Black History Book Report

Black History Book Reports
Mrs Zavota
Great site to look for info on-line:
Black Male/Female Presentation Due – February
Your next book report will be in celebration of Black History Month
 You will do this one with a partner(s).
 You and your partner must read the same book or you may choose a
famous black person and research him/her.
 I must approve your book/person. He/She must be reputable!!!
 Your report will be a power point presentation.
 You must also draw a portrait of your person
 You must give background info on your person
 Tell at least 4 facts per slide with a minimum of 8 slides
 PPT is easy to read with few spelling errors
 Your person must have made a contribution to society/Tell about it
 You must have 6 follow up questions and know the answers
 Your grade includes your power point “presentation” –
PLEASE practice before you present
 Make sure it is in your own words
 Return this rubric with your presentation
 Be ready to present by the due date
All of the criteria are met with evident extra effort
You have contributed your “equal share” of the work
Most of the criteria are met with evident effort
You have contributed your “equal share” of the work
Some of the criteria are met and you have made an evident contribution
A little of the criteria are met with some effort. Little contribution is made
Minimum criteria and effort are shown