To understand the concepts of organizational behavior, accountability, interpersonal relations and decision making. To demonstrate the ability to apply selected personnel management techniques. To understand the legal concepts associated with leisure service delivery. To understand the principles and practices of safety, emergency and risk management. To be able to develop a risk management plan. GRADING: EXAMINATIONS I II III October 1 November 7 December 12 – Final 100 pts. 100 pts. 100 pts. PROJECT Risk Management Plan Project Paper Presentation 200 pts. 50 pts. POSSIBLE TOTAL POINTS 550 pts. GRADING SCALE 90% = 4.0 85% = 3.5 80% = 3.0 75% = 2.5 70% = 2.0 65% = 1.5 60% = 1.0 55% = 0.0 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT Students in groups of 3 will select a leisure service organization with which to develop a Risk Management Plan. The Risk Management Plan will describe identified risks, assessment of risks, risk response strategies and general management policies. Each student will write their own plan document. Each group will formally present their plan to the other class members. 2