducing the lesson to the kids on what we will be learning today. Then I
will show them where Mexico is on the map and ask the students questions about the Spanish
culture. If I have any students that are of the Spanish background I will let them share
something about their culture and let them speak in Spanish to the class. After that, I will
explain to the students how different cultures speak in different languages. I will say a few
words from different languages as examples. I will tell them today we will learn how to say our
colors in Spanish. I will go over each color and its meaning in Spanish to the class first. Then I
will show them the video I have made for them. While the video is playing I will say the color
out loud and have the students say it with me. When the video is over I will teach them the
color song. We will sing that a few times and then move on. I will write on the board all the
colors and then give the students a work sheet with the colors on them. I will have them match
the word with the correct color. This will be kind of like an assessment for the students as well.
After everyone is finished with the worksheet I will break up the class into teams. I will have
flashcards with the colors on them and they will have to find that color in the room.