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Plant Biology Worksheet: The Great Plant Escape

The Great Plant Escape
Open the page http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe Click enter, Click on Case 1 “In search of green life”,
then click on the case brief.
What are the seven requirements for a plant to grow properly? T___________, L_____________,
W___________, A______, _N_____________, T_________ and R______ ____ _______.
Click on facts for the case, then plant structure. What is the disadvantage of being a herbaceous plant?
These plants are the ones _______________________________________
Click next. Plants that live for 3 or more years are P_____________________.
Plants that have a dormant period over winter are B________________.
Click next. The two types of roots are T___________ and F________________.
Click next. Xylem cells bring w_____ up from the roots, while phloem cells bring f______ down
from the leaves.
What is the actual food? (Hint: think cane plants) ___________________.
Click next. If the blade of a leaf is separated into smaller leaflets, it is a C______________ leaf. If
it is one single leaf blade it is just called s___________.
In photosynthesis, Carbon dioxide and Water react with sunlight to make sugar and Oxygen.
Use your knowledge of chemistry to complete:
C____ +
Glucose sugar + ____
Click next. Name three types of animals colourful petals are trying to attract. b______________,
b________________ and b________________.
Click next. What is the difference between monocots and dicots?
Monocots have ____ ________________, while dicots have ________.
Click on case 2 “Soiled again”. Now you understand have the case file works, these questions can now be
found anywhere!!
Soil is made of four substances. Give these and the percentage for each. __________ _____%,
__________ ____%, ______________ _____%, __________________ _____%.
Name the three soil types: __________________, ______________ and ________________.
When we talk about nutrients we mean ___________, _______________ and _____________.
Click on case 3 “Is it dust, dirt, dandruff of seed?”
For seeds to germinate (start growing into a plant) they might need to move to a new location.
Name four ways a seed can move: ________________, ________________, ______________,
and _________________.
In a seed, the cotyledons (first leaves) contain the seed food. This is known as ________________.
The first root is known as a ___________, the first stem a _________________.
Non-flowering plants don’t have seeds, they have ________________.
What is the animal that takes the seed of an oak? _______________.
Click on case four “Plantenstein is the suspect”
Flowers with both male and female parts are called _________________. Those with just male
OR female are called ________________.
The movement of pollen from male to female parts is __________________, and the
combination of these parts makes a seed. This process is ________________.
Cuttings – taking one part of a plant to make a new plant is a type of ______________.
A mushroom is a saprophytic plant. What does this term mean?
Click on case five “Mysterious parts that surprise”
The word “bulb” describes a miniature ___________ and its _____________.
What is the outside of a bulb called? __________.
The layers inside an onion are really ________ ____________.
If you have finished everything, Click the Activities logo on the bottom of Case 6, “You’ve
learned the mysteries of green life” and complete the following: