Teaching Plan - LaGuardia ePortfolio

Student’s Name: Louise Margaret Tomas
Client’s Initials: A. G.
Data which supports the need for teaching:
Client’s past medical history is as follows: Cardiovascular Disease; Congestive
Heart Failure and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Client is an 82 year old Caucasian male, whose primary language is indicated as
English in his chart, However client does not communicate verbally and is
responsive to simple commands such as “open your mouth please” when
performing oral hygiene care. This teaching plan will be centered towards client’s
caregiver, presumably a family member who has lack of knowledge about the
connection between nutrition and the cardiovascular disease process.
The client diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, a proximately when he was
diagnosed is unknown.
Client has a Venti-Mask for oxygenation; the client was observed trying to
remove the mask frequently; but client is not placed in restraints.
Nursing Diagnosis: (one)
Deficient knowledge related to nutritional requirements required for underlying disease,
and methods for avoiding complications as evidenced by client being unresponsive.
Expected Outcomes: (What do you hope to accomplish by the end of the teaching
At the end of the teaching session the client his family members will be able to:
1. Appear less anxious and verbalize concerns about the actual condition. (Affective and
2. Verbalize a basic understanding of the disease process and treatment of CHF.
3. The client and his family members will be able to point out proper nutritional choices
in the management of Congestive Heart Failure utilizing the food pyramid as a visual
guide. (Cognitive and Psychomotor)
4. Discuss goal and purpose of Oxygen therapy. (Cognitive)
Label the above outcomes according to whether they apply to the Affective (A),
Psychomotor (P) or Cognitive (C) domains.
Teaching Plan:
Submit the content in detail.
I will first be sure to assess the clients’ and family member’s knowledge of the
client’s diagnosis, and it’s disease progression. That CHF is manifested by cardiac and
pulmonary dysfunction.(Tabers 96). The onset of the illness often goes unnoticed but the
progress of the disease can lead to severe and debilitating symptoms, but there is
treatment available(Swearington 585). Fatigue, dyspnea, and activity intolerance are
among the most serious effects of the illness. (Brunner 883).
Drink 8 glasses or more of water each day to prevent dehydration and
Reduce caloric intake (caloric needs generally dec. in elders) and consumption
of empty calories.
Increase high fiber intake in diet. These include:
Bran, whole grains, nuts raw fruits, and vegetables.
Increase adequate calcium and Vitamin D intake to prevent bone loss (at least
800mg) daily. These include:
Milk, cheese and yogurt are good sources.
Avoid foods high in cholesterol, sodium (Salt), and sugar.
Including the following
Organ meats, milk, Eggs, Fried foods, and Fast foods. Instead
broil, boil, or bake foods instead of frying them. Limit butter, margarine
and salad dressing.
SODIUMCanned Foods, Ketchup, mustard, avoid salted, smoked, cured, and
pickled meats (ex: ham and bacon), do not add salt when cooking foods or
at the table.
SUGARSAvoid pastries cookies and rich deserts. Substitute for fruits and puddings
made with low fat milk.
Include at least the minimal number of serving from each group on the food pyramid:
Bread, cereal, grains, and pasta
6 servings (eat 6 oz/day)
3 servings (eat 2½ cups/day)
2 servings (eat 2 cups/day)
Milk, yogurt, and cheese
2 servings (eat 3 cups/day)
Meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts
2 servings (eat 5½ cups/day)
Refer to nutritional reference Guide for foods and sizes of servings.
Should be accommodated to the Pt.’s preference, Include:
Fruit with 2 whole grain crackers.
One half peanut butter sandwich on one whole grain bread with raw carrots.
One ounce of low at cheese with 2-4 whole grain crackers.
Plain yogurt mixed with fresh fruits.
Six to eight ounces low at milk with fresh fruits.
Half low fat cheese with half whole slice wheat bread and half apple.
Include reference(s) for the content. (At least one reference from the Internet must
be attached.)
List or attach any teaching tools which will be used (pamphlets, pictures,
equipment, etc.)
Whom will you teach?:
I will teach the client and his family members.
Rationale for the above selection:
The client is unresponsive and the need to teach his family members in regards to the
importance of providing the client with adequate nutrition while being compliant with the
nutritional restrictions of Congestive Heart Failure .
What considerations/adaptations will you make to meet the learning needs of the
person(s) above?:
His age will require me to use efficiency with examples and explanations.
His eyesight deterioration will require me to use large print, and other forms of
visual aid to accommodate.
I will make sure that the room is well lit.
Assess the client’s cultural practices.
Verbally explain important information and repeat if needed.
Enhance verbal instructions with written materials, pictures, models, and
Choose materials written at the client’s and family member’s level of education.
Use vocabulary client and family member’s are familiar with.
Give specific, not general instructions.
Evaluation of the teaching session(s) (Use your expected outcomes):
Evaluation of the teaching session will include:
Client and family member will be able to explain signs and symptoms of
Congestive Heart failure is.
Client will be able to vocalize the understanding of her immediate need of
changes in diet and physical activity.
Client and family members will be able to demonstrate the level of understanding
by independently following low sodium-cholesterol diets, avoid alcohol and
increase physical activity.
Include reference(s) for the content. (At least one reference from the Internet must
be attached.)