Honors Syllabus

Mrs. Comello
comellol@sasd.k12.pa.us 412-492-1200 x1688
“You get out of something what you put into it!” Famous Proverb
**Always remember; everyone starts with an A+…It is yours to lose!**
Course syllabus-Keep one copy in your folder all year!
Welcome to Honors English 9! This Honors English 9 course is designed for students with strong capabilities
and motivation to excel in the field of academic English through a WIDE variety of literature in all phases of
the English Language Arts program: reading, writing, speaking and listening, using journals, projects,
technology, class discussions, and research. Literary analysis will include tone, mood, point of view, figurative
language, and other aspects of literature. This program consists of an in-depth approach to the basic curriculum.
Students move at a fast pace; therefore, additional materials, novels, and concepts are introduced. A few prime
focuses in this course will be a suspenseful literature unit, A Separate Peace, the Odyssey, a nonfiction unit,
Romeo and Juliet and Frankenstein or Les Miserables. There is a focus of a more in-depth approach to the basic
9th grade writing assignments throughout the year to focus on paragraph development, using concrete details,
correct word choice, supporting text/details with citations, effective transitions, and structured sentences.
Throughout your 9th grade year, independent study is emphasized, and opportunities for creativity present
themselves in writing assignments and dramatic presentations. Maturity is a key component to this class, but
with it, we will grow as people and continue to LEARN ABOUT AND RESPECT ONE ANOTHER!
Analyze characters, themes, plots, and other literary elements
Identify and apply literary terms in different genres of literature
Demonstrate proper usage of grammar techniques weekly
Show proficiency in writing research papers and creating research projects, using varied resources
Show growth in writing through essays and journal and creative writings
Improve Communication Skills daily
Extend existing vocabulary and build spelling skills weekly
Bibliography: *Carroll, Joyce Armstrong, et al. Writing and Grammar: Gold Level. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
2004.*Kinsella, Kate, et al. Literature: Gold Level. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005.
***Various Units in the Texts will be covered and are subject to change***
Course Expectations/Procedures:
 Agree to HIGH expectations and set HIGH expectations for yourself because you deserve this!
 Be respectful of yourself, classmates, guests, and the teacher! DO NOT GET UP WHILE THE TEACHER
 Be respectful of ALL items in the classroom, PLEASE! Bringing in boxes of tissues is always welcome
 Be prepared for class with a pen/pencil, notebook, folder, and textbook/novel always!
 Be in your seat when the bell rings, PLEASE!
 You must PARTICIPATE by raising your hand during class and asking questions to clarify material you
do not understand; there will be participation points each 9 weeks on a sliding scale!
 WAIT for my dismissal at the end of the period!
 You may leave the classroom once a week (unless an emergency); our class is not your time to socialize!
 You ARE REQUIRED to fully complete all work in this class!
 Makeup Exams MUST be made up within 3 DAYS after the exam and if you miss your scheduled
time, this will result in a ZERO…TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!
 After an exam/quiz is completed, you will not leave the room for any reason; this is too much of a
distraction. Be prepared with other work on those days!
I repeat…we will RESPECT one another in OUR classroom at ALL times!
Consequences/Absences/Field Trips/Late Arrivals:
Any problems will be dealt with according to the Shaler Area High School Policies in the student/parent
handbook, and an immediate phone call home will occur!
Late Arrivals will result in a penalty; hall passes are for emergencies ONLY and not habit!
Vacation or Field Trip absences require students to inquire about their work BEFORE leaving!
Attendance is important! It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for missed work and
then, turn it in according to days missed. Extra help is always available…just ask or go to the tutoring
center! Homework is posted daily on my Blackboard page!
Course Requirements:
Supplies: Everyone will need to have a notebook and folder/binder used for English ONLY! Bring a
pencil/pen, highlighter, textbook/novel, journal, and AGENDAS EVERY DAY!
Homework: Homework will be given throughout the year depending on the unit, type of literature, and
activity. It will be completed neatly! If there are any problems, then see me immediately, or I will assume it is
late! I will accept work one day late for ½ credit only! All homework will be written on the White Dry-Erase
Board DAILY and on Blackboard!
Blackboard: Mrs. Comello’s Blackboard page will be used throughout the school year. This will be extremely
helpful for homework, reading links, research papers/projects, etc.
Testing: There will be traditional assessments (exams), quizzes, writing throughout the year and a mid-term & final.
**You WILL take the Pennsylvania Keystone Literature Exam in May.
Required Readings and Assignment:
 Romeo and Juliet, the Odyssey and a Research Paper
Possible Additional Texts: Huckleberry Finn, A Separate Peace, Frankenstein, The Contender, The Giver,
The Chocolate War, Night, Tuesdays with Morrie, Les Miserables, & works of poetry
Projects/Research Paper: We will incorporate group projects that may involve writing a screenplay, book,
play, short story series, websites/designs, etc. Differentiated projects will be available throughout the entire
year. A 200 point critical analysis of an author research paper MUST be completed as well. Once the due
date is set, there are NO EXCEPTIONS; it MUST be turned in on that DATE, during your class period!
Evaluation: All work is graded on a point system, for completion and/or accuracy, and will vary each nine weeks. The
students will be evaluated in the following areas: homework, in-class assignments, essays, speeches, quizzes, mid-term
and final exam, journal and creative writing, notebooks, projects, participation/discussion, and a research project/paper.
***Bonus may be given through a few varied academic opportunities***
Videotaping: At different points throughout the year, we may use video cameras for speeches, debates, or other projects.
*Grading scale for this course follows the Shaler Area School District Grading Policy.
**By agreeing to these items, please read, sign, and return one copy of these guidelines. All I ask is for one copy to
be signed tonight & keep the other in your folder ALL year.
**Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I reserve the right to alter these guidelines if the
need arises. I ask everyone to keep a positive outlook on this course and give it a chance! I am here to help all of
you in any way possible in order for you to succeed. You are accountable for your own success as well!
**Parents, if email is a good way to communicate, please PRINT your address on the line below.
**Thank you for your time, dedication, and understanding! Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to truly get to
know parents/guardians and students throughout this exciting year!
Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Print Parent/Guardian Email Address
Teacher Signature:
Date:_August 28, 2013