Kelly Nickel -- Self Reflection and Analysis

CMST 60 Speech Effort Self-Reflection and Analysis (20 pts).
Please type out your reflection in the body of this form or attached to this form. Handwritten reflections will
not be accepted. Reflections are due (in my hands) no later than 7 calendar days after you give your speech.
Late reflections will still be accepted, but will not receive points. Please see grading guide at bottom of this
sheet for the type of reflection I am seeking from you.
Speaker’s Name:
Type of Speech given:
Speech delivery date:
Title of Speech:
Exact Purpose Statement for this speech:
Three Main Points:
Approx amount of time spent researching & writing this speech:
Approx amount of time spent practicing & rehearsing this speech:
1. Describe in detail your thoughts and feelings as you were preparing for this speech:
2. Describe in detail your thoughts and feelings while you were actually giving the speech:
3. Describe in detail your thoughts and feelings immediately following your speech delivery:
4. Reflect on the preparation phase, and discuss some of the ways that you felt you were successful:
5. Reflect on the preparation phase, and discuss some ways you might want to change or improve:
6. Reflect on the actual speech delivery, and discuss some things you felt were positive:
7. Reflect on the actual speech delivery, and discuss some things you would like to improve:
8. State several overall goals you will set for yourself as you prepare for your next speech:
9. State several overall goals you will set for yourself as you deliver your next speech:
Self-Reflection Grading Guide:
20 pts: Exceptionally detailed, multiple examples, clear evidence of reflective analysis and thoughtful goal setting.
15 pts: Good details, good examples, some evidence of reflection and goal setting.
10 pts: Filled it out without much thought or analysis.
For Instructor use only
Date received __________________
Score _______/20
Grade recorded? _______