Each quarter I have learned something new in my senior English class


Austin Bailey

2 nd Period

What I learned in the 3 rd


Each quarter I have learned something new in my senior English class. During the third quarter of this class, I have learned the importance of, and how write, a research paper. I used to view this topic as very boring and of no value to me. I was wrong on both counts. My opinion of research papers has changed because of this class.

College is right around the corner for me. I realize how just how essential my knowledge of writing research papers is tied into the success I will achieve in my college classes. It is vital for me to master this skill in order for me to achieve top grades in college.

I have learned the first skill in writing a research paper is gathering information.

This class has taught me how to find the information from the internet, magazines, and other types of media. I understand how important it is to “tie” this information together and form a paper. When I can do this right, I give my paper purpose and accountability.

It’s also important to give credit to the author or source from where the information came from. I was taught how to write a bibliography. The information used in my research paper must be properly credited. It’s interesting to note that if you claim someone else’s writing as your own, you could be guilty of plagiarism. This is not good.

I was not thrilled when I learned we would be spending time learning the skill of writing a good research paper. However, now as I look back on this quarter and the skills

I have acquired, I see the purpose.

This new talent and ability to write a good research has taught me how to learn from research and to become a better person. It will also help me be a successful college student. Thank-you Mr. Pitcher!
