College Essay Assignment

English 12 – College Essay Assignment
Directions: Read over the list of essay topics below. Choose one that appeals to you. The topics
were chosen because they are interesting topics (pay no attention to the name of the college
attached to the topic, unless, of course, you are applying to that college, FYI these topics are from
previous years and they may be different this year).
 The most terrifying college application essay is: WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING YOU WANT.
 That’s when these topics will really come in handy for your own college applications.
The first draft of this essay will be due on _____________________________ It may be handwritten and
must be at least three paragraphs and a minimum of 150 words. We will utilize peer editing for
this assignment. The final essay is worth 40 points. The rough draft is worth 10 points.
Possible Topics:
1. Tell us about a situation where you have not been successful, and what you have
learned from that experience (William and Mary College).
2. Tell us about the biggest mistake you’ve ever made, or heard of (University of VA).
3. Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life (Kalamazoo
4. Tell us about the neighborhood that you grew up in and how it helped shape you into
the kind of person you are today (Yale and the University of Chicago).
5. Relate a personal experience that caused you to believe in something strongly that
perhaps you didn’t believe in before (University of Virginia).
6. Describe a situation in which your values or beliefs were challenged. How did you
react? (NYU)
7. If you could invent something, what would it be, and why? (University of VA).
8. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo
9. George Washington said, “Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own
reputation; it is better to be alone than in bad company.” About which of your friends
do you and your parents disagree? Why do you feel that the continued company of
this friend is a good thing? (Northwestern)
10. Imagine that you are a “hero” or heroine” for one day during any time period and
under any circumstances. Write a creative essay describing your experience (Notre
11. What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it? What
happened? (University of Pennsylvania)
12. When was the last time you “dropped the ball” and how did it impact those around
you? (Chatham University)
13. If you knew you absolutely could not fail, what would you do? (Chatham University)
14. Imagine that on the 50th anniversary of your graduation from Chatham, the University
has announced its intention to honor you with its “Distinguished Alumna” award. Please
summarize the personal and professional accomplishments that you will make
reference to in your acceptance speech. (Chatham University)
15. Imagine you’re on the Admissions or Scholarship Committee. Tell us something about
yourself that isn’t apparent from your academic records—something that will give us
insight about you as an individual and might help in the committee’s decision.
(University of Pittsburgh)
16. How has cultural diversity, or the lack of it, impacted your life so far? What is your view
or opinion of how diversity fits into your education? Or The University of Pittsburgh is
an institution rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. In what ways do you think this would
be of benefit to you as a young, developing adult, and in what ways can you contribute
to this? (University of Pittsburgh)
17. Elaborate on one or more extracurricular activities. Please share experiences and
participation in organizations, whether affiliated with or outside of school, that you feel
will help the committee to know you better. This could include sports, artistic, social
services, work, or other activities. A description of your experiences and how they have
affected you as an individual is more helpful to the committee than a list. Include years
of involvement, nature of position, any leadership roles, and/or title, if applicable.
(University of Pittsburgh)
18. Explain a life-changing experience, or anything that you believe will help the
Admissions Committee gain a better understanding of you.
19. What do you feel you could contribute to [college or university]?
20. What about your character makes you an ideal fit at [college or university]?
Pennsylvania Writing Assessment Domain Scoring Guide
Sharp, distinct
controlling point
made about a
single topic with
awareness of task
Substantial, specific,
and/or illustrative
demonstrating strong
development and
sophisticated ideas.
Precise, illustrative
use of a variety of
words and sentence
arrangement of
structures to create
content with evident
consistent writer's
and/or subtle
voice and tone
appropriate to
Apparent point
made about a
single topic with
awareness of task
Sufficiently developed arrangement of
content with adequate content that sustains
elaboration or
a logical order with
some evidence of
Limited content with
No apparent point
but evidence of a
elaboration or
specific topic.
Minimal evidence Superficial and/or
of a topic.
minimal content.
Evident control of
spelling, usage,
and sentence
Generic use of a
variety of words and
sentence structures
that may or may not
create a writer's voice
and tone appropriate
to audience.
Sufficient control
of grammar,
spelling, usage,
and sentence
Confused or
arrangement of
content with or
without attempts at
Limited word choice
and control of
sentence structures
that inhibit voice and
Limited control of
spelling, usage and
Minimal control of
Minimal variety in
word choice and
minimal control of
sentence structures.
Minimal control of
spelling, usage and
*Is illegible; i.e., includes so many indecipherable words that no sense
can be made of the response.
*Is incoherent; i.e., words are legible but syntax is so garbled that
responses make no sense.
*Is insufficient; i.e., does not include enough to assess domains
*Is a blank paper
*Is readable but did not respond to
the prompt.