Type "6/30/2016" into cell B3 and left align the date Merge and center title over the range A1:D1 Royalty Statement Period Ending: Author: 6/30/2016 Jacobs In cell B10, enter the formula "=B9/B8" In cell B15, enter the formula "=B13*(1-B14)" In cell B16, enter the formula "=(B8-B9)*B13 Apply bold, right alignment, and Purple font color to the range B6:C6 Units Sold Gross Units Sold No. of Returns Percent Returned Hardback Paperback 1,500 324 21.6% 12,492 200 1.6% Pricing Retail Price Standard Discount Rate Price to Bookstore Net Retail Sales 25.00 $ 5.95 55% 50% $ 11.25 $ 2.98 $ 29,400.00 $ 73,137.40 Royalty Information Royalty Rates Royalty to Author Royalty per Book 7.25% 10.00% $ 2,131.50 $ 7,313.74 $ 1.81 $ 0.60 $ Insert new row between Retail Price and Price to Bookstore (row 14) Enter "Standard Discount Rate", "0.55", and "0.5". Format the values as Percent Style Apply Accounting Number Format to all monetary values In cell B21, enter the formula "=B20/(B8-B9)" In cell B20, enter the formula "=B16*B19" Copy the formulas to the Paperback column (column D) Apply Comma Style formatting with zero decimal places to the range B8:C9 Apply Percent Style with one decimal place to the range B10:C10 and Percent Style with two decimal places to the range B19:C19 Delete blank column between Hardback and Paperback columns Select the range A7:C10 and apply Outside Borders border style Apply Purple font color and Gray 25%, Background 2, Darker 10% fill color to cell A7 Apply the same border style to ranges A12:C16 and A18:C21 Apply Merge Across to the range A7:C7 Use the Format Painter to apply the formats from cell A7 to cells A12 and A18 Center the data in the worksheet to print centered horizontally Select the ranges A8:A10, A13:A16, and A19:A21. Indent the labels twice Insert a footer with student's name in left section, worksheet name in the center, and filename in the right section Student Name Widen column A as needed Jacobs e01c1Royalty_LastFirst.xlsx A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 B C Royalty Statement Period Ending: Author: 42551 Lopez Hardback Paperback Units Sold Gross Units Sold No. of Returns Percent Returned 5000 400 =B9/B8 14000 1925 =C9/C8 Pricing Retail Price Standard Discount Rate Price to Bookstore Net Retail Sales 19.95 0.55 =B13*(1-B14) =(B8-B9)*B13 6.95 0.5 =C13*(1-C14) =(C8-C9)*C13 Royalty Information Royalty Rates Royalty to Author Royalty per Book 0.0725 =B16*B19 =B20/(B8-B9) 0.1 =C16*C19 =C20/(C8-C9) Copy the Jacobs worksheet to the end and rename the copied worksheet "Lopez" Make the following changes in the Lopez worksheet: B4: "Lopez"; B8: "5000"; C8: "14000"; B9: "400"; C9: "1925"; B13: "19.95"; C13: "6.95" Change the Jacobs sheet tab color to Red and change the Lopez sheet tab color to Dark Blue Display the formulas in the Lopez worksheet Set the sheet to print gridlines and headings Adjust columns widths so that formulas will print on one page Student Name Lopez e01c1Royalty_LastFirst.xlsx