Rubric for the U.S. History Research Paper Each of the following will be a separate grade. Grades #’s 1, 2, and 4 will be minor grades. Grade #3 will be a Major grade. All components of the Research Paper are due ten school days before the end of each quarter or earlier. GRADE #1: Outline and Cards Research Paper Outline Template (to be inside the brads of the research folder) Research Folder with Source Cards (5 minimum) and Note cards in Organized Envelopes GRADE ALLOCATION 50 pts. for the template 25 pts. for source cards (5 Minimum) 25 pts. for note cards – need minimum of 25 notecards, maximum of 40 GRADE #2: First Draft GRADE ALLOCATION 50 pts. mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, format, citations, etc.) 50 pts. content (accuracy of content, organization of ideas, proof of thesis) GRADE #3: Final Draft GRADE ALLOCATION 50 pts. mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, format, citations, etc.) 50 pts. content (accuracy of content, organization of ideas, proof of thesis) GRADE #4: Presentation (evaluated in class.) GRADE ALLOCATION Historical Accuracy Clear Presentation of Facts and Character ***See links on Mr. Krogel’s webpage on CES’ website, including how to access the Purdue Owl resources for MLA style and format. Student Signature: Parent Signature: _____________________________________ _________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Date: ___________________________