1 Human Nutrition UMD Assessment #1 Diet Analysis DUE: The Week of Nov 11-NOV 15 Nutricalc+ information: Located within Connect. Should be on the right-hand side of first log-in. Keep track LEAST one weekday of food intake and one weekend day of food intake. It is fine to estimate an average day of activity for you. The more data you enter, the more reliable the information is to base conclusion upon. 1. Using Nutricalc+ data (one weekday and one weekend day minimum), complete the assessment packet. 2. Document your Nutricalc+ entries by turning in the following reports: Recommendations, Food list, Bar graph, Activity summary and Food List 3. Turn in the following: Completed Packet and Reports from above. Please ensure your assignments are clipped/stapled or in a folder. NO LOOSE papers will be accepted. Questions? Please defer questions to before class. NOTE: I am not a perfectionist in grading this assignment. I am reviewing for the GENERAL ideas/completion and thought generation. THANKS! Nutricalc+ information: Located within Connect. Should be on the right-hand side of first log-in. Keep track LEAST one weekday of food intake and one weekend day of food intake. It is fine to estimate an average day of activity for you. The more data you enter, the more reliable the information is to base conclusion upon. 2 HUMAN NUTRITION- Assessment #1 Balance (Average both days or slash entry 2) Estimated Need Actual Consumption % of need More or Less (need) Total Kcals 2,366.19 1,089.62 46% Less Grams of Fat 73.61 37.8 30% Less Grams of Saturated Fat 23.66 17.6 47% Less Grams of Fiber 33.13 4.03 12% Less Grams of Protein 52.05 49.4 18% Less Grams of Carbohydrate 325.35 147.04 45% Less Trans Fat 23.66 0 0% Less 0 0% Less 0 0% Less Omega-3 Fatty Acids Alcohol 0 What percent of your Kcals came from alcohol? _____0%_______ (Less than 5% is desirable) Did you eat less than 1200 kcals? _______no_______ Protein- there is no proven benefit of consuming more than 2grams of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight. The minimum requirement is .8g/kg/IBW. Calculate the following: Weight in pounds divided by 2.2= weight in kg_____59_______. Grams of protein consumed divided by weight in kg=______.67___________. Are you above 2 grams/kg IBW? _____no_______. Are you getting the recommended balance of energy-yielding nutrients? _______no__________ Why or Why NOT? I am not because I need to cut back a lot on certain nutrients, and try to eat more of others. 3 List the top two to three MACRONUTRIENTS (CHO,PRO,FAT, etc.) you would like to modify and the top contributing food sources consumed. Follow with foods you could add/subtract to improve your personal diet: Macronutrient Major contributing foods Foods to add or subtract 1. Bacon, syrup FAT 2. PROTEIN 3. CARBOHYDRATE Adequacy List the vitamins and minerals you consumed less than approximately 75% of DRI, according to NutriCalc. Day 1 Day 2 A, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E Men and women: List the top 3 food sources for folate (folic acid) using your best day. (DGLV, OJ, Fortified Breads and Cereals or state “no great sources”) 1.NO GREAT SOURCES 2. 3. Are you getting adequate antioxidants? (A, C, E, Zinc) _____NO__________ Are you getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet? _________NO__________ List the top two to three MICRONUTRIENTS (Vitamins and Minerals.) you would like to modify and the top contributing food sources consumed. Follow with foods you could add/subtract to improve your personal diet: Vitamin/Mineral Major contributing foods Foods to add or subtract 1. NONE MILK, SALMON, EGG VITAMIN D 2. NONE SPINACH, WHEAT NONE CARROTS, CANTALOPE VITAMIN E 3. VITAMIN A 4 Calcium-check: Women: 1000 mg of calcium per day are recommended. Some groups advocate 1200mg per day. Calcium (mg) consumed :___503.03________ One glass of milk has approximately 300 mg of calcium. If you do not like milk, do not drink milk regularly (2 cups per day plus an additional dairy serving- cheese, yogurt, etc or other fortified food), you may need to consider supplementation. NOTE: you cannot absorb much more than 500 mg at a time- thus, you may need to supplement twice per day. List the top three calcium-contributing food s in your sample diet: 1. Mac and Cheese 2. Pancakes 3. Variety List the food GROUPS you were short servings in your diets: Fruits/Vegetables How many servings of whole, unrefined plants did you consume per day (Phytos)? ______________ How many servings of dark green leafy vegetables (not iceberg lettuce) did you consume per day? ________0____________ How many servings of Beta-Carotene did you consume? _________2________________ (carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli NOTE: Vitamin A sources excluding milk and Liver) Did you consume adequate amounts of food from dairy? _______Yes__________ Did you consume excessive amounts of sugar and fat ? _____NO__________. How many/what size servings of the following are recommended for your personal health? Grains (half-whole)_____6________ Fruits______4__________ Vegetables_____4________ Milk/Dairy______3__________ Do you think your diet offers a good variety of foods and nutrients? ________________Why or Why not? Yes because it provides me with what I need but doesn’t make me consume a lot of just one thing. 