Honors biology plants What is a Plant? Multicelled Eukaryote

Honors biology plants
What is a Plant?
Cell wall
Where did plants come from?
Most evidence points to land plants evolving from algae.
Invading the Land
Cyanobacteria were probably the first to spread into and up freshwater streams
Later, green algae and fungi made the journey together
Every plant is descended from species of green algae
Adaptations to Land
Root systems
Shoot systems
Vascular tissues
Waxy cuticle
Alternation of Generations
Haploid (1n) generation: Gametophytes
Diploid (2n) generation: Sporophyte
Small, nonvascular, nonwooody
Gametophyte dominates life cycle; has leaflike, stemlike, and rootlike parts
Usually live in wet habitats
Flagellated sperm require water to reach eggs
Types of Bryophytes
Mosses (most common)
Liverworts (simplest)
Like bryophytes
Live in wet, humid places
Require water for fertilization
Unlike bryophytes
Sporophyte is free-living and has vascular tissues
Traits of
Seed-Bearing Plants
Pollen grains
Develop into male gametophytes
Can be transported without water
Embryo sporophyte inside nutritive tissues and a protective coat
Can withstand hostile conditions
Plants with “naked seeds”
Seeds don’t form inside an ovary
Four groups
Pine Cones
Woody scales of a “pine cone” are the parts where megaspores formed and developed into
female gametophytes
Male cones, where microspores and pollen are produced, are not woody
Flowering plants
Dominant land plants (260,000 species)
Ovules and (after fertilization) seeds are enclosed in an ovary
Three main groups: magnoliids, monocots, and eudicots
Simple fruit: Single fruit from a single ovary (apple, cherry, soybean)
Aggregate fruit: Single flower with multiple carples (blackberry)
Multiple fruit: Multiple flowers fuse together to form one fruit (pineapple)
Monocots & Dicots
Cotyledons: Embryonic leaves
Monocots: 1 embryonic leaf
Dicots: 2 embryonic leaves
One cotyledon
Parallel veins in leaves
Vascular bundles
Flower parts in 3’s
Fibrous roots
2 cotyledons
Veins usually branched
Vascular bundles in rings
Flower parts in 4 or 5’s
Sexual Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
Sepal: usually green, look like leaves
Stamen: Male reproductive organs
Anther: Tip of stamen were pollen is
Carpel: Female reproductive organ
Stigma: Receiving surface for pollen
Ovary: Base of carpel that stores ovule
Ovule: Contains developing egg
Double Fertilization
Distinctive feature of angiosperms
Male gametocyte delivers two sperm to an ovule
One fertilizes egg; other fertilizes a cell that gives rise to endosperm
Seed Dispersal
Wind blown
Animal carried (external)
Animal carried (internal)
Seed Development
Endosperm: Nutrient-rich multicellular mass that nourishes embryo
Seed coat: Ovule’s coat that has lost water that encloses embryo and endosperm
Seed dormancy: A period when the embryo stops developing until environmental conditions are
Seed Germination
Asexual Reproduction
Vegetative reproduction: Fragmentation of plant parts growing into new plants
Also known as vegetative propagation
Shoots and Roots
Produce food by photosynthesis
Carry out reproductive functions
Anchor the plant
Penetrate the soil and absorb water and dissolved minerals
Store food
Body Plan
Ground tissue system
Vascular tissue system
Dermal tissue system
Complex Tissues
Composed of a mix of cell types
Simple Tissues
Made up of only one
type of cell
Parenchyma: A Simple Tissue
Most of a plant’s soft primary growth
Pliable, thin walled, many sided cells
Cells remain alive at maturity and retain capacity to divide
Mesophyll is a type that contains chloroplasts
Collenchyma: A Simple Tissue
Specialized for support for primary tissues
Makes stems strong but pliable
Cells are elongated
Walls thickened with pectin
Alive at maturity
Sclerenchyma: A Simple Tissue
Supports mature plant parts
Protects many seeds
Thick, lignified walls
Dead at maturity
Two types:
Fibers: Long, tapered cells
Sclereids: Stubbier cells
Regions where cell divisions produce plant growth
Apical meristems
Lengthen stems and roots
Responsible for primary growth
Lateral meristems
Increase width of stems
Responsible for secondary growth
Photosynthetic Tissue
A type of parenchyma tissue
Cells have chloroplasts
Two layers in dicots
Palisade mesophyll
Spongy mesophyll
Acquisition of Nutrients
Plants take in CO2 through the leaves and water and Minerals (inorganic ions) through the roots.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium
Root Hairs
Extensions from the root epidermis
Greatly increase the surface area available for absorption
Transpiration: The pulling force from water loss through the leaves
Root pressure: Water enters the roots through osmosis and pushes the xylem sap up a few
Cohesion tension: The sticking together of water molecules to each other and to the cellulose
molecules of the xylem
The cells around the stomata
Guard cells can close or open depending on the temperature
They control the amount of water loss through the leaves and the amount of CO2 entering
Carnivorous Plants
Capture animals to supplement their nutrient intake
Venus flytrap lures insects with sugary bait; closes on victim
Cobra lily lures insects down a one-way passage
Epiphyte & Parasites
Epiphytes: Live on other plants but do not take nutrients from host plant (Spanish moss)
Parasites: Live on other plants and do take nutrients form host plant (mistletoe)
Plant Hormones
Abscisic acid
Plant Hormones
Auxins: Stimulate stem elongation, branching, apical dominance
Gibberellins: Promote seed and bud germination, stem elongation, leaf growth, apical root
Abscisic acid: Inhibits growth, closes stomata during water loss, helps maintain dormancy
Tropism: Growth response caused by a stimulus
Phototropism: Response towards light
Gravitropism: Response to gravity