The Crucible Act 1 Small Group Conference Directions: List group

The Crucible Act 1 Small Group Conference
1. List group members’ names on the back page of your Act 1 study
2. Answer all questions as a group. You may use your book.
1. What events in Act 1 show you that the Puritans are
extremely religious?
2. Where do you see power struggles forming in Act 1? (Who
is trying to be on top?)
3. Each member of the group share an adjective to describe
Abigail. List them.
4. Describe the beginning of the “witch hunt” at the very end
of Act 1. Who is the first to shift blame, and who follows?
5. List adjectives describing Rev. John Hale, Rebecca Nurse,
Giles Corey, John Proctor, or Rev. Samuel Parris.
6. Work on your character list as a group.
The Crucible Act 2 Small Group Conference
1. List group members’ names on the back page of your Act 2 study
2. Answer all questions as a group. You may use your book.
1. List five adjectives describing the state of John and
Elizabeth Proctor’s marriage at the beginning of Act 2.
2. Where do you see power struggles forming/developing in
Act 2? (Who is trying to be on top?)
3. List 3 of John Proctor’s good qualities and 3 unfavorable
facts or qualities that are revealed during Act 2.
4. What kind of evidence is used against Sarah Good in court?
(There is a particular word we learned from the
documentary that describes evidence others can’t see.)
5. List 3 evil acts, deeds, comments, etc. committed by
Abigail and revealed in Act 2.
6. Work on your character list as a group.
The Crucible Act 3 Small Group Conference
1. List group members’ names on the back page of your Act 3 study
2. Answer all questions as a group. You may use your book.
1. List and describe (in one sentence) the role each person
plays in Act 3:
a. John Proctor (What is he trying to do?)
b. Rev. John Hale (What is he trying to do?)
c. Rev. Parris (What is he trying to do?)
2. Where do you see power struggles continuing to develop in
Act 3? (Who is trying to be on top?)
3. Why does Elizabeth Proctor lie to Danforth about John’s
relationship with Abigail?
4. Given all that you know about the play so far, why do you
suppose that Mary Warren changes her testimony at the end
of Act 3?
5. Make two lists: One of characters who have changed since
the beginning of the play and another of characters who
have stayed the same.
6. Work on your character list as a group.
The Crucible Act 4 Small Group Conference
1. List group members’ names on the back page of your Act 4 study
2. Answer all questions as a group. You may use your book.
1. Where is injustice apparent in The Crucible? (injustice
synonyms: unfairness, prejudice, discrimination, bias)
2. In what ways has Rev. Hale changed since his initial arrival
in Salem? What can readers learn from his character?
3. Why is Elizabeth able to say that John is a good man?
4. Why does John refuse to give Danforth & Hathorne his
name? What does that mean?
5. How is the struggle for power worked out in Act 4? What
does power look like and who maintains it? (Think about
this carefully.)
6. Finish your character chart!