5 Physical Activity How physically active are you? For each question answered yes, give yourself the number of points indicated. Then total your points to determine your score. A. Vigorous exercise routines I participate in active recreational sports such as tennis or racquetball for an hour or more: a. about once a week (2 points) b. about twice a week (4 points) c. three times a week (6 points) d. four times a week (8 points) e. not at all (0 points) I participate in vigorous fitness activities like aerobic dancing, roller blading, jogging, or swimming (at least 20 minutes each session): a. about once a week (3 points) b. about twice a week (6 points) c. three times a week (9 points) d. four times a week (12 points) e. not at all (0 points) B. Other exercise routines At least two times a week, I work out with weights for at least ten minutes: a. two sessions a week (2 points) b. three sessions a week (3 points) c. four or more sessions a week (4 points) d. not at all (0 points) At least two times a week, I perform floor work-outs (sit-ups, push-ups) for at least 10 minutes: a. two sessions a week (2 points) b. three sessions a week (3 points) c. four or more sessions a week (4 points) d. not at all (0 points) At least two times a week, I participate in yoga or perform stretching exercises for at least ten minutes: a. two sessions a week (2 points) b. three sessions a week (3 points) c. four or more sessions a week (4 points) d. not at all (0 points) C. Occupation an daily activities I walk to and from school, work, and shopping (1/2 mile+ each way), two or three times a week or more. (1 point) I climb stairs rather than using elevators or escalators, every other day or more. (1 point) My school, job, or household routine involves physical activity that fits the following description: a. most of my day is spent in desk work or light physical activity. (0 points) b. most of my day is spent in farm activities, moderate physical activity, brisk walking, or comparable activities (4 points) c. my typical day includes several hours of heavy physical activity (shoveling, lifting, etc.) (2 points per day) D. Leisure activities I do several hours of gardening, lawn work, or similar hobby work each week. (1 point) At least once a week I dance vigorously (folk or line dancing) for an hour or more. (1 point) In season, I play 9 to 18 holes of golf at least once a week, and I do not use a power cart. (2 points) 6 I walk a. b. c. d. for exercise or recreation: one to two hours a week (1 point) three to four hours a week (2 points) five hours or more a week (3 points) not at all (0 points) In addition to the above, I engage in other forms of physical activity: a. one to two hours a week (1 point) b. three to four hours a week (2 points) c. five hours or more a week (3 points) SCORING Record your point scores here. A. Vigorous exercise _______9________ B. Other exercise routines _______7________ C. Occupation and daily activities _______5________ D. Leisure activites _______5________ TOTAL: _______26________ EVALUATION OF TOTAL SCORE (circle one) Inactive (0 to 5 points) Moderately active (6 to 11 points) Active (12 to 20 points) Very active (21 points or over) State why or why you are not at risk for Marginal Nutrient Deficiency. If you think you may have marginal nutrient deficiencies, include a discussion of what might physically and or mentally result from them. Note: Marginal nutrient deficiency is a syndrome without clinical manifestation. An example would be pre-iron deficiency or a dip in serotonin levels from reduced B6 without full depression, etc. If you regularly consume low levels of food (< 1500 kcals), low levels of vitamins or minerals, you are probably at risk for marginal nutrient deficiency. I am at risk because I don’t consume a large amount of calories, and I only consume low levels of vitamins and minerals. Iron Deficient Anemia Risk (Women Only): Low iron intake You do not consume fortified breakfast cereal daily You avoid red meat You consume <1200 kcals per day You are physically very active Low Vitamin C intake You have abnormally lengthy or heavy menstruation You chronically chew ice You are a vegetarian Do you think you may be at risk for IRON deficiency?_____NO____________________ 7 Pregnancy Preparedness (Women Only): __19__ / 21 Are you nutritionally ready for pregnancy? Score each question as shown. A score of 21 is perfect; scores below 3 per question identify areas that need improvement. 1. My a. b. c. d. body weight is desirable for my height, according to most standards. right on target (3 points) within 10% (2 points) 10% to 20% above (1 point) more than 20% above or 20% below (0 points) 2. I drink milk or use milk substitutes every day: a. equivalent of 3 cups or more a day (3 points) b. about 2 cups a day (2 points) c. about 1 cup a day (1 point) d. no milk or milk substitutes (0 points) 3. I eat vegetables daily. a. five servings a day (3 points) b. four servings a day (2 points) c. three servings a day (1 point) d. two or fewer servings a day (0 points) 4. I eat fruits daily: a. four servings a day (3 points) b. three servings a day (2 points) c. two servings a day (1 point) d. one or fewer servings a day (0 points) 5. I eat folate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, orange juice, cantaloupe, legumes, and fortified grain products daily: a. three to four servings or enough to provide 400mcg daily (3 points) b. two to three servings or enough to meet half the current DRI (1 point) c. one or fewer servings or less than half the current DRI (0 points) 6. I eat iron-rich foods such as meats or legumes daily: a. two servings or enough to meet the recommended intake (15 mg non-pregnant) (3 points) b. one serving or enough to meet about half the recommended intake (1 point) c. Less than one serving or less than half the recommended intake (0 points) 7. I am physically fit because I have a well-established habit of exercising daily or every other day, and I will be able to continue exercising during pregnancy: a. I am as fit as I can be (3 points) b. I am fairly fit (2 points) c. I am not fit (0 points) NOTE: If you do not meet these “standards”, please know that plenty of women have successful pregnancies that do not meet the criteria. However, risk is reduced considerably when most of the criteria are met. 8 LIST YOUR TOP FIVE PRIORITY GOALS FOR CHANGE 1. I would like to consume more calories from vitamin rich sources 2. I would like to lose 5 pounds 3. I would like to consume a better balance of vitamins and minerals 4. I would like to consume more fatty-acids 5. I would like to get to the gym more