PEP Assignment

Personal Experience Project
Assignment & Rubric
The Personal Experience Project (PEP) is a major writing and public speaking project
that will be completed in the 4th marking period. The writing assignment will be a
personal narrative focusing on a personal experience you have had. You will also present
a public speaking component to this narrative essay aligned with the lesson(s) learned
from your personal experience with a persuasive element showing how you have grown
from the experience, and what others should learn as well.
The grade level administrator, classroom teacher, and your parent(s) must approve
all written and public speaking topics, as well as your work at the beginning, middle,
and end of the project.
The PEP is designed to showcase your writing and public speaking skills, creativity, and
personality. We want you to have fun with this project.
Important dates:
 Project assigned May 2, 2014
 Topic approval due May 5, 2014
 Project due May 16, 2014
 Class presentations will be during the week of May 19th
 Team assembly – May 28, 2014
 Final assembly – May 30th – 3rd, 4th, and 5th Period
Essay requirements:
 5 well written paragraphs- including a well defined beginning, middle, & end
 an interesting, attention grabbing lead or “hook”
 use of figurative language
 explanation of lesson learned and persuasive element convincing others to learn
as well.
PEP Rubric for Personal Written Narrative (taken from PSSA Domain Rubric)
essay in first person narrative style. ( 20 pts)
4- Sharp, distinct, controlling point made about a single topic with evident awareness of
3- Apparent point made about a single topic with sufficient awareness of task (mode)
2- No apparent point, but evidence of a specific topic
1- Minimal evidence of a topic
Appropriate topic for an audience of their peers.
Vivid language and mood delivered in a method that evokes emotion with a persuasive
element that convinces readers of the lesson learned. (20 pts)
Revised 4/24/14
4- Substantial, specific, and/or illustrative content demonstrating strong development and
sophisticated ideas.
3- Sufficiently developed content with adequate elaboration or explanation
2- Limited content with inadequate elaboration or explanation
1- Superficial and/or minimal content
Shows sequential order in the story as its is showcased in “elements of a short story”
(20 pts)
4- Sophisticated arrangement of content with evident and/or subtle transitions
3- Functional arrangement of content that sustains a logical order with some evidence of
2- Confused or inconsistent arrangement of content with or without attempts at transitions
1- Minimal control of intent arrangement
Encompasses a unique style that is enhanced through their lead and offers a unique voice
that they can call their own (20 pts)
4- Precise, illustrative use of a variety of words and sentence structures to create
consistent writer’s voice and tone.
3- Generic use of a variety of words and sentence structures that may or may not create
writer’s voice and tone appropriate to audience.
2- Limited word choice and control of sentence structures that inhibit voice and tone.
1- Minimal variety of word choice and minimal control of sentence structures.
Proper grammatical usage (20 pts)
4- Evident control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation.
3- Sufficient control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation.
2- Limited control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation.
1- Minimal control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation.
You may not use the name of another student or adult in your written or oral
project without their written permission.
Revised 4/24/14