


Select three scenes that illustrate irony. Explain (a) what type of irony is used, (b) why the scene is ironic, and (c) how the scene affects the action of the play.


Explain whether each character listed below is a static character or a dynamic character. If dynamic, explain the changes that occur in the character’s beliefs, what causes the changes, and how the changes affect the action of the play.

John Proctor

Abigail Williams

Rev. Hale Rev. Parris

Elizabeth Proctor Gov. Danforth


In Act Three, John Proctor, Francis Nurse, Giles Corey, Mary Warren and the

Reverend Hale all take bold measures that could get them into serious trouble. Choose two of these characters. Describe what each of these characters does to influence the court proceedings, and what risks each character runs. Support your ideas with at least three references to the play


In Act Three and Four, John Proctor's sense of his public self and of his private self come into conflict. (Think: how he appears to Salem publicly, and his private life with Abby and Elizabeth) Describe the conflict that Proctor faces, the factors that help him come to a decision, and the decision he makes. Support your ideas with at least three references to the play.


In the background information about Arthur Miller it stated that he wanted to express the following message: "There is a need for moral responsibility in families and society." How does that theme appear in The Crucible? Support your ideas with at least three references to the play.


Among the many subjects explored in The Crucible are guilt, hypocrisy, the nature of authority, courage, justice, and hysteria. What do you think is the single most important subject of the play? Support your choice with specific references and reasons from the text
