SIOP Lesson Plan: Cells and Organelles

SIOP Lesson Plan: Cells and Organelles
Name: Alison Zavertnik, Yimin Tang, Rachel Pinard, Chris Martin
Grade/Class: 7th grade Life Science
Content Objectives (SOLs):
LS.2: The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of
cells. Key concepts include:
(a) cell structure and organelles
(b) similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
Language Objectives (WIDA):
Level 1: Students will identify parts of a cell by locating in pictures. Students can use a
pre-labeled cell if necessary. Students will understand the function of the cell parts by
identifying the corresponding pictures of parts of a house. Students will use a picture of
a labeled house to help with visual understanding of the functions. Students will be able
to label cell parts of being either plant or animal cells by placing a check mark under the
picture of a plant and/or an animal.
Level 2: Students will identify cell parts by locating in pictures. Students can use a prelabeled cell if necessary. Students will demonstrate understanding of the function of cell
parts by writing the name of the corresponding house parts. Students can use a picture
of a labeled house to help with spelling. Students will be able to label cell parts as being
plant or animal cells by placing a check mark under the corresponding picture.
Level 3: Students will identify cell parts by locating in pictures. Students will
demonstrate understanding of the function of cell parts by writing the function in
complete sentences. Students can use a bank of definitions with corresponding pictures
of the part and the part of the house. Students will be able to label cell parts as being
plant or animal cells by placing a check mark.
Level 4-6: Students will identify cell parts by locating in pictures. Students will
demonstrate understanding of the function of cell parts by writing the function in
complete sentences. Students can use a bank of definitions to help with spelling if
necessary. Students will be able to label cell parts as being plant or animal cells by
placing a check mark.
Materials and Resources:
Flashcards, Smart Board, Pencils, Activity Sheet, Pre-Labeled Cell Sheet, Labeled
House Sheet, Function Definition Sheet with Pictures, Function Definition Sheet without
Science Safety:
Warn students of paper cuts with flashcards.
Links to Student Experience and Learning:
Engagement activity comparing cells to an airplane and a house.
Key Vocabulary:
Cell membrane: the outer covering of the cell
Cytoplasm: gel-like substance residing within cell membrane holding internal structures
Nucleus: part of cell containing DNA and RNA, responsible for growth and reproduction
Cell wall: rigid layer outside of cell membrane on plant cells
Vacuole: space within cytoplasm of cell that acts as a container and varies in shape
Mitochondrion: organelle, found in large numbers, respiration and energy production
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): packaging system
Chloroplast: Contains chlorophyll, conducts photosynthesis
SIOP Features (Check all that apply)
_x_Adaptation of content
_x_Links to background
_x_Links to past learning
_x_Strategies incorporated
_x_Guided practice
_x_Independent practice
_x_Comprehensible input
Group Options:
_x_Whole class
_x_Small groups
Integration of Process:
_ _Speaking
_x_Linked to objectives
_x_Promotes engagement
_ _Oral
Lesson Sequence (what teacher will do, what students will do, key
concepts and process)
The teachers will compare the parts of the cell to the components of an airplane and a
house in an attempt to connect the new material to prior knowledge. The teachers will
use visual aids (images on the screen) to enhance understanding and comprehension.
(5 minutes)
Students will work in small groups to complete a matching game of organelle, definition,
and picture using the flashcards provided by the teachers. Each group of students will
be given a set of 24 cards. The students will be asked to create sets of three cards
matching the organelle, definition and picture. Once they complete the matching game
the student will have 8 groups of cards matched. Levels 1 – 2 will have different
flashcards. They will match the cell parts (name and picture) with the corresponding
picture of the house used in the analogy and where it’s located in a cell. (20 minutes)
Students will complete the attached activity sheet to identify which organelles make up
plant and animal cells. Students will use whole sentences to define the function of each
organelle. Level 1 students will paste pictures of the cell part and the corresponding part
of a house. Level 2 students will paste pictures of the cell part and write the
corresponding part of a house. Level 3 – 6 students will write in complete sentences
however using banks of the definitions with pictures and without pictures to provide
Students will respond to teacher prompts to classify pictures as plant or animal cells on
the Smart Board
Students will be evaluated based on the following rubric.
Performance Criteria
Students will be able to
identify and define various
Students will use whole
sentences to describe
functions of plant and
animal cell organelles
Level 1 students will paste
Level 2 students will paste
pictures and write the
corresponding part of the
Levels 3 – 6 will write in
complete sentences.
Students will apply their
knowledge of organelles
and cell types to classify
cells as belonging to plants
or animals
Successful completion of
matching game
Points or Rating*
Successful completion of
activity sheet
Successful completion of
Smart Board classification
*2 = completes activity and correctly defines and explains topics thoroughly
1 = completes activity but doesn’t necessarily provide correct explanations
0 = does not complete activity or provide explanations
Activity Sheet for Students:
Plant and Animal Cells!
1.Label the parts of each cell using the word bank below.
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Word Bank
Cell membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum
2. Check the box if the cell part is in a plant cell and/or an animal cell.
Then describe its function in the space provided. Use complete sentences.
Cell Part
Cell Wall