Learning Target: Student can identify and analyze food costs

Learning Target: Student can identify and analyze food costs associated with raising a baby for one year.
Formula Food Follow up
Date Period
Secondary Assignment for missing information in assigned groups- Cost of Raising a Child:
The average baby eats about every 4 hours for the first 3 months of life and uses 1 ounce of formula mixed in 4-6 ounces of sterile
water or 6 bottles a day.
Generally, milk-based formula tends to cost less than soy-based formula, so don't buy soy or another type of special formula unless
your pediatrician recommends it.
Estimated Price
Advertised Size
663 grams of powder
Number of 100 Calorie Servings Per Container
14.7 servings per can
Price Per 100 Calorie Serving
Figure the costs for one week: Similac Go & Grow $21.00 per container.
Number of servings per day________ x 7 =________________ servings per week. Divide servings per can into total per
week to figure out how many cans used per week=___________________ x cost =________________weekly cost.
How much per month? 4 x 1 week costs =_____________________________
A. How much for 9 months______________________?
After 9 months most babies will have less bottles because they now are eating solid foods. Bottles could be reduced to
4 per day. Figure costs for last 3 months.
B. Formula last 3 months?__________________________________
Solid Food: A baby may eat 2-3 jars of food a day depending upon their age. We will use age 9 months as
a good place to introduce solid food. How much will it cost for 1 month at 1.00 per jar if child eats 2 jars a day?
C. How much for 3 months?___________________________________?
Total estimated for the year________________________________? Add up solids and formula
A+ B+ C
W1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of
substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient evidence.
W6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish,
and update individual or shared writing products in
response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments
or information.
FCS PS 15.3 Evaluate external support systems that provide services
for parents.
FCS PS 15.1 Analyze roles and responsibilities of parenting.