MONOCOTS VERSUS DICOTS, MEANS OF POLLINATION RVSD 6 Apr 09, 5Apr10, 2Apr12. Campbell’s 9th : 738-761 Summary table 631 page 631 in Campbell's 9th MONOCOTS DICOTS: Seed Structure 808 example: corn bean seed leaves (cotyledons) one two Seed Germination 809 vascular tissue distribution (750) complex distribution Detail for monocot 801 leaf structure Stem structure arranged in ring veins usually parallel veins reticular root structure fibrous or diffuse tap root flower parts multiples of three parts in 4s or 5s Pollination: 804-806. wind no color, no odor, but MUCH pollen ragweed bee yellow petals, never red, nectary guide, often UV markings mints, dandelion butterfly sweet smell, tubular corolla thistle, flies smell of rotting flesh carrion weed beetles inferior ovaries, not damaged by chewing Rose moths white flowers which open at dusk, very fragrant white campion, 4 o’clocks bats copious amount of nectar, night blooming, smell fruit-like or fermenting Phlox (?) Hummingbirds red, tubular corolla, high sugar, little odor Trumpet Vine (Some information from Ward’s Bulletin, Summer 1986)