ACADEMIC INTERVENTION EXHIBIT MANHASSET HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC INTERVENTION - INDIVIDUAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN STUDENT’S NAME ______________________________________________ DATE OF THIS PLAN________________ FOR: QUARTER ____________ STUDENT PROGRESS TO BE REVIEWED AT END OF QUARTER ______ NAME OF COUNSELOR___________________________________________ ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN (all elements which are checked apply) 1. Copy of report card sent to parents, teachers, advisors and coaches listed below: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 2. Attendance at various extra-help opportunities listed below: Math Lab___________ Science Resource Center___ Writing Center___ Foreign Lang. Lab____ Teacher Extra Help _______ Other __________ 3. Weekly progress reports Each week (on Friday) it shall be the responsibility of the student to have each teacher of any failing course indicate progress or lack thereof on a weekly progress sheet. This sheet must be presented to the parent. Parents are encouraged to provide rewards or consequences based upon the nature of the report. 4. Intervention by school social worker (described below): ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. 5. Corrective and/or supportive actions by the coach/advisor (described below) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. 6. Other interventions (described below) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature