Spanish 8th Grade Week of 4/21/14

Spanish 8th Grade
Week of 4/21/14-4/25/14
Essential Question: No School
Essential Question: Why is it important to know Spanish colors?
Activity: Review Spanish numbers 1-30 using flashcards *choral response, Introduction to
Spanish colors, Spanish color by number, color crossword puzzle, Color Activity: students must
draw an object that represents the given Spanish color
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 4.1
Essential Question: Why is it important to know Spanish vocabulary for colors?
Activity: Review colors using flashcards * oral response, Color practice with flags, Students
identify colors of flags (written and oral response) Color search: students will place an object
from a magazine the represents the color given
Standards: 1.2, 1.1, 4.1
Essential Question: Why is it important to know Spanish vocabulary for colors?
Activity: Review colors using flashcards * oral response, I spy using colors (students will respond
orally) Color by number
Standards: 1.2, 1.1, 4.1
Essential Question: Why is it important to know Spanish vocabulary for colors?
Activity: Quiz: Colors (Students will color the correct picture when given the Spanish word for
colors.) Introduction to Spanish animal vocabulary and practice with colors orally students will
give the appropriate color in Spanish when show a picture of an animal.
Standards: 4.1