Meet in Music Tech Lab (D101)

Humanities IV-V
Unit One: In the Beginning
9-9-09 (1) *
9-10-09 (2)
Opening questions (notes in journal)
Creation myths (readings) assigned
Webpage intro—basic structure of the
Brief encounters with music and art:
Haydn and Gauguin
Level V summer reading assignment due
Discuss section I of creation myths;
compare-contrast; begin thinking about
possibilities for creating your own myth
(creation or otherwise)
9-14-09 (4) *
Seminar Discussion:
I. Course questions and your responses to
them (add notes in journal)
II. Contemporary issue that concerns you
9-15-09 (5)
Discuss section II (8-17) of creation
Introduce myth writing assignment and
Art journal entry due
Paul Klee Creation-experimentation;
break down and recombine
Includes hands-on activity
Creation myth full draft due; writing
workshop; Myth discussion continues
9-17-09 (1) *
9-18-09 (2)
9-22-09 (4) *
9-23-09 (5)
Myth final draft due with earlier peer
Meet in Music Tech Lab (D101)
Music: Gaia piece; Hands-on chaos to
Myth discussion continues
Homework assigned
Lit: Read and annotate section
I (pp 1-13) of creation myths
as instructed (due 9-10)
Gen: Complete personal
notes-thoughts on course
questions and issue that
concerns you (due 9-14)
Gen: Complete personal
notes-thoughts on course
questions and issue that
concerns you (due 9-14)
Lit Read Part II (pp 14-27) of
Creation myths as instructed;
think about topic-plot-details
of the myth you will create
(due 9-15)
Lit Read Part II (pp 14-27) of
Creation myths as instructed;
think about topic-plot-details
of the myth you will create
(due 9-15)
Art View works by Paul Klee
on webpage and questions on
Gauguin; journal response due
Lit Creation myth full draft
due 9-18 (drafting score-peer
reading and conferences)
Lit Creation myth full draft
due 9-18
Art Begin hands-on work
Lit Final draft of myth with
earlier peer edited draft due 922
Music and art hands-on
Music due 9-25
Art due 9-30
Music-art hands-on
assignment work
Music due 9-25
Art due 9-30
9-25-09 (1)*
9-28-09 (2)
9-30-09 (4) *
10-1-09 (5)
Art: Klee continued and cave art
Music due: Listen to hands-on pieces;
other selections as time permits
Part III of myth packet discussion
concludes; assign seminar discussion
Art hands-on assignment due
Unit Seminar Discussion
Additional discussion notes in journal
Test One: Beginnings
Art due 9-30
Gen Prepare seminar
discussion topics-questions in
journal; finish art hands-on
Gen Study-review for test;
journal due at start of test
Reading One for Unit II due
10-5-09; Level 5 final essay
with draft due 10-5-09
* Indicates art, music, and literature are included
Level V students:
During the course of unit one, pace yourself through the reading and annotation of the
supplementary packet. As you read and annotate, think about how you might focus a synthesisresponse essay (2 pages single-spaced) on any aspect of the myth topic. Include in your essay
elements of class discussion, direct quotations from at least three of the readings in the packet,
and most importantly your own thoughts and analysis on your topic-thesis. You may wish to
schedule a brief conference before or during the writing of your paper. I recommend you peer
edit with one of the other level 5 students in order to improve the quality of your work. In any
case, you must submit a revised and edited draft with your final paper.
The final paper, with draft attached, is due on Monday, October 5th. A reading assignment
for the course will also be due that day.